• Faith,  Life,  Self Care

    2019 Goals: Family + Personal

    I remember this time last year so well. I was two days away from my due date and my thoughts were very obviously consumed with this precious baby who was about to make me a mama. I had no room left to focus on goals or anything I wanted to accomplish in the new year. My only goal was to bring my baby into the world and to be the best mama I could be to him.

    Last year was a year of growth in so many ways. I did reached those goals, even though being the best mama I could be looked way different than I had ever dreamed. But that’s a story for another day.

    This year I feel much more ready to set some goals for the new year. I finally feel more settled into being a mama now that I’m a year into my new role. This year Tommy and I sat down and came up with some family goals to try to make sure we stay on the right path this year. We want to not waste the year and use the gifts that God has given us to serve him and others.

    I thought today would be a good day to sit down and share what we came up with. You know, to hold us accountable or something. 😉

    Our Family Goals

    • Read our Bibles/spend time with Jesus daily
    • Save money (for house + vacation)
    • Tommy pass the weld test by May
    • Start an Instagram teaching about God’s view of family
    • Be healthy (by eating + working out)
    • Grow our Etsy shop
    • Minister to our families by having monthly dinners at our home

    I also set a few personal goals that I’d like to focus on this year as well.

    My Personal Goals

    • Organize our house + get rid of unused/unneeded items
    • Have intentional time with Shane
    • Go on more dates with Tommy
    • Read more
    • Have one social media free weekend a month
    • Set social media limits
    • Read my Bible every day
    • Keep journaling
    • Keep praying for Shane using this book
    • Be more active

    Did you set 2019 goals or resolutions? I’d love to hear them if you did!

  • Baby,  Coffee Dates,  Faith

    Let’s Have Coffee | Vol. 13

    I thought it was time for another coffee date since the last one we’ve had was in September – long before I had Shane! Let’s jump right in and catch up, shall we?

    If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I know I keep mentioning how I want to share more about my breastfeeding journey and about Shane’s nursery and I promise that eventually that will happen. I’m just not sure when.

    If we were having coffee, I’d explain that I’m not sure when because these past two months have been the hardest of my life. For the longest time I couldn’t even admit that because I felt so guilty and like I should be saying that they have been the best of my life. And while I love my son with my whole heart, it doesn’t make the past two months any easier.

    If we were having coffee, I’d share that the past two months have been so hard because of breastfeeding. Like I’ve mentioned just a bit before, it has not gone well. Before I had Shane I thought that if I just tried my hardest and did what I had to do, I would be successful at breastfeeding. And while I have been fighting tooth and nail these past two months – they have NOT gone at all how I have wanted. I will talk more about this when I write about my breastfeeding journey.

    If we were having coffee, I’d also ask for you to pray for me because I know that the only one who can help with this hard time is God. I need peace and to be able to accept things as they are. I am even debating on going on medication to try to help with breastfeeding but don’t know if that’s the right choice, which is why I desperately need your prayers.

    If we were having coffee, I’d ask how you were doing. I’d apologize for not being a better friend lately and ask for you to forgive me. Life has been all-consuming lately and I’d tell you that I hope that changes soon so we could spend more time together.

    If we were having coffee, I’d mention that I don’t even recognize my own life. It’s crazy how much having a baby changes things. I’d also share that I never imagined how much I could love another person until I met my baby. And even though the last few months have been hard, I’m absolutely loving being a mom and can’t wait for all of the fun times ahead with our precious baby boy.

    Thanks for stopping by and spending your time with me! I hope to be able to spend more time here soon – but no promises! Taking care of a baby is A LOT of work (especially one who doesn’t like to sleep during the day. 😉)

  • Coffee Dates,  Faith,  Life,  Pregnancy

    Let’s Have Coffee | Vol. 11

    It has been way too long since I’ve sat down for a cup of coffee with you guys! In case you’re new here, I sit down and have a coffee date with my friends over at Erin’s blog. I’m a bit late to the link up this month but normally we meet every second Monday of each month. We just talk about whatever is on our hearts as if we were really having coffee together. We’d love for you to come join us!

    If we were having coffee, I would ask if you’ve heard the news that I’m pregnant! I haven’t joined in for coffee since announcing the news so I would have to catch up all up on that. It’s been a complete whirlwind since finding out in May, but we are so very excited for our little bundle of joy joining our family in January!

    If we were having coffee, I would admit that it’s hard for me to talk about anything other than the baby at this point. Our world is going to change so much and it’s so hard not to at least try to picture how our lives our going to look once baby is here. I’d also admit that it’s hard not talking about it because we are finding out the gender of our sweet babe this Monday!

    If we were having coffee, I would ask you what your favorite type of brewed coffee is for when you are drinking coffee at home. I’m always looking for new brands of coffee to try. I like to switch up what I drink so I don’t get too used to one type and then each cup really tastes great.

    If we were having coffee, I would let you know that I feel a bit lost since finding out I’m pregnant. There just have been so many changes this year. I started the year out as a stay-at-home wife, we moved out of our first apartment, and then found out that I was pregnant. I’m going to actually do a whole post about this soon but I’m trying to find my groove again with whether or not I’m going to still be pursuing blogging full-time. I’m still trying to work out exactly what all of this means for my life.

    If we were having coffee, I would explain that I am planning on working hard on my Etsy shop over the next few months. I have neglected it a lot lately. I plan on trying to stock it up as much as possible with new blankets, baby items, and home decor before baby comes. I also really want to collaborate with some bloggers within the coming months too so if that’s something you’d be interested in, please contact me!

    If we were having coffee, I’d ask how your spiritual life is lately. I feel like it’s so easy not to bring this up with friends but so very important. I would share that I’m starting to feel closer to God lately. I feel a bit lost in my relationship with him because my husband and I switched churches, then ended up switching back to our old church after moving back into town. We’ve also been so busy this summer that we have been missing a lot of church. This always affects my relationship with God as well. I’m really hoping with the start of fall we can really fall back into a consistent routine of not missing church anymore. I think that will be great for both of our walks with Jesus.

    Thanks for joining me for coffee! It was so great to have you. Before we go though, please tell me what else is new with you! I’d love to hear. 😋

  • Devotional,  Faith

    Who Are You Living For?

    Last Sunday at church, I heard one of the most transformative messages I’ve heard in a long time. I’ve been thinking about it all week and it has really changed the way I’ve lived this week. I knew right away that I wanted to share it with you guys. I’ve just been working on how to best put it into words. And if I’m being honest, I wanted to see if it actually “stuck” in my own life before telling you guys how great the message was. But it definitely has stuck and I find myself thinking about it at least a couple of times a day.

    The sermon was about worshipping and how we are commanded by God to worship him. My pastor explained how we are commanded to worship God, not out of obligation, but because God knows that it is for our good.

    He also explained how worshipping isn’t quite what we think it is sometimes. We think we are worshipping when we are singing to God, praying to Him, or just maybe even thinking about Him. My pastor explained how we are always worshipping something. Even though I knew this fact before, he explained it in such a different way that it really turned on a light for me.

    He explained that whenever we are doing something, we are always doing it for a reason. Sometimes I believe we don’t actually consciously think about who or why we are actually doing something, but if we stop and really dig deep we can figure out the reason behind the action.

    My pastor also explained how if we are doing anything that isn’t for God first, then we will eventually burn out or the thing will ultimately let us down because we were not meant to live for anything other than God. God has already shown that he lived for us, and in turn we are meant to live for him. It is the only thing that will truly satisfy our souls.

    So for me personally, I realized that I was living much more for my husband than I was for God. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to live for God but I kind of felt like my husband cared more for the things I was doing than God did. (How ridiculous.) I used to have maybe one or two productive days but then feel burnt out because I didn’t feel like what I was doing mattered. I knew that my husband appreciated my efforts around the house, but he couldn’t possibly notice and care for every little thing that I did and it left me feeling like what I was doing was pointless.

    After hearing that sermon, I repented of that and have been finding myself praying in the morning and asking God to show me how I can live for Him that day. Honestly, I usually end up doing the same thing that I would have been doing “for my husband” but instead I’m doing it for God first then my husband. So in the end I’m not upset or wondering what the point is when my husband doesn’t notice because I know that God has and He is proud of me.

    I hope that all of that makes sense. Living for God in all of my actions (or at least as many as I can) has changed everything. I don’t push myself to overdo it because I know that God cherishes me and wants me to work hard, but also wants me to rest. If you are interested in hearing the sermon I’m talking about I will link that here. My pastor did a lot better job at explaining this than I did. 😉


  • Coffee Dates,  Faith

    Let’s Have Coffee | Vol. 10

    I can’t believe I’ve been doing this linkup for 10 months! It’s my favorite linkup of the month that’s for sure! Let’s catch up this month over some coffee. 🙂

    If we were having coffee, I would share with you that I just love K cups and specifically the Starbucks Veranda blend ones. I had to take a bit of a break from coffee for the past few weeks and had my first real cup today and absolutely loved it. I also loved what it did for my energy levels as well, haha!

    If we were having coffee, I would share with you that ever since being back at home I have really missed going to our old church. I’m not positive if I mentioned it here (although I think I have) but my husband and I switched churches in the beginning of the year. It’s been a long drive to that church and ever since moving back home, I have really missed our old church. We decided to go back this past Sunday and aren’t sure yet about if we are permanently switching back but I’m thinking we might end up doing so.

    If we were having coffee, I would ask you how you are loving this weather. That is if you live anywhere near me. Here in New Jersey it has been in the 90’s (!) the past few days. I don’t hate it or love it to be honest but I’ll definitely take it over being cold that’s for sure!

    If we were having coffee, I’d let you know that I have been really slacking on my time with Jesus lately and it’s been really frustrating. I just cannot seem to find the motivation or energy to really sit down and have really good quality time with Him like I know I need. I actually carved out some time today and it was absolutely amazing. I really want to get back into my habit of drinking my coffee and reading my bible and journaling in the morning. I definitely need it.

    If we were having coffee, I’d ask what you’ve been up to lately. I’d really love to know so leave me a comment below! My husband and I have been going a bit stir crazy after moving into my mom’s house for a couple of months so we’ve been trying to get out on the weekends this month. It’s totally been working and this month feels so much better than last. We’ve taken a trip up to Lake George one weekend and two beach trips already! I’m super excited for more!

    If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m super excited about the vacation that we just booked last night. We are going to Wildwood (a NJ beach) in August for 5 nights and I can hardly wait! My husband and I absolutely love the beach and haven’t been on a vacation just the two of us since our honeymoon so it should be loads of fun!

    I must confess I didn’t think I had much to update you guys on and almost skipped out on this linkup again. I am so glad I didn’t! What else is new with you guys?! Today I’m linking up with Erin for our monthly coffee dates. Come join us!


  • Devotional,  Faith

    How Jesus Satisfies Bible Study: Week Four

    Hi friends. I cannot believe that this is the second to last week of this study. While sometimes it feels like I’ve been doing the study forever, part of me feels like I just started. It has definitely been an eye-opener and I have loved it so far. In this week of the study, we went over two of Jesus’s “I Am” statements. The two statements were, “I am the resurrection and the life” and “I am the way, the truth, and the life”.

    “I am the resurrection and the life.”

    During this section I was convicted that I sometimes do not really believe that Jesus gives me life. It reminded me that I still turn to other things of this world to give me enjoyment and life.

    The study also walked through disappointment in believing that God really hears our prayers. Sometimes when we are praying things for years and years without an answer we can get very discouraged in our walk with God.

    The study reminded me that it is important to not give up hope. It reminded me to look to the ways that Jesus has shown up and is with me and use that to encourage me that God hears my prayers.

    Some bible verses that help with this.

    • 1 John 5:14
    • Philippians 4:6-7
    • Isaiah 41:10

    I would encourage you if you are struggling with knowing if God really hears your prayers to look up those verses and pray about them. Confess to God that you may be struggling with some unbelief and ask him to help you with your unbelief. I hope it brings healing to your soul.

    “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”

    In this part of the study, the author broke down the definitions of the way, the truth, and the life. I want to share with you what she wrote. (These definitions are direction quotes.)

    WAY: a way, road, journey

    TRUTH: truth, but not merely truth as spoken; truth of idea, reality, sincerity, straightforwardness

    LIFE: life, both of physical (present) and of spiritual (particularly future) existence

    When I think of Jesus being these things for us it honestly comforts me. Jesus wants us to come to him for truth and direction and life. He is these things for us and what a relief that is. We do not have to search this world for truth because Jesus gives us truth.

    I hope you enjoyed learning about these two “I Am” statements from Jesus today. If you have been following along, link up with us below! I can’t wait to hear what you have learned this week.