• Life

    Best of 2020

    Stealing these fun prompts from Em For Marvelous. Although 2020 was really hard for many reasons, there were also so many good things to come of it too. I’ve learned a lot and we welcomed a baby to our family this year! I couldn’t close out the year without recapping the good!

    Best adventure/travel/trip: I believe we only went on one this year but our Ocean City vacation was honestly so sweet. I booked it when I was still pregnant knowing Riley would only be a couple months old and knew that it could either end up being the best or worst decision and it ended up being the absolute best. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, transitioning to two babies was so much easier for us than 0-1, and the vacation was just a celebration of that. We had a really fun time, even during a pandemic.

    Best book: I would say either The Girl on the Train or Where the Crawdads Sing. I enjoyed both of them a lot.

    Best movie:

    In January before all of the craziness hit, we went to see Frozen 2 in theaters for Shaney’s 2nd birthday and it was the most fun thing. The movie was really good and Shane loved the experience of being in the movie theater. It was such a special time and I will forever cherish those memories.

    Best TV show: Although I enjoyed many TV shows this year, I think the one that brought me the most comfort was Gilmore Girls. This year there was so much unknown and unsettling and Gilmore Girls is just the perfect lighthearted show that brought me a lot of peace this year.

    Best album or song: Yes I Will by Vertical Worship. It also brought me a lot of comfort in the midst of a lot of unknown.

    Best follow on Instagram: Oh boy, there are so many people I enjoy following. I would say Logan Hahn. I only found her page towards the end of the year but hers really stands out to me because although controversial, I find a lot of value in the information she shares. I also really enjoyed following Rachel Allene too.

    Best kiddo milestone: Shane becoming a big brother! He has done so well and loves his brother so much!

    Best faith grower: Breastfeeding my second baby. I wasn’t sure how it was going to go this time around and I really tried to hold my hands and heart open to any possibility, but God really showed up and things went really well for us. It taught me a lot about how God does care about our desires and really does answer prayers.

    Best beauty purchase: Burt’s Bees renewal line. I haven’t tried many different kinds of face care lines so I can’t exactly say that this one is my favorite but I did really enjoy having a skin care routine. It’s been something I’ve wanted to start for a while so it was fun to finally do so.

    Best family memory: Bringing Riley home from the hospital really stands out in my mind. Shaney was so excited to meet him and it was the sweetest time.

    Best habit you created: Finally figuring out how to budget and stick to it – all thanks to Marissa!

    Favorite blog post written: The blog really took a hit this year and I have not published many blog posts at all. Something I’m hoping to change next year! But my favorite is definitely Riley’s Birth Story. ♥️

    Best new recipe: One would have to be The Pioneer Woman’s Chicken Noodle Soup recipe. We’ve really been loving it especially Shane, which is a miracle because he has become sooo picky. Also, this recipe for pizza dough. We don’t buy frozen pizza at all anymore because this is just so much better and cheaper.

    Best life or mom hack: Forever and always: waking up before my kids. While there was a big portion of the year that I wasn’t doing this because of having a newborn, I’m still sticking it here because when I am able to do it, it really makes such a difference on what I can get done for the day.

    Best mama moment: Not exactly a moment but somewhere along the way I’ve really made a big change on the amount of mom guilt I’ve allowed in my life. It’s made such a difference in my mental health and how much I’m able to enjoy my kids.

    Best home improvement: Moving the washer and dryer upstairs! No more having to go to the basement to do the laundry!!

    Best little luxury you’ve enjoyed: Dark chocolate with almonds before bed every night!

  • Coffee Dates,  Life

    Let’s Have Coffee | Vol. 20

    Hey friends! Loooong time, no talk. Sometimes when I’ve been gone this long without blogging, I just keep putting off writing a post for even longer because I feel like there’s too much to write about and I just don’t know where to start!

    But I’ve really missed this space so I’ve decided to just jump back in with a coffee date so we can catch up with each other. 🙂

    If we were having coffee, I would first want to know how you are?! We haven’t met for a coffee date since March (!), so I’d want to know all of the things that are going on with you now.

    If we were having coffee, I would share that Riley will be 5 months old in three days and Shane will be three years old in a month! They grow up way too fast! I am really enjoying this season with them so much though. I can’t believe how much Shane can understand and do now. I can’t wait to bake Christmas cookies with him soon. It’s going to be so much fun. We are also really enjoying having a baby in the house again. This time around has gone so much smoother, which means that we can fully enjoy the season of having a baby.

    If we were having coffee, I’d share that our Etsy shop has been doing really well lately and it’s been really fun to have that as a little side business to help with finances. Actually, speaking of finances I would also share that I started following Marissa’s Youtube channel this year and she has really inspired me take more control of our finances. I’m thinking about sharing more about this on the blog because it’s been really awesome and I’d love to share what I’ve learned.

    If we were having coffee, I would share that I’m feeling really excited to start blogging more often and have made an Instagram account specific to my blog. If you want to follow me over there you can click here or my name there is ashleyzinblog. I’m hoping to share more about our days over there soon.

    If we were having coffee, I would ask how you are feeling about Christmas this year. This year has been so odd and especially hard but I’m super excited for our first Christmas as a family of four. I’m just about done Christmas shopping too and I can’t wait to get everything in the mail and start wrapping presents!

    Thanks for spending some time with me and catching up!

  • Life

    Riley Samuel’s Birth Story

    Today I thought I would finally share my birth story with Riley. (Now that he’s almost 3 months ha!) Leading up to it I was nervous because the hospital stay after having Shane was somewhat traumatic. To be honest I feel weird saying that because nothing actually traumatic happened, but it just was a very hard time for me.

    My birth story with Riley was exactly the opposite. We prayed every day that labor, delivery, and breastfeeding Riley would go well and God answered those prayers and then some! Here’s what happened:

    39 Week Appointment

    On Wednesday July 8th, I went in for my 39 week checkup and was 2 cm dilated. My doctor did a membrane sweep, which so surprisingly didn’t hurt at all. When I was checked at the end of my pregnancy with Shane, it was incredibly painful. This time was so different though. I had a little spotting right after and a little bit of bloody show later that night.

    I thought because of all of that I would go into labor within the next 24 hours but I didn’t. The next few days were pretty mellow. I was having some contractions on and off but nothing intense or rhythmic. Every night though a few would wake me up in the middle of the night because of the intensity. I knew it wouldn’t be too much longer before baby decided to make his appearance.

    A Few Days Later

    On Saturday night (July 11th) I had intense contractions that woke me up almost exactly on the hour all night. I finally got out of bed around 5 in the morning thinking it could be the last little bit of time I get alone for a while. The contractions ended up stopping around 6am though. Then a few hours later I had more bloody show. The rest of the day I had a few contractions but nothing consistent.

    Later That Night

    On July 12th, later that same day around 5pm I started having a little more consistent contractions again about every 10-15 mins. I wasn’t sure if it was real or not though. I started cleaning and getting things together in case we needed to go to the hospital. As I was moving around they started getting closer together and stronger. I was in denial for a little bit that it was really happening, but eventually realized they were really starting to really hurt so I called the on call doctor.

    I called and the only male doctor was on call (which was the doctor I didn’t want lol) but he told me I could come in. I left the house around 8:30pm. When we left I was scared I wasn’t actually in labor. Once we were driving though the contractions were about every 5 mins and were very painful so I started not to worry about that so much, ha.

    At The Hospital

    We got to the hospital and I was 6cm! I was surprised I was so far along. I was scared about being that far because I knew I wanted an epidural and was scared it was going to get too painful before I was able to get one.

    They started me on fluids so they could get me the epidural. Because I was delivering during the pandemic, they tested me for COVID-19. They actually never told me my results but because of that I assume they were negative lol.

    As things were progressing, the contractions did get incredibly painful. I was in so much pain by the time I got the epidural around 10:30.

    I remember thinking how crazy everything seemed and how different things were going than when I had Shane. After I got my epidural with Shane, the nurses turned the lights out and told me to get some rest. This time they stayed in the room and started prepping everything for the baby to be born, saying he might come before midnight.

    This was super exciting! I wasn’t expecting things to go that quickly because things were much slower with Shane.

    Fully Dilated

    Around 11:30-12am I was fully dilated but the nurse said that he was still up high so she wanted me to wait a little bit for him to come down before pushing. She said that if I felt a lot of pressure to call her.

    Another hour or so went by and the nurse still said he was still up high but she wanted me to try some practice pushes. We did maybe 3-4 rounds of pushes and they said they could see his head so they told me to stop and called the doctor…


    But it was too late! When they told me to stop pushing I could feel his head was right there. He basically decided to come when he wanted and sort of just fell out! There were a lot of nurses in the room at that point sort of freaking out a bit. One nurse stepped up and delivered the baby though! Then right after the doctor walked through the door.

    He came in and delivered the placenta and that was that. It was kind of funny how he ended up being on call since he was the last doctor I wanted but then didn’t even end up delivering the baby, lol.

    The Start of Breastfeeding

    Everything went so smoothly during labor and delivery, we were so incredibly thankful. After delivery, Riley latched on so well and I was amazed that it didn’t hurt!

    This was probably the biggest difference between Shane and Riley. Shane had a stage 4 tongue and lip tie, as well as cheek ties, which made breastfeeding excruciating right from the start. When Riley latched on and didn’t hurt, I was almost in tears because I was so happy.

    The Rest of the Hospital Stay

    The rest of the hospital stay went so smoothly. Riley nursed really well. I was able to walk around and was not in very much pain at all and I even got some sleep. This was not at all how it went with Shane so I was literally on cloud 9. I was so thankful.

    Because of giving birth during the pandemic I wasn’t allowed to have visitors. This actually made for a really peaceful hospital stay. We were able to rest and really bond with Riley.

    So that’s my birth story of my second son! We are so thankful for him and for how smoothly bringing him into the world went. He has fit perfectly into our family and his big brother loves him just as much as we do! ❤️

  • Baby,  Life

    Currently, September 2020

    appreciating: this season of life so much. Transitioning from 1-2 babies has been a million times easier than our transition of 0-1 and I am just so thankful for that. If you don’t know our story, after having Shaney I struggled immensely with breastfeeding which just completely shaped the first year of becoming a mom. I can look back now and realize I definitely had a touch of PPD because of it. We prayed so much for things to be different this time around and God showed up big time. I can’t wait to share Riley’s birth story soon. I seriously could not have asked for a better birth or postpartum experience this time so I am just appreciating this season to the best of my ability!

    anticipating: our first vacation as a family of four! We are headed to the beach next week and we are all just so excited!

    collecting: new (health-ish) recipes. I’m excited to try this one this week. During pregnancy I really didn’t care too much about eating health so now that I’m not pregnant anymore I’d like to at least start to change that ha! If you have any good ones, please send them my way. 🙂

    starting: to think about taking the (very scary) leap of organizing my photos. Emily from Em for Marvelous just posted a three part series of how to organize your photos and I think I’m ready to attempt this. I have 4800 photos on my phone all the way back from 2012 to now and there really is no organization to them. I’d love to pick my favorite ones and have them printed into photo books. (This may take many years!)

    finishing: not much in this season of nursing a newborn and having a very active two year old 🤣 but that’s okay! It’s all about appreciating the season I’m in right?!

    linking up with anne. come join us.

  • Life

    Pregnancy Update: Weeks 36-39

    This is my last pregnancy update and will be sharing my birth story soon!

    38 weeks

    Size of the baby: At 36 weeks, baby was the size of a papaya – 18.7 inches and 5.8 pounds and at 39 weeks, baby was the size of a pumpkin – 20 inches and 7.3 pounds

    Total weight gain: 34 pounds – exactly the same as my first pregnancy! lol

    39 weeks

    Sleep: Not so great towards the end of the month, needing to pee a lot and having contractions.

    Best moment this month: Seeing the baby on ultrasound!

    the day i went into labor


    36 weeks: feeling super super tired. Taking a lot of naps and waking up a ton at night just from being uncomfortable and needing to pee or having the occasional contraction. Feeling very big still some days. Acid reflux a little bit on some days. Had an ultrasound at my appointment at 36.6 days and baby was oblique. He is head down but off to my right hip. Doctor seems confident that he will move but I am nervous he won’t and I will need a c section. Have been bouncing on a yoga ball since to try to get him to move.

    37 weeks: Very emotional. A lot going on with baby not being in position, just anticipation of labor, and dealing with covid. Trying to handle it as best I can. Trying to trust God through it all. It feels like a lot. Physically I feel alright as long as I don’t do anything too intense. Got a lot done this past week though. Still having braxton hicks contractions but nothing too crazy.

    38 weeks: The day I turned 38 weeks I had an appointment and baby is in the right position now!!! I am 1 cm dilated and had some spotting and contractions after my appointment. 38w5d: pelvis is very sore. feeling like i have to pee all the time from the pressure. At 39w6d I had another appointment and was 2 cm dilated. Doctor stripped my membranes.

    39 weeks: Feeling very crampy at 39w2d. Feeling like labor is coming. The last few nights I had some painful contractions that woke me up but nothing progressed. Spoiler alert, I went into labor at 39w3d.

  • Life,  Pregnancy

    Pregnancy Update: Weeks 29-35

    Okay, I may or may not have had Baby Zin 2 already. 😉 See this post if you want a sneak peak, but I want to share the end of my pregnancy before sharing my birth story. But spoiler alert, we are all doing so well!

    I’m going to be sharing the end of my pregnancy updates today and tomorrow and then hopefully soon I will be able to get a post up of Riley’s birth story and an update on how we are all doing now.

    30 weeks

    Size of the baby: At 29 weeks baby was the size of an acorn squash – 2.5 pounds and 15.2 inches. And at 35 weeks baby was the size of a pineapple – 5.3 pounds and 18.2 inches.

    Total weight gain: 29 pounds

    Sleep: At week 30 I was having a hard time sleeping and waking up a lot during the night. I was needing to take a lot of naps that week to make up for lack of sleep at night. At 31 weeks I was starting to feel the toll of the extra weight and needed to take more breaks in between trying to get things done.

    35 weeks

    Best moment this month: Getting the house ready for the baby. We made a lot of progress this month and it feels so good. We took out an outside door that was in our bedroom and put in a window. We also opened up Shane’s closet to make room for a dresser in his room. Everything is really coming along!


    29 weeks: Started having some acid indigestion but it only last a day or two.

    30 weeks: Started feeling really big, a little swollen, belly feels huge and up higher than it was with Shane. Belly makes it harder to breathe. Feeling so overwhelmed with how much we need to get done before the baby comes with no help because of the pandemic.

    31 weeks: Feeling my belly is very big and heavy. Super emotional this week. Been resting a lot on the weekends in between getting things done. Basically been out of commission for one day a week or so.

    33 weeks: Still feeling pretty big but am able to move around a bit more easily. Belly doesn’t feel quite as big and stretched (although it is still very big). Had a doctor’s appointment this week where they checked me for COVID antibodies but it came back negative.

    34 weeks: Feeling kind of crampy and uncomfortable in the mornings. Feeling super tired towards the end of the week. Not really able to get stuff done too much.

    Moral of this month: Feeling large, tired, and wanting to get things done despite those symptoms. 🤣