Size of the Baby: At 28 weeks baby was the size of an eggplant – 14.8 inches and 2.2 pounds!
Total Weight Gain: I am officially up 20 pounds but honestly I’m still feeling pretty good about it. The weight gain has been about a pound a week and has seemed to gone mostly just to my belly. I do get more tired more easily with the extra weight but that’s to be expected.
Gender: A baby boy! I’m still debating on sharing his name or not but we definitely have one picked!
Symptoms: Heel and foot pain has got to be the most prominent symptom so far. My heels actually go numb a lot of the time if I’m on them too much. Tommy gave me the best foot massage though which helped A LOT.
I haven’t been sleeping that well. I wake up 2-3 times a night to pee and sometimes don’t go back to sleep for about an hour. It isn’t too bad though. I have a little bit of calf cramping in the middle of the night if I’m on my feet a lot, but that isn’t too bad either. Nothing to complain about and for that I am so thankful!
I also have definitely been getting a lot more emotional lately. I know that the 3rd trimester brings with it more hormonal changes and I think that’s what is to blame. I was also very stressed these past two weeks because I really wanted to get all the painting done and it was a lot of work.
Oh and I’ve also been having braxton hicks contractions every once in a while. I definitely get them more if I’m too active and don’t rest enough so I’ve been trying to be more careful about that.
Workouts: Nope but honestly I don’t really feel bad because I’ve been pretty decently active throughout the day.
Cravings: Still having chocolate every single night after dinner and still loving it.
Doctor’s Appointments: I’m officially in the part of pregnancy where I’m going to the doctor every two weeks. I did my gestational diabetes test at my last appointment and passed! Woohoo!
Nursery: We have gotten a ton of stuff done in the nursery and I’m so happy about it. I can’t wait to show you guys but I decided to wait until it’s all setup and just do a nursery tour rather than include anymore pictures in the bumpdates.
Tommy is: working up a storm to help get the house in order for baby and getting so excited to meet our little babe.
Looking forward to: our little getaway this weekend!
Best Moments: Finishing painting finally and getting some things for the nursery!