• Devotional,Ā Ā Faith

    How Jesus Satisfies Bible Study: Week Three

    Hi friends! I had to skip a week due to life getting in the way but Iā€™m back this week sharing about what God is teaching me through our online bible study. This week was another awesome week. The study is about looking closer at Jesusā€™s ā€œI Amā€ statements. This week we studied his statements, ā€œI am the gate for the sheepā€ and ā€œI am the good shepherdā€.

    The first part of the study was about looking closer at sheep and shepherds. Sheep are notoriously prone to wandering, follow each other without thinking, and very stubborn. Itā€™s no wonder we are always compared to sheep in the bible.

    Good shepherds during the bibleā€™s time were very dedicated to their jobs. They would care for their sheep very well. They would risk their lives if it came down to it to protect their sheep. This really puts it into perspective when it comes to God calling himself our Good Shepherd. He literally laid down his life for us (his sheep).

    There is so much good content in this study and itā€™s so hard to wrap it all up into one blog post. I want to share my favorite part of this study with you guys though.

    ā€œI am challenged to recognize how important it is to bring my offering to the Lord first and in faith. But also, I want to give God my first thoughts in faith every day. I want to turn to Him first in faith as Iā€™m thinking about the cry of my heart as well. He wants to be first and He wants me to come to Him in faith with all of my desires and daily struggles. He wants my heart. And He wants my heart to want Him.ā€

    Woah. This really struck me you guys. God goes so far as to lay his life down and care for his sheep well because he wants our devotion. He loves us and wants our hearts to love him back. How easily I forget this.

    If I am being honest my prayer and bible reading life have been slacking so much. There is a huge life change on our little families horizon and it has completely thrown me off. (I promise to tell you more as soon as I can.) I was reminded this week how important my time with Jesus is though. If I am not being filled up with his love my heart will drift and I will start desiring things of this world.

    I have decided to recommit to spending my time in the word daily because I desperately need the time with Jesus. I am not even capable of loving and putting him first without his help.

    \\Do you struggle with this? What are some tips you might have to keep me consistently in the word in a time of transition?

  • Devotional,Ā Ā Faith

    How Jesus Satisfies Bible Study: Week Two

    Hi friends! Sorry I never got around to posting on Monday, I am feeling a little under the weather lately and have been so tired. I havenā€™t had much motivation to blog to be honest. I will try to get back into the groove of it but no promises. šŸ˜‰ I couldnā€™t miss out on our weekly bible study link up though. Hereā€™s what I learned this week.

    The bible study is going through Jesusā€™s ā€œI Amā€ statements and really breaking down what each one means. Last week was his statement, ā€œI am the bread of lifeā€. You can see my thoughts on that study here if youā€™re interested. This week we studied his statement, ā€œI am the light of the worldā€. My favorite part was day two. I want to share a quote that really stood out to me throughout this weekā€™s study.

    Jesus isnā€™t trying to expose you to put shame on you. Heā€™s trying to expose the sin that has its chains around you.

    I loved this because the study goes into depth about how Jesus is the light that we all need but donā€™t actually want. Because we are sinful, we are afraid of the light and hide from it. But I love this quote because itā€™s a reminder I really needed. Jesus doesnā€™t want to show us our sin to bring shame upon us. He wants us to recognize our sin because the sin is hurting us. He wants to set us free. He wants us to live closely to him and he knows that sin keeps us from coming to him.

    Itā€™s so frustrating to me that I have such a hard time remembering that Jesus is GOOD and he wants the best for me. In the beginning of the study, Lysa Turkeurst gives you a prayer to pray before you start the study every day. The prayer is, ā€œPlease open and soften my heart. Help me hear from you. Help me trust youā€. Our sinful hearts canā€™t even trust Jesus without his help. Praying and asking for help to hear from Jesus and help to trust him has made all the difference in this study.

    I believe hearing and trusting Jesus is the first step in repentance. We cannot openly repent of something unless we trust that Jesus is good. I need this reminder every day but especially lately.


    What have you learned from this study?


  • Devotional,Ā Ā Faith

    How Jesus Satisfies Bible Study: Week One

    Hi friends! Iā€™m so excited to share with you what I am learning through the Finding I Am: How Jesus Fully Satisfies The Cry Of Your Heart study! I already love this study so much. Itā€™s so down to earth and really gets at the heart of some serious sin in my life. I thought Iā€™d share with you some things I learned this week.

    1 | Fixing problems in our lives wonā€™t satisfy our soul.

    Do you ever have that one thing that you wish would just change in your life? Maybe if only you could get married? Find a good job? Get along with your parents? I think we all do. The first day of the study explains how these are just lies from Satan. He twists one of our desires into a need and we believe that life wonā€™t be perfect unless we get that thing. But have you ever noticed once you got that thing, you just moved onto the next thing? Itā€™s a never-ending cycle and itā€™s exhausting.

    Iā€™ve heard this before but it was definitely a huge reminder to me that seeking after that one thing that my heart so desperately wants wonā€™t make me happier. Seeking after Jesus and making him the desire of my heart will fulfill me. Jesus is the bread of life. He alone satisfies that ache.

    2 | Thankfulness opens the door for God to bless us.

    I loved how the second day was all about thankfulness. The study explains how thankfulness opened the door of the blessing of the feeding of the 5000. It explains how Jesus thanked God the Father for the food and that is what opened the blessing to be able to feed so many.

    This was also a great reminder to me. It shows me that when we want something so badly that we are upset when we donā€™t get it, we are just being ungrateful for the things we do have. God wants all of us to live thankfully for the things we do have because he doesnā€™t withhold any good thing from us. He wants us to trust in his timing and he also does want to bless us. He canā€™t bless us if we arenā€™t thankful for the things we do have though. I love this reminder.

    3 | God is always our provider.

    For day three, the study talked about when God provided for the Israelites in the wilderness. It explained how God had manna rain down from the heavens (instead of from the ground) to shift their perspective up towards God as their provider. He did this to remind the Israelites that even before when they were laboring for their food, he still was their provider. He made it even more known to them by taking their work out of it. He provided for them in spite of them.

    I loved this reminder as well. Itā€™s so easy to get caught up in thinking that itā€™s our works that are producing good fruit. And while we play a role in it, we often forget to turn back around and thank God because he is ultimately our provider. I love the literal example of the manna being rained down from heaven. I wonder how we would react to that today.

    4 | Jesus is the answer to the storms in our life.

    On day four the study looked at the story of when the disciples were in the boat and it started storming and Jesus came walking out to them on the water. It explains how as soon as Jesus was with them, their troubles ceased.

    This is the best example to me of how Jesus is the answer to the storms of our life. They were scared and worried that their little boat wouldnā€™t make it to shore and as soon as Jesus showed up they did. Itā€™s a clear picture of how Jesus calms the storms in our lives.

    I am learning so much from this study and canā€™t wait to continue on with it. Iā€™m a little bummed about not having the videos but itā€™s turning out to be a great study even without them! What are you learning so far? Link up with us below!

  • Book Reviews,Ā Ā Faith

    No Fear Book Review

    As Iā€™ve mentioned a few times now, Iā€™m trying to make it a habit of reading before bed instead of watching Netflix. Itā€™s actually much harder than I thought it was going to be! I just wanted to give credit where credit is due and say that I stole this format of a book review from Leah, who is the queen of reading and book reviews, haha! I am so jealous of how much reading she does. I have included an affiliate link in case you wanted to check this book out for yourself! (Just click the title!)

    No Fear by Tony Perkins
    Rating: ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜†ā˜†

    ā€œNo Fear draws you inside the stories of young,Ā ordinary believers who, despite incredible opposition, courageously stand up for Godā€™s truth. Tony Perkins pairs each story with a biblical example and gives practical ideas for building a ā€œno fearā€ perspective every day. Today, followers of Jesus Christ face more opposition to their beliefs than any generation in American history. Yet even in such a hostile cultural and political environment, it is an exciting time to stand firm in the faith. You have been chosen to live in this important hour, and reading these stories will inspire you to the same kind of courage.Ā  So what are you waiting for?ā€*

    What I Liked:Ā This book really encouraged me to reevaluate what following Jesus means to me and what God is actually expecting of me. I have always been in the camp of being super respectful of otherā€™s opinions and their beliefs and havenā€™t been too open about my own in fear of giving them the wrong impression. Since this book gives extreme examples of people standing for their faith in ways that I never would, itā€™s helping me think again about stepping out in faith without being fearful of otherā€™s response. Of still being respectful, but also still taking that step of faith and sharing my faith.

    What I Didnā€™t Like: I felt like a lot of these stories were way too extreme and werenā€™t loving at all. To me, sharing your faith is literally explaining the gospel to someone or sharing about how Jesus has affected your life. In this book, the author praises others for defying laws of praying out loud and saying this is an example of following God. In certain examples, this is true, but for the most part, people arenā€™t going to become Christians because we chose to defy the law and pray out loud. I think by going against the law, you are not honoring God, you are showing others that you care more about what you believe. I am having a really hard time accurately displaying what I didnā€™t like but a lot of the chapters just didnā€™t sit right with me.

    Favorite Quotes:Ā ā€œThe only way to counter the fear of man is with faith in God, which provides the courage and the strength that God requires for His world-changing work.ā€

    ā€œWe ultimately decided to go ahead with the Bible verses on the banner, but my real hope was that people would look at what we were doing and see Christ and not people who just want their own way.ā€

    ā€œIf the stand we take is motivated by a need to ā€œwinā€ an argument or prevail over those we oppose, we may win the battle but lose in the long run.ā€

    To be honest with you, overall I would not recommend this book. It was not bad, and helped me question whether or not I was choosing fear over faith more times than not, but I just did not enjoy most of the stories or believe that they were what it meant to be a Christian.

    ā€œI received this book from the Blogging for Books program in exchange for my honest review.ā€

    *synopsis from Amazon

    What books have you been reading lately?

  • Faith,Ā Ā Life,Ā Ā Marriage

    Whatā€™s Up Wednesday: April 2017

    This is my fourth Whatā€™s Up Wednesday post in a row! I havenā€™t missed one yet this year and I am loving that. I love looking back over the month and recapping it. It always puts where we are into perspective. Below are the questions that we answer every month:

    What weā€™re eating this week:

    Funny you ask because next on my to-do list is to make a meal plan for our last week in our apartment. So honestly Iā€™m not sure exactly what weā€™ll be eating but I plan to eat mostly Paleo this week because we have been eating horribly for the last month or so and itā€™s really effecting both my husband and I. We could really use a good reset.


    What Iā€™m reminiscing about:

    Our wedding! We got married May 22, 2016 and Iā€™ve been thinking a lot about how itā€™s almost May and how much that reminds me of this time last year when it was all things wedding related. Iā€™m sad our first year of marriage is coming to a close! But I love looking back on this day ā€“ Iā€™m so happy I got to marry my best friend.


    What Iā€™m loving:

    Shown first on Instagram

    My relationship with God feels so refreshed right now and Iā€™m loving that so much. Iā€™m looking forward to quiet times with God and am getting more into taking notes in my Bible too. I took notes at church for the first time and I really loved it. I never thought that I would like taking notes while listening to a sermon so it was a pleasant surprise and I canā€™t wait to continue with it.

    Iā€™m also feeling refreshing with my blog too. I changed my posting scheduleĀ and am starting a Bible StudyĀ in May and Iā€™m really excited about both.


    What weā€™ve been up to:

    We took a trip to FloridaĀ a couple of weeksĀ ago and had so much fun. My husband, mom, cousin, brother and his girlfriend spent a week with my grandparents. We had such a great time catching up with them and exploring the area. (They live about an hour from Orlando.)


    What Iā€™m dreading:

    What our bedroom currently looks like.

    Moving out of our first apartment we shared together. šŸ™ Iā€™m slowly coming to terms with this but I am definitely not looking forward to it.


    What Iā€™m working on:

    Like I mentioned before, Iā€™m working on putting together a Bible study for my blog. We are starting in May and itā€™s not too late to join! If you want to join us we are reading Finding I AM ā€“ Bible Study Book: How Jesus Fully Satisfies the Cry of Your HeartĀ (affiliate link). Check out this post if you want to learn more or join us.

    Iā€™m also working on reading more. I am making it a habit to read every night before bed instead of watching Netflix. Itā€™s a little hard at first but Iā€™m excited to finally start reading again.


    What Iā€™m excited about:

    Image via Groupon

    I havenā€™t mentioned this here yet but Tommy and I are going to Cozumel, Mexico! We booked a trip to celebrate our One Year Anniversary. We arenā€™t going until June, but itā€™s going to be so.much.fun.


    What Iā€™m watching/reading:

    Like I mentioned above, Iā€™m jumping back on the reading train and the first book that Iā€™m reading is called No Fear by Tony Perkins. Iā€™m only a chapter in but I have a feeling itā€™s going to be super encouraging when it comes to sharing my faith.

    Iā€™m taking a break with Netflix but I am in the middle of Gilmore Girls and I am currently watching the new season of Teen Mom OG. (Pls donā€™t judge me! I lovelovelove Teen Mom.)


    What Iā€™m listening to:

    Just some Christian music whenever Iā€™m doing chores. Iā€™m trying to make it a point to turn on something to listen to more often.

    Also, send all of your Podcast suggestions my way! Iā€™m looking to get into Podcasts but Iā€™m finding itā€™s really hard for me to find ones that I really like.


    What Iā€™m wearing:

    All comfy clothes. Always. šŸ˜‰


    What Iā€™m doing this weekend:

    MOVING OUT OF OUR APARTMENT. That should take up just about all of our weekend I would think.


    What Iā€™m looking forward to next month:

    Celebrating ONE YEAR OF MARRIAGE on May 22! We donā€™t have any plans for the day yet, but will probably go out to dinner or something since we have our big trip that I mentioned coming up on June 5th.


    What else is new:

    I think that covers all the bases honestly.


    Whatā€™s new with you?
    What have you been up to?


  • Faith

    My Testimony

    Hey friends! Today is a special and exciting day because Iā€™m going to be sharing how I became a Christian. Iā€™ve been meaning to do this on my blog for years and years. To be honest, I havenā€™t because I am self-conscious about my testimony. But I know how important it is to share My Story so I will do so anyway so that God can be glorified. Hereā€™s it is.

    To give you a little bit of a background, I did not grow up in a Christian home. My mom goes to church now, but didnā€™t for most of my life. Her sister, my Aunt Denise and her husband, my Uncle Hus are Christians and are the reason that I know Jesus today. They attended church every Sunday, and made it a rule that anyone who stayed over their house on a Saturday night had to go to church with them the next day.

    Thank God for that rule.

    Because of this rule, I was at church on one particular morning when there was a guest speaker there. I was 14 if I am remembering correctly, and honestly donā€™t remember too much about that day. The speaker was known for being amazing in the fact that he was able to prophesy very easily. This is why he went around and spoke at different churches. He was known for this.

    So on that morning the only thing I actually really remember is him asking everyone to stand up and was saying that he was going to bring healing to many. He told everyone to think just about what their greatest desire was at that point in time. He then proceeded to point around the room (there was probably 500 people there) and call out different peopleā€™s desires and pray specifically for their healing.

    He started on the far side of the room from where I was standing, and worked his way over to my side. When he got to my side, he called out the exact desire of my heart! He asked that if he called one out that you raise your hand so that he could pray for you. What he said was something along the lines of, ā€œSomeone over there has a real desire to be loved and knownā€.

    Oh my gosh you guys, it sounds so simple and silly almost but he spoke the exact words that I was thinking in my head. I literally just froze and knew that this was God. Thank God there was a boy in front of me who seemed to also have the same desire who raised his hand. I literally could not move. So the pastor prayed for anyone who felt those feelings, which included me as well. God used this man to show me that He sees me. He knows me. And He loves me. On that day, I knew that there was a God out there and that I could call him mine. From that day forward I considered myself a Christian because I knew I wanted to be associated with this God.

    The interesting part to my story is that I didnā€™t go to church every week after this or even read my Bible. I was 14 and still lived in a home where nobody were Christians. I had only been to church a handful of times with my cousins, and didnā€™t even know what my next steps were supposed to be.

    The beauty of that season of my life was I felt absolutely no pressure to perform for God. I didnā€™t even know He expected anything from me so from that day forward I called myself His and that was enough for me.

    Over the next few years though, I would come to learn more and more about who He is and how to follow Him and those truths wouldnā€™t make me anymore of a Christian than I was those years that I did nothing but call myself His. But those truths would bring me into more freedom and joy as I lived them out.

    Welp, thatā€™s it. I canā€™t believe that I waited this long to share my story, but Iā€™m so glad that I did.Ā If you are comfortable enough, I would love to hear yours as well!Ā Email me šŸ™‚
