
101 in 1001 (the ultimate to do list)

Hi friends! Since I started blogging I’ve been reading other people’s blogs like crazy. I really like to go back through older posts and read through them to see how they’ve gotten to where they are today. This helps me learn things to do to grow my own blog. I’ve found on a lot of people’s blogs from a long time ago a list – 101 things to do in 1001 days and I felt really inspired to do one myself. This actually took way longer than I would have though to write, I started it yesterday. So without further ado… here’s my 101 in 1001 list 🙂

Start Date: August 18, 2015

End Date: May 15, 2018

         F A I T H

  1. Get involved in a community group
  2. Serve on a team at church
  3. Make Christian friends
  4. Read through all books of the bible (1/66)
  5. Read 15 Christian books (0/15)
  6. Get into a habit of praying for Tommy every day
  7. Go on a missions trip
  8. Invite someone new to church
  9. Pray out loud in front of others/someone else

    R E L A T I O N S H I P

  10. Get engaged
  11. Get married
  12. Surprise Tommy with a weekend getaway trip
  13. Go on at least 2 dates a month (0/34)
  14. Go on a date to the drive-in movies
  15. Attend a country concert together
  16. Attend pre-marital counseling
  17. Go pumpkin/apple picking
  18. Go ice-skating
  19. Go to the Bronx zoo
  20. Go to an aquarium
  21. Take a trip to Maryland
  22. Go white-water rafting
  23. Watch all the Lord of the Rings movies with Tommy (0/3)
  24. Cut down a Christmas tree together
  25. Bring Tommy breakfast in bed

    T R A V E L

  26. Visit 3 countries (0/3)
  27. Take a trip to Wildwood
  28. Visit the Bahamas
  29. Visit the Punta Cana
  30. Take a trip to Hawaii
  31. Visit a state I’ve never been to
  32. Go camping for a weekend
  33. Visit my grandparents in Florida
  34. Go on a road trip

    F I N A N C E S / C A R E E R

  35. Save at least 100 dollars each month (0/34)
  36. Create a budget for Tommy and I once we’re married and follow it
  37. Create an emergency fund
  38. Create a retirement fund
  39. Find a new job/establish a career
  40. Pay off at least half of my school loans

    H O B B I E S

  41. Crochet two blankets for the twins (0/2)
  42. Create 15 DIY projects (0/15)
  43. Read 25 books (0/25)
  44. Reread the Harry Potter series (0/7)
  45. Learn how to use a professional camera
  46. Buy a professional camera
  47. Complete 2 puzzles (0/2)
  48. Learn how to knit
  49. Learn to ride well enough to buy a new dirt bike
  50. Get up on the wakeboard

    B L O G G I N G

  51. Learn how to create a layout
  52. Get 1000 followers
  53. Learn how to make money blogging
  54. Increase posts to at least 2-3 a week
  55. Attend a blog conference
  56. Make three blogging friends (0/3)
  57. Take a blogging course
  58. Comment on 50 different blogs (0/50)
  59. Write a blog post every day for a month

    F I T N E S S / N U T R I T I O N

  60. Make a meal plan and follow it for a month
  61. Make a habit of working out at least 3 times a week
  62. Do cardio at least twice a week
  63. Do weight training once a week
  64. Cut out sugar completely from my diet for a month
  65. Cut out processed food completely from my diet for a month
  66. Do a color run
  67. Get in the habit of drinking at least a liter of water a day
  68. Perfect making my own sauce
  69. Learn how to cook meat well
  70. Take a cooking course
  71. Take a hot yoga class
  72. Exercise every morning before work for one week
  73. Increase amount of vegetables eaten daily

    M I S C E L L A N E O U S

  74. Host a holiday party
  75. Finish Friday Night Lights all the way through for a second time
  76. Re-watch Gossip Girl
  77. Be in a bridal party
  78. Save a deposit for a house
  79. Make homemade ice cream
  80. Buy a new bed
  81. Send out Christmas cards (0/2)
  82. Write 3 people handwritten notes (0/3)
  83. Make pizzelles
  84. Get nails down once a month for 6 months (0/6)

    P E R S O N A L  G R O W T H / K I N D E S S

  85. Pay for 10 peoples drinks behind me at Starbucks (0/10)
  86. Learn how to change a tire
  87. Take a social media break for a week
  88. Send a care package
  89. Whiten my teeth
  90. Take a photography class
  91. Floss every day for a month
  92. Start writing a book
  93. Write a list of 101 things that make me happy

    A D V E N T U R E

  94. Ride a street bike
  95. Go to 10 new coffee shops (0/10)
  96. Go paddle boarding
  97. Learn how to change the oil in my car
  98. Go to a Broadway show
  99. Take a weekend trip with one of my girl friends
  100. Hike 5 new trials (0/5)
  101. Try snowboarding

So there yah have it, I’m super excited to see how many I can complete. How bout you guys? Does anyone have a list like this? Send me a link, I thought it was really fun reading other people’s and would love to check it out 🙂