Size of the Baby: At 24 weeks he was the size of a cantaloupe – about 11.8 inches and 1.3 pounds!
Total Weight Gain: 13 pounds! I’m really starting to feel it too. It feels much harder to move around.
Gender: A sweet baby boy!
Symptoms: For week 23, I had a lot of stomach issues. I think it was indigestion and it lasted all week. I had taken so many Tums that week but it eventually cleared up. I also was super tired in the beginning of this week too. I went to bed at 8 pm one night, which is unheard of for me! I also took a few naps the following days. It could have been from the indigestion too because I wasn’t sleeping well at night because of it.
For week 24, I honestly didn’t have many symptoms. I did start waking up twice in the middle of the night to pee instead of just once. I somehow have not been more tired though, which is really nice. I have been pretty hungry lately too.
Stretch Marks: I don’t think so at least!
Maternity Clothes: Since I had to return my maternity jeans because they didn’t fit right, I still do not have any maternity clothes! I only really have one pair of pants that I can wear out haha. I really need to get myself a pair of maternity leggings and jeans though! My tops are still fitting for the most part so I’ll probably hold off on buying any maternity shirts. It’s a good thing I don’t leave the house much. 😉
Cravings: I did have a random craving for a brown sugar toaster strudel one night haha! I haven’t had toaster strudels in like 10 years, it was so random. I seem to only want random things super late at night and the cravings usually go away very quickly. Actually, besides chocolate or something sweet after dinner – I seem to crave that every day. 😉
Movements: Baby Zin has started moving so much more lately. One night I woke up around 3:30 am and felt him moving around like crazy and I felt so connected to him. It was such a cool experience.
Nursery: We did end up finishing the shiplap and painting this week. I can’t wait to show you guys what we’re working on this week in my 25 week bumpdate!
Tommy is: trying to keep up with my crazy nesting urges. They seemed to have really kicked in these past two weeks because I realized just how quickly time is flying by! I have so many projects I want to get done before the baby is here and I have this fear that the baby is going to come early so I want to get them done ASAP. Tommy is essential to all of these projects too and is trying to keep up with them.
Looking forward to: going to my new doctors. I actually ended up switching doctor’s offices this week. I don’t actually go and see my new doctor until week 26 though. It’s not that I didn’t like my other doctor, but when I went to the gyno I actually saw his nurse practitioner. When I got pregnant, I got switched to him instead because the nurse practitioner obviously doesn’t deliver babies and I’ve never been too fond of having a male gyno/ob. Honestly not for any specific reason but I just would feel more comfortable with a female so I decided to finally switch to one before it was too late.
Best Moments: Feeling baby move more and finishing painting and the shiplap!