• Faith,  Life

    Facing My Biggest Fear

    Hi friends. I wanted to write a post and elaborate on what I wrote about yesterday when I mentioned that I had faced one of my biggest fears. Back when I first started this blog, I used to write a lot about just how I was feeling and things I was going through and how God showed up in the midst of it all. Just because I am writing more and trying to grow my blog, I don’t want to stop documenting the very real things that God is doing in my life. I feel like these are sometimes the most important things to write about too because even though they may not be the most popular, sharable posts, they are important because they hopefully show others just how real the God that I love is. I hope by sharing personal testaments to how God shows up in my life, it encourages you, and shows you that God cares about you as well.

    Yesterday when I mentioned that I faced my biggest fears, I literally meant that I went to a pulmonologist (lung doctor). Sounds silly and not at all what you were expecting I’m sure. I’ve actually written a little bit here on this already but if you don’t already know, I have struggled with health anxiety for the past two years. (I’ve written about it here, here, and here if you are interested in a little bit more of the back-story.) When I wrote that last post about how God had healed me of my health anxiety I should have named it Part One, but little did I know there was a whole other part to it that was lurking just around the corner.

    So long story short, I have struggled with fearing that I was going to get very sick or that I already was very sick for the past two years. It all started when I developed a cough two years ago that wouldn’t go away. I ended up at my regular doctors who couldn’t figure out what was wrong and sent me to a pulmonologist. The fear was very real while going through this all and the pulmonologist really didn’t ease my fears at all. He basically told me I was okay but without really giving me an explanation as to why I had the cough to begin with. What I should have done back then was get a second opinion because I didn’t have peace with his answer, but I was too afraid, and just wanted to believe the doctor so I didn’t. This was a very bad idea though because even though I wanted to believe the doctor, my anxiety just didn’t. I was still so convinced that something bad was going to happened and my biggest fear was that I had cancer.

    Over the course of the next two years my anxiety came and went depending on my life circumstances. If there were more pressing issues going on in my life, I put worrying about my health on the back-burner. When there wasn’t much else to worry about, or if I got sick in any way, my anxiety would flare up and all I could think about was what if I had cancer. I know that this sounds so silly to some I’m sure, even now writing it out, it seems so simple, just go back to the doctor if you’re worried, that’s definitely what I should have done but I was just so fearful of what if they did find something, I just didn’t think I could handle it. So instead I worried about it from time to time.

    Fast forward to about two weeks ago, my anxiety about it flared up yet again, but this time if felt like nothing would relieve it. It was getting worse and worse it seemed every time it would come back. It also got to the point where it was really affecting not only my life, but my husband’s as well. I would tell him I would do something and then my anxiety would flare up and I would think that I was sick so I would be too afraid to go out or do whatever. When my insanely patient, always loving husband got frustrated with me this past weekend, I knew I had to do something drastic to make it all stop. I had to face my fears head on and go back to the doctor to find out once and for all if I was really sick or not.

    So that brings us back around to this week, Monday to be specific, when I had made the appointment to see another pulmonologist. I honestly was terrified and tried to cancel the appointment because I felt like I couldn’t handle it, but the website I had used to make the appointment wouldn’t let me cancel it online (probably because it was the day of the appointment) and I really did not want to call and cancel, so I went.

    And let me tell you I am so happy that I did. It changed everything for me. The doctor took so much time to really sit and try to figure out what could be wrong and really gave me the feeling that she cared, which made all the difference. She reassured me that there was nothing serious wrong, that I had been dealing with this for too long for it to be anything serious like cancer. She said it was just something that was an annoyance more than anything, and that we would try to figure out what it could be, but that there was nothing to worry about and not to lose sleep over it.

    Let me just tell you that before I went to the appointment I had read Habakkuk in my bible. I’m currently reading through it from start to finish and just happened to be a this point, so completely full of anxiety, I was asking God for help to get through this and I open my bible to this book. It’s only 5 chapters, and it’s about someone who is crying over what is happening to Israel because God is allowing them to be punished for their sins, and the person writing it is feeling as if God is not there because of the horrible things that are happening. Then right about in the middle of the book there are a few verses about how God won’t let you suffer forever and how his mercies are new every morning, and that his compassions never fail. You guys I just lost it. This book felt like I could relate so much. I felt like God had been ignoring my cries for help over the past two years to take these pains and worries away. But in that moment while I was crying out to him I felt him say, “Ashley go to the doctor so that I can show you that you’re healthy and that there’s nothing to worry about”. My anxiety honestly didn’t just go away and I wasn’t even sure if that was really God saying that or just my own mind, but after the appointment, I just knew it had been God.

    If you ever feel like God is ignoring you, I know how frustrating and hard that is. Every time I was worried about being sick, and had a physical symptom of being sick too, like that chronic cough, I would pray and ask God for help and to take it away. But it took time and it took me stepping out in faith to really have peace. Sometimes we need to take part in our own healing and listen to whatever God might be trying to tell us to do. Even if we’re afraid. But the best part is, even if we can’t or won’t listen right at that time, God is so gentle and loving with us and he will be there when we are ready.

    Thanks for reading this all if you made it to the end. 😉 I just wanted to keep my blog as real as I could and continue to write about what God is teaching me. I also hope that this encourages someone who might feel like God isn’t there for them. Let me know if there is anyway I can be praying for you if you can relate to any part of my story.

  • Coffee Dates,  Faith,  Life

    Let’s Have Coffee | Vol. 7

    Hi friends! I missed you yesterday! I think I’m going to write more in-depth about what I’ve been going through but the short version just in case you were wondering where I was, is that I basically just needed a day off. I have been feeling super anxious the past couple of weeks and have been really trying to trust God in the midst of it, which meant facing one of my biggest fears (more on that later). But I’m back today and so thankful because God showed up in a huge way and took away my anxieties! I missed our coffee date yesterday so I decided to have it today instead (because I just love coffee dates!). 🙂

    If we were having coffee, I would ask you how you are liking the snow! Here in the northeast, we are currently in the middle of a blizzard and it’s so bittersweet. I’m happy to have my husband home for the day, but so sad that it’s SNOWING. Spring is supposed to start next week!

    If we were having coffee, I’d ask you what your favorite coffee is lately (if you drink it). Or your favorite tea. I’m learning that I don’t love to keep drinking one type. Switching it up every so often really makes it taste soo much better. I’m currently drinking Chock Full O’Nuts K-Cups (affiliate) and it is just delicious!

    If we were having coffee, I would express that I’m just so thankful for the community of women who I’ve met through blogging. I used to always read other people’s blogs about how much they loved the blogging community and I’m only finally just starting to make friends and really meet people and it’s been so fun. Thank you for reading along and being so encouraging. I’m so grateful for you!

    If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m becoming more and more confident with my decision to quit my corporate job and be a stay-at-home wife/full-time blogger. It’s been a very rocky road, filled with awesome joys and confusing anxieties, but over the course of a few months I’m really getting settled in to this lifestyle and it really is a dream come true. I’d also ask what is your biggest dream that just feels too impossible to actually happen? That’s how this felt to me so I’d love to talk with you about what yours is.

    If we were having coffee, I’d ask you if you saw The Shack in theaters and ask what your thoughts were on it. My husband and I saw it last weekend and we absolutely loved it. I had read the book before, which actually was the beginning of my commitment to God, and it changed everything for me. If you’re struggling with trusting that God is good right now, go see it for sure! They did a great job on the movie and it is very similar to the book.

    If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that my husband and I and my extended family are taking a trip down to Florida next month and are driving from New Jersey! I’d ask if you have any road tripping tips and if you have any summer travel plans planned yet. I’d love to hear and chat about where you’re planning on going this summer/spring! I love to talk vacation plans.

    Today I am linking up with Erin Salmon, where we have coffee every second Monday (or Tuesday) of every month. Come join in with us, we’d love to have you!

  • Faith,  Life

    5 Benefits Of Not Having Cable + Why We Chose This Option

    I’ve had the idea to write about the reason why my husband and I do not have cable in my Notes app on my phone for a few months now. I had it planned in advance to write it this week and I think it’s awesome that one of my favorite bloggers, Blair just wrote her own post about this too. I’m writing this post in hopes that if you are on the fence about either getting rid of cable or deciding whether you want it at all, you will be able to see the benefits of not having it and it will help make your decision a little easier.

    Why We Chose Not To Have Cable

    My husband and I made the decision not to get cable back when we were engaged. I will be completely honest and say that a huge part of the decision was because we wanted to live very frugally. We believe that God gave us everything we have, including our money, and we wanted to be as responsible as we could with it. (We do not at all believe that those who have cable are not living frugally though. It was just a personal conviction for us.) We believed that we shouldn’t have cable because 1) We didn’t watch TV all that much and 2) We didn’t mind watching the shows that we do watch a day after they aired online. We also admittedly do not watch sports or the news so that obviously made the decision much easier as well.

    The Benefits Of Not Having Cable

    1| We save more money (obviously!)

    If we were to have cable on top of our internet bill it would be probably close to double what we pay now. Considering we do not watch that much TV, it just wasn’t worth it and we enjoy all the money we now save because of it. 😉

    2| We spend more time talking to each other.

    Don’t get me wrong, we still watch some TV. We have Netflix and spend a good deal of time bingeing out in front of our favorite shows, but there isn’t a constant distraction going on in the background like there could be if we had regular cable. The TV is only on if we intentionally put on a show to watch. It goes right off after we finish watching our shows, which means that we talk more throughout our day.

     3| It creates a much more peaceful household

    Now I realize this is very much an opinionated statement. Some people I understand love the sound of having the chatter of a TV in the background of their home while they do chores. I however think it’s very distracting and I enjoy either the quiet or music in the background as I’m cleaning or doing other chores. To me this causes our home to have a lot more peaceful feel to it.

    4| It causes us to worship more

    The reason why I say this is because not having cable gives us a lot more control over what we are hearing throughout the day. I am choosing to either enjoy the silence, which usually causes me to pray more, or I am choosing to put on music, which a lot of the time is worship music. This causes me to have a closer relationship with God than if I had a TV on in the background instead of these things.

    5| We talk more with our guests

    Not having a TV to put on in the background while we have guests over makes us be a lot more intentional about entertaining our guests. I have been to some houses where the sole entertainer was the TV, which was not to say that we didn’t talk, but the visit was more centered around sitting around a TV than around a table. (This was mostly at family’s house.) We enjoy getting to sit around our table and be intentional with our guests and spend more quality time with them because we are not distracted or using the TV as entertainment.

    What About In The Future?

    We very much enjoy not having cable now and do not miss it at all, which leads me to believe that this will stay the norm in our household. However, one of the main reasons why we did not get it in the first place was because we wanted to live more frugally, so if we are making a lot more money and can very easily afford it, this could possibly change.

    It’s hard to say now how we will feel about TV when it comes to having children, since right now we don’t have any. We may change our feelings completely when we have children, but as of right now we very much enjoy not having cable and do not see a change to this in our near future.

    How do you feel about cable? Are you a die-hard fan or are you like us and have decided not to have it in your home? I’d love to hear your opinion on this topic. I feel like a lot more people these days are choosing to forgo cable altogether.


  • Faith,  Marriage

    How My Relationship With God Changed After Getting Married: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

    I have been married just over 9 months now and it’s been a journey to say the least. You can read hundreds of articles about getting married, and still be utterly unprepared for just how much your world is going to change. It changes in all different ways, some good and others… well I wouldn’t say bad, but definitely in some ways that you never expected that take some time getting used to. This is definitely how I feel about my relationship with God since getting married. I want to share with you all the ways it has changed: the good, the bad, and the ugly. (PS. This is a vulnerable post, please be kind.)

    The Good

    I know that the intro probably made it sound as if my relationship with God changed for the worst after getting married, but there are definitely still some good aspects to the changes as well.

    • I now have someone to pray with me all the time. My husband and I are still learning to be comfortable praying with each other, but it’s an awesome thing to be struggling with something and be able to ask Tommy to pray for me.
    • I have someone to remind me of God’s goodness when I can’t see it. Sometimes when you’re walking through something hard, it’s really hard to see God in the midst of it. Having someone walking through life so closely with you gives them the ability to encourage you and show you that God is right there with you even when you can’t see it.
    • Being married has caused me to grow my trust in God. I’m still learning to do this but I now have to learn to trust God with my husband. It’s not only my life that matters to me so greatly, but my husband’s as well. I had to learn to first trust my life in God’s hands and I am not (slowly) learning to trust Tommy’s life in God’s hands as well.

    The Bad

    Even though I am labeling these things as bad, I still know that God can and will bring goodness out of them.

    • I don’t spend as much quality time with God. I’m still working on the answer as to why this is. It’s very frustrating but I just don’t feel as close with God now as I did before. Maybe I just need to make more time for God so that there can be a better relationship, I’m not sure, but I am still working through this because I want to be closer with God again.
    • I don’t push myself outside of my comfort zone as much as I did when I was single. This is embarrassing but I subconsciously believed (and probably still do a little bit) that God would answer my prayers if I was being a “good Christian” and trying my absolute best to follow him. And while I know that this is not true, I realize now that when I was single I wasn’t quite as comfortable with my life and would push myself outside of my comfort zone more because I knew that was what God wanted. Now it’s much easier to stay in my own cozy life because I am much more content with it. I really want to start challenging myself more though because it is very important for my walk with God.

    The Ugly

    I just want to start this section off by asking that you please do not judge me for this. I realize that it is not good and am working my way through fixing it, which is why it is under the section labeled: The Ugly.

    • I don’t feel like I need God as much as I used to. Like I said I hate this about myself, but I’m writing it because it’s true and it’s been a struggle since getting married. Before I got married I felt like I very much needed God because I felt alone. Now that I have a loving husband to come home to it can be easy to turn to him for fulfillment or for him to solve my problems instead of God. I desire a closer relationship with God and to turn to him first though and I will keep confessing and fighting against this until I feel that I am no longer struggling with it.
    • I sometimes forget that God gave me my marriage and don’t trust him with it. While most of the time I am overwhelmed with thanksgiving to God for answering the biggest desire of my heart, sometimes I forget that he cares about this dream I have as much as I do. This is when I have to learn to trust him more, like I mentioned earlier, because I need to trust that he will protect my marriage. I guess because it is such a joy and such a big desire of my heart to be married, I am afraid of losing this dream, but I know I don’t have to be afraid and that I need to trust God more.

    Getting married completely flops your world upside down and I think that that is the reason why my relationship with God has also changed completely. I think it’s okay to admit that you aren’t where you want to be when it comes to your relationship with God, which is why I do not feel any shame for admitting these things. I do want to work on growing in my relationship with God, and my hopes with sharing this is to maybe help someone else who has felt like their relationship with God is different after getting married. Or at least encourage others to take a look at their relationship with God honestly and try their best to improve it.

    I’d love to hear from you! If you’re married, has your relationship changed from when you were single? Do you have any tips for me? If you’re single, do you think your relationship with God will change after you get married? How so?

  • Faith

    If You Feel Like God Is Ignoring You, Listen To This Song

    I know I have written here time and time again about how I struggle with anxiety. It seems to ebb and flow as the weeks come and go. This week seems to be much better than last and for that I am thankful. I feel like I had a break in the intensity of my anxiety about 2-3 months ago. It felt all-consuming back then and I wanted to share with you one of the main reasons that helped me stop feeling so anxious. It was something as simple as a song.

    A Break In The Silence

    This song came on my Pandora on a day that I was really struggling with feeling anxious. I was in my kitchen, probably doing dishes, and the words caught me off guard.

    “Oh, O’Lord O’Lord I know You hear my cry.”

    It was these words in particular that did it. You see at this particular season of struggling with anxiety, it felt all-encompassing because it had come and go for what felt like forever, but in reality it was probably a couple of years.

    When I heard these lyrics I was reminded that even when it feels like all hope is lost, God hears me. It was a reminder my heart needed to hear in a huge way. I felt like I could keep fighting as long as I knew God was on my side. For a while, I felt so alone and not in touch with God at all. It felt like he was ignoring my cries for help. Until I heard this song. It was then that I knew he was right there with me. He had heard my cries.

    There Is Hope In Suffering

    These lyrics also reminded me of these verses about how suffering is not forever. It was this all together that gave me hope and just helped me look at my situation differently. If this is you, I want you to know that God hears you too. Even when it feels like he is silent. He’s there and he’s carrying you through the storm. I don’t know when it will let up, but I do know that it will. Please hear me when I say that. Whatever you are going through is not forever. And God will work it together for your good.

    A Prayer For The Trial

    Heavenly Father, Sometimes we can’t feel you here with us. We know that you are here, but sometimes what we are going through just clouds our vision and we have a hard time feeling your love in the midst of it. Please forgive us for this, because we know that it isn’t that you actually aren’t here. We know that you are for us, always, but please help us turn to you and cast our cares on you. Please help us to see your goodness that is likely right in front of us. Help us to focus on the good, rather than this trial that feels never-ending. God, we need you so desperately, please help us to feel hope and remind us that this trial is not forever. Show us your goodness and helps us to walk through this faithfully. Thank you for all of the ways that you have helped us and continue to help us. We love you. Amen.

    I’d love to pray for you specifically if you need prayers. You can either leave me a comment or email me if you don’t feel comfortable leaving a comment. (My email is in my Contact tab.) Love you guys.

  • Faith,  Life

    Friday Favorites | Vol. 2

    I know it’s kind of excessive to do a What’s Up Wednesday post and a Friday Favorites in the same week but that’s just how it worked out this week and I am not complaining because it makes it a very easy writing week for me, haha! But I promised in my last (and first) Friday Favorites two weeks ago that I was going to do a Friday Favorites post every other week so I need to keep my promise to do that 😉 Don’t worry I’ll try my best to keep things interesting! 🙂

    Our first married Valentine’s Day was really nice! Tommy bought me these beautiful flowers and we spent the night just relaxing together. We wanted to order a heart-shaped pizza but I wasn’t sure how to find a place that sold them haha and I didn’t want to call around and ask. Soo we just ordered a regular-shaped margarita pizza and salad and it was the bomb.com!

    I don’t have a picture of this because I honestly never really take pictures in regular life. I really need to start! But Tommy and I hung out with my cousin and her boyfriend on Sunday. We went hiking, then came back to our apartment and just hung out for the rest of the night and it was so fun! Can’t wait to continue doing this with them as the weather keeps warming up.

    I mentioned this in my What’s Up Wednesday post too but didn’t have the pictures to include so I think that means it’s okay to talk about it in this post as well. 😉 When Tommy and I went up to Lake George this past weekend we went to our favorite cafe for breakfast and got lattes and I got a breakfast sandwich and Tommy got french toast. I wish the place was closer because it’s just so yummy.

    A little off topic but talking about how much fun going out on dates with Tommy reminds me that we’re joining this marriage class that our new church is doing for couples who are in their first 5 years of marriage. I’m really excited about it, but also a little nervous. It’s once a month for the next 6 months or so I believe, and I will definitely be blogging about that in the future. 😉

    The past month or so Tommy and I have been eating such yummy food. I’m actually planning on doing a Recipe Roundup post early next week and sharing all of the recipes that we are really enjoying. This dinner was extra special because I wasn’t feeling very well a few days ago and Tommy made this for us so that I could relax. The. Best.

    I’ve been having a rough week or so and I opened my Bible app the other day and found this verse as the verse of the day and I was so encouraged. I feel so lost sometimes because of not having a “normal” job, and I kept praying and asking God for some encouragement and I felt like this was him answering my prayer.

    I also realized (yet again) that I need to make some changes to my daily routine because my anxiety seems to be coming back some and I think it’s because I’m not leaving the house most days. I am going to commit to getting dressed and trying to leave the house at least 3 times per week because it helps so much. I have been putting off running errands lately and I’m not really sure why but it’s making my anxiety much worse.

    I’m linking up with these wonderful ladies today! Come join us! 🙂