• Life,  Pregnancy

    Life Lately

    Hey guys! I wanted to drop by today and share just a little bit about what’s been going on in my life lately. It has been such a whirlwind since finding out I’m pregnant. I’ve always wanted to be one of those bloggers who almost always blogs consistently no matter what is going on in their life, but honestly that just isn’t me. I want to get better about blogging when things get crazy but I’m also learning to give myself grace when that doesn’t happen.

    What have we been up to?

    Pregnancy has completely rocked my world. And honestly I would describe my pregnancy as relatively easy and everything has gone as smooth as smooth goes. I am so very thankful for this and consider it a huge blessing from God. But can I be honest with you guys? The pregnancy was a complete surprise to us! It was a great surprise but a HUGE surprise nonetheless. It also came at a time where we were adjusting to living with my mom and family and it was just hard to find my footing in all of the newness.

    I can honestly say that I am just now after 3 months of getting used to the idea of having a baby that it is starting to feel real. I’ve had a really hard time I guess believing that this was all really happening. Pregnancy also flips your world upside down because you just don’t feel like yourself for such a long time. I am just now starting to feel “normal”.

    It helps a lot that we finally are almost completely settled into our new place. It’s been such a great thing to finally have our own space again and has honestly been so life-giving for me and I think Tommy too. I have a little bit more unpacking to do and also need to get things hung on the walls, but it’s almost there.

    What is my blogging schedule going to look like?

    I’m not sure exactly how blogging is going to go going forward but I definitely want to start writing and showing up here more often. Even if this place only becomes a place to document our life I’ve decided to just be okay with that. I love being able to look back into years ago and see how our life was when we were just dating – it’s so special! I fully plan to keep this place going and even more so once the baby comes. I know I’ll just have to get even better at prioritizing it though because I’m about to have so much less time but that’s okay!

    What does the next month look life for us?

    I am super excited for August! We are going on vacation in about two weeks and I can’t wait. We are going to the beach for 5 days and it’s going to be so great. We also have our anatomy scan on the 21st and I still haven’t figured out exactly how we are going to be finding out the gender but just know that we definitely are. I’m so excited to finally know and to start working on the nursery!

    So that’s really all we’ve been up to lately. Getting used to the idea of having a baby and moving. I’m glad to (hopefully) be back more often. Thanks for sticking around and celebrating with us. 🙂


  • Baby,  Pregnancy

    Baby Zin: 15 Week Bumpdate

    Hi friends! I promise I’m going to really try to post more things on the blog besides just bumpdates but this past week really got away from me! I don’t have a bump shot exactly but I have already taken my 16 week one and can’t wait to share that with you guys next week. Not too much has changed over the course of a week but there are a few things to update you on so here goes. 🙂

    Size of the Baby: An orange – about 4 inches

    Total Weight Gain: about 3-4 pounds depending on when I weigh myself

    Gender: Our anatomy ultrasound is now less than a month away – on August 21st and I seriously cannot wait. Most days I think the baby is a girl though.

    Symptoms: Honestly this week was pretty awesome. After reading last weeks update I realized that I’m not peeing as often, which is nice haha. My stomach had a bit of an issue in the beginning of the week but seems to be back to normal now. Oh! Also the day I turned 15 weeks, I woke up and read the update on my pregnancy apps like I always do when the weeks change over and all my apps mentioned that bloody noses were a common symptom this week. Literally 5 mins later I got a bloody nose! It was so strange but I only had the one so that was good.

    Movement: I THINK I felt the baby move on the last day of this week! It was so subtle but it really felt like the baby pushed up on the outside of my belly. Every so often there’s a hard bulge where I’m pretty sure is the baby! It’s hard to tell but has been really cool still.

    Sleep: I’m happy to report sleep has been a lot better this week! I had a few nights where my body just really didn’t want me to sleep on my sides so I had to sleep on my back which was weird because I’ve been sleeping on my sides just fine before that. It thankfully seems to have passed though and I am back to sleeping on my sides. I’m actually really surprised with how well my body adjusted to this because in the beginning it was really hard. I also had 1 or 2 nights where I had a bit of insomnia, where I’d wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and couldn’t go back to sleep but that seems to be getting a lot better too.

    Missing: Nothing this week!

    Exercise: I haven’t started exercising yet. I’ve been pretty tired a lot of days this week so that really deters me away from wanting to exercise. I fully intend to start next week though.

    Tommy is: so supportive. He’s been running to the food store for me all week picking up dinner and different cravings I’ve been having. He’s so great.

    Looking Forward To: Feeling the baby move for sure!

    Best Moments: Feeling a lot more normal and getting to enjoy coffee again!


  • Baby,  Pregnancy

    Baby Zin: 14 Week Bumpdate

    Hi friends. Even though I forgot to take a belly shot this week I thought I’d still share with you what has been going on since entering the 2nd trimester.

    Size of the baby: Lemon – about 3 1/2 inches long!

    Total Weight Gain: About 2-3 pounds

    Gender: We will be finding out on August 21st! I can’t wait!

    Maternity Clothes: I really need to get myself some new pants. I tried to find a pair of maternity shorts for the summer but my bump is so small and I’m already petite to begin with so they were all too big on me. I’m at a loss at what to wear because everything is getting too tight but I’m worried I’m not going to be able to find maternity clothes that fit me yet!

    Sleep: Oh gosh, sleep. Sleep is either a hit or miss for me. I always wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and sometimes I can’t go back to sleep for another hour or two. Those days are always the worst but other than that it’s been okay. I’m adjusting to sleeping on my sides and back, which is not fun.

    Missing: Hmm I don’t really drink to begin with so I’m definitely not missing alcohol or anything. I do miss being able to stomach coffee as much as I used to. I’m just not in the mood for it like I used to be. It actually hurts my stomach a lot of the time now too. Womp Womp. Actually the one thing I really do miss is being able to eat my meat red. I love burgers and steaks medium-rare so I’m really missing that lately.

    Craving: I’m going to have to start writing these down. I’d say this week I craved chips with queso a lot.

    Symptoms: Peeing a lot lol. A growing appetite. Lower back pain when laying on my back. Upset stomach sometimes.

    Exercise: I haven’t mentioned this on the blog yet but we finally moved into our new apartment so I’ve been keeping very busy unpacking everything so it’s been like a workout every day. After I’m done unpacking I’m planning on starting to do some YouTube prenatal workouts like prenatal yoga or something like that.

    Tommy is: Getting more and more excited about the baby as time goes on.

    Looking Forward To: Our beach vacation/babymoon next month and finding out the gender!!

    Best Moments: Definitely moving into our new apartment and visiting my cousin and his kids in Maryland. His kids are 7 and 4 and they made both Tommy and I even more excited for the baby. It was so fun playing with them all weekend.


  • Baby,  Pregnancy

    First Trimester Recap

    I want to be honest with you guys and say that I’ve wanted to write this post for a while now but it seems really impossible to try to recap the last three months all into one blog post. I feel like I probably am going to forget things that I want to include but I’m going to do my best!

    I just started my second trimester on Saturday so this is recapping weeks 5-13.

    I already included how we found out and how I told my husband in my last post, Frequently Asked Questions so check that out if you missed it and want to know the answers to those questions. This test above was actually the second test I took. After taking the first one we wanted to check again just to be sure and sure enough we got this “YES” from our second as well!


    Hmm this has been the hardest one to put into words. We found out I was pregnant exactly at our 5 week mark. For that next week I felt mostly fine. I was super tired and started not wanting coffee but other than that I was okay. Once I hit 6 weeks I wouldn’t say I really had much nausea but it’s really hard to explain how I was feeling. I had strong food aversions and just a general upset stomach for the most part. I drank ginger ale daily until probably about 8-9 weeks, which actually helped a ton.

    My biggest and most prominent symptom though was fatigue. All I ever had the energy to do was lay in bed all day. I rarely ever did anything productive and it was a rough adjustment. The good thing was that we were staying with my mom so there wasn’t as much to be done as if we still were living in our old apartment.

    Honestly other than that though the first trimester wasn’t too eventful for me. I always considered myself lucky because I knew that there were other women who were throwing up multiple times a day. I was just so happy not to be one of them. I did throw up once though around week 10 or 11. It was late at night and I think my dinner just didn’t sit right in my stomach. But like I said other than that it wasn’t too bad!

    Food Aversions:

    I really never wanted to eat meat especially chicken. There was actually chicken in the dinner that I ended up throwing up too funny enough. Every once in a while I could stomach some ground beef or steak but it usually had to be mixed with other things like tacos or something like that. I also really didn’t want coffee and barely drank it at all in my first trimester. I probably had about 5 cups total. This was the strangest thing to me because I am a die-hard coffee fan. It has been weird not craving it as usual.


    Everything carbs. I basically survived off of pasta. I already love pasta to begin with but oh my, pasta has been (and still is) my BFF the past couple of months. I also really loved mashed potatoes and really any kind of chips. Oh and of course french fries.


    My sleep has been rough ever since finding out. It’s been so hard to get comfortable, which I know is only going to get worse and worse as the weeks go by. I also have been having I guess some form of insomnia where I’ll wake up in the middle of the night either because I have to pee or just because and not be able to go back to sleep for an hour or two. That’s been pretty rough but it could also be worse so I’m not complaining!

    Weight Gain: 

    So far I’ve only gained about 2 pounds.

    Doctors Appointments: 

    We actually have had 3 ultrasounds already since we opted for the Nuchal Translucency test as well and it’s been so fun to have seen the baby so much already. We unfortunately won’t see the baby until week 20 (when we find out the gender!) and then maybe not again until the baby is born. The doctors appointments have gone really smoothly though and everything seems to be progressing just as it should. Thank God for a healthy babe!

    That’s really it! Those are the main things at least. Let me know if you have any more questions, I’d love to answer them. And just for fun, I’m going to include my first bump shot at 6 weeks even though there is absolutely nothing to see it in!

    I am planning on doing these update about once a week. I’d really love to do them every Monday since my weeks turn over on Saturdays but I’m a little worried I won’t have anything new to say each week so it might end up being every other week, but we’ll see! Thanks for following along on this exciting journey with us!

  • Baby,  Pregnancy

    Baby Zin – Frequently Asked Questions

    Hi friends! Thank you so much or all the love and support from my post on Monday! I’m so excited to finally be able to talk about my pregnancy and all things related on the blog. It’s been so so hard to find things to write about because all I want to talk about is the biggest thing that’s going on in our life. So today I thought I’d share a little bit more about just that – Baby Zin!

    How far along are you?

    I am 13 weeks, 4 days today.

    How are you feeling?

    Not too bad! Mostly just really tired. The first couple of months were a little but worse. I didn’t have morning sickness per say but I definitely didn’t feel that great either. I had food aversions like crazy too. I’m planning on doing a first trimester recap soon so I will include more details in that.

    When did you find out?

    May 6th. It was the first weekend that we had moved into my mom’s house so I was panicking that I was going to be throwing up and feeling awful and not even have my own space to do it in. Thankfully I only got sick once and got through just fine.

    How did you find out?

    I was feeling so very strange that morning. Tommy and I were getting ready to go out for breakfast and I was SO TIRED, with no reason to be as exhausted as I was. I was also really crampy but not period crampy, which really confused me because my period was due to come. I could not stop thinking about being pregnant so I took a test so I could “stop thinking about it” and SURPRISE I was pregnant.

    How did you tell Tommy?

    I ran down the hall after seeing the positive and looked at him in shock and said, “It says I’m pregnant! I’m not kidding! Oh my god!”

    Were you trying?

    If you couldn’t tell by my reaction to Tommy, no haha. But we weren’t actively preventing either. Baby was a happy surprise.

    Are you going to find out the gender?

    YES. I cannot wait to find out next month. Our anatomy scan is on August 21st and I’m planning on having a little gender reveal party just with close friends and family either that day or very soon after. I cannot wait.

    Do you have any gender preferences?

    Honestly before I got pregnant I only wanted boys. As soon as I became pregnant I literally didn’t care if the baby is a boy or girl. Tommy and I want at least one of each so we really don’t care which comes first.

    Are you going to work or be a SAHM?

    I am going to stay at home with baby. I am so very thankful that I have this opportunity. I know that a lot of people have the desire to be a SAHM but aren’t able to so I don’t take this lightly. I have always wanted to be a SAHM too so I am very excited.

    So that’s just a little but about what’s been going on. Like I mentioned before I’m planning on doing a First Trimester Recap soon also. Let me know if you have any other questions too! Thanks for following along on this fun journey with us.

  • Baby

    Baby Zin Coming Soon!

    Baby Zinhobl Due January 6th, 2018

    “Every good and perfect gift comes from above…” – James 1:17

    Happily sharing the news with you all that we are having a baby! It’s so great to finally be able to explain why I’ve been MIA the past couple of months. We are so excited for this adventure ahead and I can’t wait to share it with you all as well! I have more baby related posts coming later in the week so keep your eye out for those for more information about our little miracle!