Okay, I may or may not have had Baby Zin 2 already. 😉 See this post if you want a sneak peak, but I want to share the end of my pregnancy before sharing my birth story. But spoiler alert, we are all doing so well!
I’m going to be sharing the end of my pregnancy updates today and tomorrow and then hopefully soon I will be able to get a post up of Riley’s birth story and an update on how we are all doing now.

Size of the baby: At 29 weeks baby was the size of an acorn squash – 2.5 pounds and 15.2 inches. And at 35 weeks baby was the size of a pineapple – 5.3 pounds and 18.2 inches.
Total weight gain: 29 pounds
Sleep: At week 30 I was having a hard time sleeping and waking up a lot during the night. I was needing to take a lot of naps that week to make up for lack of sleep at night. At 31 weeks I was starting to feel the toll of the extra weight and needed to take more breaks in between trying to get things done.

Best moment this month: Getting the house ready for the baby. We made a lot of progress this month and it feels so good. We took out an outside door that was in our bedroom and put in a window. We also opened up Shane’s closet to make room for a dresser in his room. Everything is really coming along!
29 weeks: Started having some acid indigestion but it only last a day or two.
30 weeks: Started feeling really big, a little swollen, belly feels huge and up higher than it was with Shane. Belly makes it harder to breathe. Feeling so overwhelmed with how much we need to get done before the baby comes with no help because of the pandemic.
31 weeks: Feeling my belly is very big and heavy. Super emotional this week. Been resting a lot on the weekends in between getting things done. Basically been out of commission for one day a week or so.
33 weeks: Still feeling pretty big but am able to move around a bit more easily. Belly doesn’t feel quite as big and stretched (although it is still very big). Had a doctor’s appointment this week where they checked me for COVID antibodies but it came back negative.
34 weeks: Feeling kind of crampy and uncomfortable in the mornings. Feeling super tired towards the end of the week. Not really able to get stuff done too much.
Moral of this month: Feeling large, tired, and wanting to get things done despite those symptoms. 🤣