• Baby,  Pregnancy

    Baby Zin: 35 + 36 Week Bumpdate

    Hi friends! Even though my picture might be technically 37 weeks, I’m here to update you on weeks 35 and 36 of this pregnancy. I cannot believe he will be here so soon. I CANNOT wait.

    Size of the Baby: At 36 weeks he was the size of a papaya – about 5.73 pounds and 18.7 inches.

    Total Weight Gain: Up exactly 30 pounds as of week 36!

    Symptoms: A definite increase in discharge. (TMI I know.) Also an increase in Braxton hicks contractions. I also get this feeling where it feels like my bladder is being pinched while I’m standing, I’m guessing from all the pressure, and that isn’t a nice feeling at all lol. My appetite picked up again around 36 weeks. Some days I feel ravenous, while others I’m okay eating just about as much as I was before I was pregnant it seems.

    Doctors Appointments: Starting at 36 weeks, I am now going to the doctor once a week! The way my doctor’s office works is they check to see if you are dilated each week when you come in. I know some people don’t like doing this because it technically doesn’t mean anything, but I really enjoy knowing if I’m dilated at all. At my 36 week appointment, my doctor’s words were “Not much going on there. Maybe a fingertip”. So I’m still excited that I’m just slightly dilated at all. I’m excited to be checked again this Wednesday and see if anything has changed.

    She also measured my fundal height, like they do at every appointment. I actually could feel that she did it differently than the other doctors I’ve been to before her (there are 4 in the office and this was the first time I was seeing this specific doctor). She sent me for a growth scan because my fundal height was 2 cm behind. To be honest with you, I really didn’t feel it was necessary, I’ve heard 2 cm is nothing to be behind and I could just feel she had measured me differently like I mentioned before, but I went anyway. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself just in case there was something wrong and I chose not to go.

    I went to the ultrasound yesterday and everything went well. Baby boy is measuring about 6 pounds 4 ounces and is in the 25th percentile! She said if I went another 2 weeks that he would be around 7 pounds when he was born.

    Movement: He really likes to throw me for a loop when it comes to movement. He has some days where he moves a ton during the day, then he has others where he doesn’t move too much at all. I also like the days when he’s moving a ton so I don’t have to worry. On the days where he doesn’t move a lot, if I eat or drink something sweet he always reacts to it so I don’t get too worried. It would be nice if he moved around a lot more on those days though so I don’t have to worry at all lol. I’m wondering if this means he’s going to be a pretty chill baby because I hear some babies move constantly in the womb and baby boy definitely is not one of those babies haha.

    Stretch Marks: Nope, still none so far! Everybody keeps telling me I’m so small for how far along I am though so maybe that’s why? I’m also still faithfully putting on my belly butter, which keeps my skin so soft.

    Nursery: Like I mentioned in my last update, we were very close to being done with the nursery. I am so excited to say we are done! I did buy a pattern to make a mobile, but honestly am not sure if that will get done before he is born. That’s okay though. I think I’m going to try to take pictures and share his nursery this week. I love it so much!

    Tommy is: excited to become a dad and feeling the weight of the responsibility that is very closely before us.

    Best Moments: When I was 35 weeks we went over to my in-laws for dinner and spent a lot of time talking about the baby. It was so much fun and everyone seems so excited for him to be here soon. Tommy’s brother and his wife had a fetal doppler and they suggested we try to get the baby’s heartbeat on it so we could all hear. Tommy used it and found the baby’s heartbeat and it was so much fun!

    Looking Forward To: Christmas! I would absolutely love for baby to be born before Christmas and for us to make it home from the hospital for Christmas but only if he’s ready of course. I’m not holding my breath for it but it would be so great. 🙂

  • Baby,  Pregnancy

    Baby Zin: 31-34 Week Bumpdate

    Hi friends. I am finally getting around to posting about my last 4 weeks of pregnancy! Thanks for all of the encouragement and for being patient with me. 🙂 It’s actually been harder to document the symptoms the further I get because they all kind of stay the same.

    Size of the Baby: At 34 weeks baby is the size of a Butternut Squash – about 17.7 inches and 4.63 pounds! I can’t believe how big he’s getting.

    Total Weight Gain: At my doctor’s appointment I weighed in at 130 – up 27 pounds. I’m still feeling really good about my weight gain. It’s really only going to my belly/hip area, which I am pretty happy about haha. I’m also happy because it’s been very gradual and not too uncomfortable.

    Gender: Still a sweet baby boy! 🙂

    Symptoms: Oh this is a fun one! I noticed I started getting a linea nigra at 31 weeks! I was so surprised because on my baby bump apps they said that you might start getting it at something like 14 weeks and I hadn’t noticed anything until 31 weeks so I thought that the time for that had passed. It’s still super light but it’s definitely there!

    I noticed around that same time that I started getting a lot more emotional as well and that still continues on until today for the most part. It’s nothing compared to the first trimester but since I’m also getting a lot more tired more easily, that mixed with so many changes so soon, sometimes I get a bit emotional. But that’s to be expected haha.

    I have been having Braxton hicks contractions as well. I usually get them most at night and they usually happen the most when I haven’t drank enough water that day. They aren’t anything to worry about though. I also noticed that if I don’t drink enough water, I wake up so much more overnight to drink water. It’s super interesting.

    I also get some indigestion every once in a while. It depends on what I’m eating and I’m starting to learn which foods cause it more than others. For some reason, I can’t really eat oatmeal. Oatmeal seems to give me the worst indigestion oddly enough. Frozen pizza also causes it (but not ordered pizza?) but that doesn’t stop me from eating it of course. 😉

    Movement: Baby is still moving around like usual, which is great. He will have some more active days than others but if I ever get worried that I haven’t felt him in a while if I drink something sweet and lay on my side he always wakes right up.

    Stretch Marks: Still none thankfully. I’ve been using Burt’s Bees Mama Belly Butter every night and it makes my skin so moisturized and soft. I still have 6 more weeks to go though so we will see!

    Nursery: When I was 31 weeks (right before our baby shower) we redid his closet to have better storage. The picture below was my inspiration. I can’t wait to show you guys how it came out. I love it.


    Also, we are just about done with his nursery! I just ordered a little nightstand for next to the glider, which should be here late this week/early next week. Once all of the finishing touches are put on, I will definitely be doing a nursery tour post and also a name reveal! 🙂 His name is up on the wall and our friends and families know his name so I might as well share with my blogging friends as well. I’m super excited for that post.

    Tommy is: Working hard and extra saving up money for the baby. Also working hard at home trying to get the house baby ready! He’s the greatest. 🙂

    Best Moments: We took a childbirth class and the hospital tour over the course of these 4 weeks. I loved them both. I became more empowered during the childbirth class that my body is able to do this and I don’t need to be afraid. We learned some helpful tips and positions and I’m really glad we went.

    The hospital tour was equally exciting because it really helped me feel prepared. I usually get anxiety when I don’t know what to expect in a situation so being about to see exactly where we have to go and the room where I will give birth in helped calm me down a lot. It also made it a lot more real.

    Looking Forward To: Just being that much more closer to meeting our sweet baby. I dream about him every night and I cannot wait until he’s here!

  • Baby,  Pregnancy

    Baby Zin: 29 + 30 Week Bumpdate

    You guys. Today is exactly two months from my due date. Holy cow, how did this happen?? I’m so excited to meet our baby boy and it seems with each passing week things just seem more and more REAL. I’m also freaking out just a bit too because I’m actually going to have to birth this baby soon! Let’s see how the past two weeks have gone.

    Size of the Baby: At 30 weeks, baby was the size of a Zucchini – about 15.7 inches and 2.89 pounds!

    Total Weight Gain: Weight: 123 – up 20 pounds. It seems that the weight gain has finally started to level out and I did not gain anymore weight over these past two weeks. (Which is a relief because I was putting on weight very quickly over the past month or so. I think baby went through a growth spurt!)

    Symptoms: Still kind of the same old symptoms, which I’m not complaining about! Pregnancy insomnia. Muscle cramps in my calves. Feeling quite heavy.

    This isn’t a symptom but I did get a cold when I was 29 weeks. That wasn’t fun and I was sick for probably close to a week, but it wasn’t that bad. I managed to get by without taking any medicine and just rested a lot. I think this may have had to do with not gaining weight as well because I wasn’t eating quite as much as I would have been if I was feeling more normal.

    Movement: So far a few times this pregnancy so far it seems like the baby has turned himself sideways in my belly and then his kicks and punches get so much more intense. The weekend when I turned 30 weeks he did this and all weekend long I was feeling super crazy movements!

    Tommy is: really excited about becoming a dad! Also super glad that all of the painting is finally done in our apartment, haha.

    Best Moments: Tommy took me up to Lake George for a small little babymoon. It was a super nice relaxing weekend getaway. We may or may not have binge watched Stranger Things 2 while up there. 😉

    We also took Maternity Pictures this week as well! It was just a mini photo shoot that I actually got a great deal off of Groupon for. I honestly just wanted a couple special pictures from this time to remember it by, and I also wanted one really good one for our Christmas cards!

    Looking Forward To: Organizing all of the baby things we got from our baby shower! We had that yesterday (when I was actually 31 weeks) and we are so, so blessed by our friends and family. They went above and beyond for our little family and we got so many things that we needed. (I will probably do a whole post just about the baby shower in the near future.) Now just to organize and figure out what we still need! My fav!

  • Baby,  Pregnancy

    Baby Zin: 27 + 28 Week Bumpdate

    Hi friends. I’ve completely dropped the ball on blogging the past few weeks but I didn’t want to go too long without an update on Baby Zin. Things have been a bit crazy around here. We painted our entire apartment within the past three weeks and this week I caught a cold. Womp. But Tommy and I have a nice little weekend getaway planned for this weekend (last before baby!) so that should be a nice relaxing treat after being so incredibly busy for the last month or so. Let’s see how things have been going with the pregnancy though shall we?

    Size of the Baby: At 28 weeks baby was the size of an eggplant – 14.8 inches and 2.2 pounds!

    Total Weight Gain: I am officially up 20 pounds but honestly I’m still feeling pretty good about it. The weight gain has been about a pound a week and has seemed to gone mostly just to my belly. I do get more tired more easily with the extra weight but that’s to be expected.

    Gender: A baby boy! I’m still debating on sharing his name or not but we definitely have one picked!

    Symptoms: Heel and foot pain has got to be the most prominent symptom so far. My heels actually go numb a lot of the time if I’m on them too much. Tommy gave me the best foot massage though which helped A LOT.

    I haven’t been sleeping that well. I wake up 2-3 times a night to pee and sometimes don’t go back to sleep for about an hour. It isn’t too bad though. I have a little bit of calf cramping in the middle of the night if I’m on my feet a lot, but that isn’t too bad either. Nothing to complain about and for that I am so thankful!

    I also have definitely been getting a lot more emotional lately. I know that the 3rd trimester brings with it more hormonal changes and I think that’s what is to blame. I was also very stressed these past two weeks because I really wanted to get all the painting done and it was a lot of work.

    Oh and I’ve also been having braxton hicks contractions every once in a while. I definitely get them more if I’m too active and don’t rest enough so I’ve been trying to be more careful about that.

    Workouts: Nope but honestly I don’t really feel bad because I’ve been pretty decently active throughout the day.

    Cravings: Still having chocolate every single night after dinner and still loving it.

    Doctor’s Appointments: I’m officially in the part of pregnancy where I’m going to the doctor every two weeks. I did my gestational diabetes test at my last appointment and passed! Woohoo!

    Nursery: We have gotten a ton of stuff done in the nursery and I’m so happy about it. I can’t wait to show you guys but I decided to wait until it’s all setup and just do a nursery tour rather than include anymore pictures in the bumpdates.

    Tommy is: working up a storm to help get the house in order for baby and getting so excited to meet our little babe.

    Looking forward to: our little getaway this weekend!

    Best Moments: Finishing painting finally and getting some things for the nursery!


  • Baby,  Pregnancy

    Baby Zin: 25 + 26 Week Bumpdate

    Hi friends! I’ve been so busy lately and haven’t made much time to blog! 🙁 Tommy and I are currently in the process of getting the house all done and ready for the baby. When we moved in we knew we had to paint the entire house so that’s what we’ve been doing the past week or so. We also have been making process on the nursery as well. I can’t wait till everything is all finished and ready.

    Size of the Baby: At 26 weeks, he was the size of kale – about 14 inches long and 1.68 lbs!

    Total Weight Gain: 16-17 lbs! I’m still feeling good about it but I am hoping the weight gain will slow down a bit soon haha. I haven’t been eating a lot so we shall see.

    Gender: A sweet baby boy!

    Symptoms: Honestly this has been the hardest thing to track lately. I don’t really have many new symptoms. My feet have been hurting a lot more lately from walking around with so much extra weight. On the plus size, I think my leg muscles are growing because of it as well. 😉 That’s honestly the only symptom I can really think of and for that I am thankful!

    Stretch Marks: Nope! I’ve been using Burts Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter (affiliate link), and that seems to have worked so far.

    Workouts: I actually have started to do some prenatal workouts off of YouTube the past few weeks. I feel really good about them after I’m done too and they’re not too strenuous so that’s good. I’ve also been super active just moving around all day trying to get the house clean and ready for the baby.

    Cravings: The only craving that I get is that I have to have something sweet after dinner. I can go all day without anything sweet and I’m fine but before bed I NEED something sweet. Usually with milk too haha.

    Doctor’s Appointment: I switched doctor’s during my 26 week checkup. I mentioned in my last bumpdate that I wasn’t crazy about the idea of having a male OB/GYN. I’m so happy I made the switch and I really like the new doctor I saw last week.

    Nursery: We got and put together his crib and dresser! I really wanted to talk some nice pictures of them to add to this post but things have been a bit crazy with all of the painting going on. I will definitely include them in the next bumpdate though!

    Tommy is: helping out so much with all of the projects I want to get done. We had a ton of fun putting together the baby furniture (minus a few mishaps)!

    Looking forward to: having the house all painted! It’s been so much work and I can’t wait for it to be done!

    Best Moments: Definitely putting together the furniture and seeing a little crib in his room! I can’t wait until he’s here!



  • Baby,  Pregnancy

    Baby Zin: 23 + 24 Week Bumpdate

    Hi friends. As I mentioned in one of my last posts, I forgot to take a bump picture for week 23 so I just decided to combine weeks 23 and 24 together. I noticed this month is going so much slower than any of my others. I feel like the closer I get to my due date, the more that’s going to happen because I’m getting more and more excited. Let’s recap the past two weeks, shall we?

    Size of the Baby: At 24 weeks he was the size of a cantaloupe – about 11.8 inches and 1.3 pounds!

    Total Weight Gain: 13 pounds! I’m really starting to feel it too. It feels much harder to move around.

    Gender: A sweet baby boy!

    Symptoms: For week 23, I had a lot of stomach issues. I think it was indigestion and it lasted all week. I had taken so many Tums that week but it eventually cleared up. I also was super tired in the beginning of this week too. I went to bed at 8 pm one night, which is unheard of for me! I also took a few naps the following days. It could have been from the indigestion too because I wasn’t sleeping well at night because of it.

    For week 24, I honestly didn’t have many symptoms. I did start waking up twice in the middle of the night to pee instead of just once. I somehow have not been more tired though, which is really nice. I have been pretty hungry lately too.

    Stretch Marks: I don’t think so at least!

    Maternity Clothes: Since I had to return my maternity jeans because they didn’t fit right, I still do not have any maternity clothes! I only really have one pair of pants that I can wear out haha. I really need to get myself a pair of maternity leggings and jeans though! My tops are still fitting for the most part so I’ll probably hold off on buying any maternity shirts. It’s a good thing I don’t leave the house much. 😉

    Cravings: I did have a random craving for a brown sugar toaster strudel one night haha! I haven’t had toaster strudels in like 10 years, it was so random. I seem to only want random things super late at night and the cravings usually go away very quickly. Actually, besides chocolate or something sweet after dinner – I seem to crave that every day. 😉

    Movements: Baby Zin has started moving so much more lately. One night I woke up around 3:30 am and felt him moving around like crazy and I felt so connected to him. It was such a cool experience.

    Nursery: We did end up finishing the shiplap and painting this week. I can’t wait to show you guys what we’re working on this week in my 25 week bumpdate!

    Tommy is: trying to keep up with my crazy nesting urges. They seemed to have really kicked in these past two weeks because I realized just how quickly time is flying by! I have so many projects I want to get done before the baby is here and I have this fear that the baby is going to come early so I want to get them done ASAP. Tommy is essential to all of these projects too and is trying to keep up with them.

    Looking forward to: going to my new doctors. I actually ended up switching doctor’s offices this week. I don’t actually go and see my new doctor until week 26 though. It’s not that I didn’t like my other doctor, but when I went to the gyno I actually saw his nurse practitioner. When I got pregnant, I got switched to him instead because the nurse practitioner obviously doesn’t deliver babies and I’ve never been too fond of having a male gyno/ob. Honestly not for any specific reason but I just would feel more comfortable with a female so I decided to finally switch to one before it was too late.

    Best Moments: Feeling baby move more and finishing painting and the shiplap!