• Baby,  Life,  Pregnancy

    Pregnancy Update: Weeks 19-28

    Even though I turned 34 weeks this week I still wanted to update how my pregnancy was during the weeks that I missed writing about it here.

    20 weeks

    Size of the baby: At 19 weeks baby was the size of a mango – 5.98 inches and 8.5 ounces. at 28 weeks baby was the size of an eggplant – 14.8 inches and 2.2 pounds. Holy growing!

    Total weight gain: 19 pounds.

    Sleep: Around 25 weeks I was waking up around 4 or 5 most nights and not being able to fall back asleep. I remember this happening with Shane too. I think it’s a combination of pregnancy hormones and my brain not being able to relax about things that need to get done. At 27 weeks sleep started to get a little better but I was still waking up to flip over a lot.

    24 weeks

    Best moment this month: Finding out we are having another sweet boy! I’m so excited to meet him and learn his personality. I’m also so excited for Shane and this baby to have each other. They will be exactly 2.5 years apart so it will be really special to see them grow up together.

    28 weeks


    19 weeks: Feeling extra tired this week. Acne seems to be clearing up a bit. Still craving sugar but not as bad.

    21 weeks: I got super sick for three days. I had to take Tylenol basically around the clock to keep the fever down. I didn’t have much of an appetite, but I could feel baby moving around like crazy the whole time I was sick, which was very reassuring.

    22 weeks: Really no symptoms which is such a blessing! I am so so thankful! Baby is moving around and its so much fun to feel! Gums are sensitive and swollen again.

    25 weeks: Baby moves so much more than Shane did. (I also had an anterior placenta with Shane and don’t with this baby so that could be why.) Gums are still sensitive and swollen. (Comes and goes.) Having a hard time sleeping. Can’t get comfortable. Feel very sore. Wake up around 4-5 most nights and can’t fall back asleep. Trying to eat more greens. Back is killing me after working on Etsy all day.

    26 weeks: Sharp pain under ribs a few times. Sides of abs feel really sore and like they’re stretching a lot for a day or two. Sleep is still hit or miss. Always waking up to flip over.

    27 weeks: Feeling pretty big. Sleeping slightly better. Still waking up to flip over a bunch though.

    28 weeks: Feeling very tired this week. My body especially legs and feet can really feel the extra weight. I had my first in person doctors appointment this week since the pandemic started. I got my Tdap shot, got checked for gestational diabetes (didn’t have it woohoo!), and found out I’m not anemic! It was weird being at the doctors with a mask on and being a little scared of getting sick.

    And just for fun, here is my pregnancy updates with Shane during this time period: 19 weeks, 20 weeks, 21 weeks, 22 weeks, 23 + 24 weeks, 25 + 26 weeks, 27 + 28 weeks.

    Things changed a lot these ten or so weeks. At the start of it, I wasn’t feeling too big but over the course of the weeks going by I started to really feel the extra weight. Also the pandemic started during this weeks, which was a little scary. I had one or two video appointments instead of going into the office. They just asked me to check my weight and blood pressure at home. This pregnancy has dragged on a lot because of being quarantined at home for so long. I will be back soon to update you on weeks 29-34 soon!

    If you’re pregnant too let me know how you’ve been and how it’s been being pregnant during a pandemic. I’d love to hear from you!

  • Life

    Currently: June 2020

    Hi friends! Long time, no talk! Let’s catch up shall we?

    We’ve been so busy preparing for baby and trying to stay caught up with Etsy orders, there has been no time at all to blog! I’m so thankful for those blessings though! But now that I feel like I can breathe for a minute, I want to catch up my little blog.

    I’m planning on writing a few updates on my pregnancy sometime in the near future. But let’s start out with something easy, a currently post.

    feeling: so beyond excited that in the next 6(ish) weeks we will be meeting our second baby boy! Giving birth during a pandemic is still a little scary but I’m trusting that God will get us through.

    wearing: comfy clothes. I bought these really comfy, technically pajama shorts from Target a few weeks ago. They are seriously the most comfortable shorts I’ve ever owned and super cute to wear around the house too.

    buying: new furniture to prepare for the baby! We bought a dresser for the boys’ eventual shared room (Shane’s room currently) and a glider for our room this week! I’m so excited to get them and start breaking out the baby stuff from the attic so soon!

    craving: oh boy. basically anything that’s not healthy lol. I’ve been particularly loving strombolis as of right now though. YUM.

    discussing: how black lives matter. Tommy and I have been reading, learning, and discussing how we have not been aware or paying attention enough in the past and are committing to doing our part in changing the state of things in this country. We have a lot to learn and do but it starts with us.

    linking up with anne. come join us.

  • Home,  Life

    Life Lately During a Pandemic + A Gender Reveal

    Hi friends. It’s been a while. I just wanted to stop in and share how we’ve been doing during this crazy time and see what you guys have been up to.

    Well actually first, let’s start off with the elephant in the room. I’m so sorry to leave you guys hanging with the gender of Baby Zin 2! This is very silly but I didn’t get any pictures from our little gender reveal so I kept thinking that I was going to stage a picture or something so that I could post about it, but then everything happened with Covid-19 and I also just didn’t come up with any ideas for the picture. So instead of trying to make this perfect, let’s just share the video that we took and finally announce that Baby Zin 2 is a….

    boy! We’re going to have two little boys and we are so excited! Today is actually exactly three weeks until my due date, which is so crazy. We can’t wait to meet you baby boy!

    How we’re coping with living in a pandemic

    So now that I’ve finally filled you guys in, (😆) let’s get to what we’ve been up to during this pandemic. So for those of you who don’t know, we live in New Jersey, which is the second most affected state in the US. Our state is in near lockdown with many people out of work. Thankfully Tommy is still working though so our life hasn’t been affected too greatly. It definitely has been nerve-wracking though at times especially considering being pregnant and having a toddler.

    I do sometimes wonder if the nasty sickness that we had last month (that I mentioned in my last post) was the coronavirus. It happened the same week as we had confirmed cases in New Jersey. Testing was hard to access though so when I went to the doctors they weren’t testing anyone at that point. Hopefully sometime soon they’ll come out with an immunity test and we can find out.

    Either way though we are still being super cautious and Shane and I haven’t left the house basically at all. Tommy runs our errands with a face mask and hand sanitizer. We’ve also been doing grocery pickup or delivery to limit his time in the stores. Once anything comes into the house we wipe it down with Clorox wipes. We are doing everything we can and then trusting God with the rest.

    What We’ve Been Up To

    To be honest with you, we are homebodies to begin with so this hasn’t changed our world up too incredibly much. Although it is different because we can’t attend church or run to the store when we’re feeling tired of being in the house. We’ve been doing our best to stay busy anyway though.

    I thought I’d share what we’ve been up to so that we can have this to look back on and maybe give some ideas of things to do too.

    Lots of baking

    We’ve been eating at home a lot more, which has been kind of nice in it’s own way. Shane loves baking so we made cookies together one night. We also made our sweet puppy a birthday cake because her birthday was on Saturday. And I made homemade bagels, which were seriously amazing and am planning to make again soon.

    Some home projects

    I painted the windows in Shane’s room, which look so much better. I still have five more windows to do in the house before we’ve finally gotten rid of all of the brown. 😅

    I’ve also been really starting to feel the nesting bug come on again and am planning on getting to a few more home projects within the next month or so. I will try to remember to take pictures so I can share.

    Cuddling, singing, + crafting

    Basically we’ve just been keeping busy anyway we know how. We’ve been keeping up with our digital church services, which Shane has been loving. It’s been so cute to watch him sing and dance. I’m actually going to really miss being able to do that as a family when we do finally go back.

    We’ve been cuddling, watching movies a lot and doing some crafting to pass the time. We’ve also been going on some walks when the weather is nice enough to.

    Basically that’s been about it since I last posted. What have you guys been up to? How are you handling the pandemic? I’d love to hear from you!

  • Life

    February 2020: Whats Up Wednesday

    Or Thursday… whatever! 😉

    1. What We’re Eating This Week:


    Lots of cake and takeout, haha! We’ve had a very busy week and have been celebrating finding out the gender of sweet Baby Zin #2. It’s definitely time to start reeling it back in though! Tonight I think were making our one of our staples, quesadillas.

    2. What I’m Reminiscing About:

    Our gender reveal with Shane! We just went to Baby Zin #2’s anatomy scan yesterday so it of course made me remember the day we went to Shane’s and had his gender reveal after. I can’t wait to share with you guys what baby is this time around! I’m still waiting on pictures from last night but will have the post up ASAP. I will most likely share on Instagram first though so if you want to know sooner follow me there!

    3. What I’m Loving:

    I’ve been starting to slowly start to get the house ready for the baby and last week or so I moved things around in the house and created this little “playroom” and I love how it turned out. It’s still a work in progress – I want to get little bins to put the toys in so it’s a little less messy looking and hang pictures and/or shelves above the cube organizer. It’ll be perfect for when we have two little ones wanting to play together to have a space for them.

    4. What We’ve Been Up To:

    Thankfully lots and lots of Etsy orders! We are so thankful for this little side business we have and are really looking forward to growing it more this year and adding new products hopefully soon. It definitely keeps us busy though!

    5. What I’m Dreading:

    Going food shopping! 🤣 We really need to do a big grocery shop and I just hate going lol I need to get my act together in this department.

    6. What I’m Working On:

    Getting the house in order for the baby, staying on top of Etsy orders, trying to be consistent with blogging. It definitely all keeps me busy.

    7. What I’m Excited About:

    Our new baby! Knowing the gender now really helps to try to picture how our lives will be once he/she is here. I’m so excited to meet our new little one!

    8. What I’m Reading/Watching:

    I’m still watching the same show as last month, but have been reading a lot more! I finished Truly, Madly, Guilty after like three days. It was super good. In a Dark, Dark Wood was also really good but predictable. And I just started The Girl on the Train so I can’t really say too much about that.

    9.What I’m Listening To:

    Lots of the Frozen 2 soundtrack and Disney movies to keep the toddler busy lol. Shane has been loving Lion King and Brother Bear lately. I’m also still listening to the same podcasts as last month too.

    10. What I’m Wearing:

    I finally bought some maternity clothes! I literally had nothing to wear haha! I got these tops from Old Navy and also a pair of maternity jeans. And I also bought a pair of maternity leggings from Pact.

    11. What I’m Doing This Weekend:

    We had a busy weekend last week and weekend so I think this weekend we will probably have a nice and slow weekend and recuperate from the business. Lots of resting and reading!

    12. What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month:

    This is probably a boring answer but I’m really looking forward to getting the house more in order and getting more things ready for the baby!

    Thanks for joining me this month friends! I’m linking up with Shay, come join us!

  • Faith,  Home,  Life,  Self Care

    The Lie/Pressure To Do It All

    As I mentioned in my post about my social media detox (an update on that soon), at the end of last year I was really discontent with where I was when it came to a few of my dreams and goals that I had. More specifically, I was really discontent with where my blog and Etsy shop were.

    I have had big plans for both this blog and my Etsy shop over the years but I haven’t really felt like I was able to focus on them as much as I wanted. Like I mentioned in my post about taking a break from social media, part of the reason was because I wasn’t giving myself the space to really be able to focus on them. I was spending too much time on social media.

    Something I realized during my social media detox was that I had felt this pressure to “do it all”. I felt like I needed to be the one responsible for everything that came to running our home, doing my part in taking care of Shane, and also be able to make a full-time living from home.

    That’s a lot. And I know that I’m not the only one who feels this pressure. Our culture basically tells us that if we are a stay at home parent, we aren’t as worthy because we aren’t bringing in money. And if you aren’t bringing in money, then your work isn’t as important.

    The way that I was dealing with this lie was to tell myself that I needed to handle it all but I also needed to be successful at making money from home. Because then I had it all. I was doing it all and that would mean that I was enough.

    It’s tough too because when you logon to any social media platform — whether that be Instagram or Youtube or any other place, there are countless pages where everyone is showing you what they are doing well. And when you combine them all together (say after scrolling for 20 mins), it now feels like everyone is doing everything. People aren’t talking about what they aren’t doing, or not as much as they are talking about what they are doing. It put this pressure on me to do it all and do it all really well.

    Not only do I need to be responsible for meal planning and grocery shopping, but I need to plan the healthiest meals and then grocery shop myself. Not only do I need to be the one who cleans the house, but I need to have a very specific cleaning schedule where my house is spotless all the time. Not only do I need to blog and create new Etsy shop items, I need to be blogging regularly and every season need to be putting out new items.

    I got each of these pressures from other people that I follow and felt that I needed to be as good as each of these people in each of these areas. That all takes a lot of time, never mind the mental energy each of these things take on any given week.

    Back in the beginning of my social media detox I was having a conversation with my husband about how I was not content with where I was with blogging or with our Etsy shop. I was mostly just not content with how consistent I was being with each of these things. I knew I could do more but wasn’t understanding why I wasn’t.

    I was mostly just venting about not feeling like I had the time. He told me that he would support me and take care of Shane if I needed a few hours here or there. Basically he was (lovingly) telling me that I just needed to make it a priority and he would do what he could to help. It was then that the words, “I just can’t do it all then” came out of my mouth.

    It was like it finally hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn’t be the one to be responsible for all of our home responsibilities, also spend however many hours a week was needed to grow a blog and Etsy shop, while also taking care of a two year old. I needed help.

    I needed to stop buying the lie that I had to be good at everything. I quickly realized where I needed help the most and asked Tommy to start helping me with that. For me personally, it was grocery shopping and cooking dinner. It just felt like too much to be the one to plan and cook each one of our meals. Tommy eagerly agreed to help and things have been a night and day difference.

    Before I was trying to do it all well and instead wasn’t doing anything well. It’s true when they say you can only pick a few things you want to do well. Allowing Tommy to share the load of grocery shopping and meal planning with me freed up my brain with enough energy to be able to focus on other things. I can now see things more clearly because I’m not trying to focus on it all.

    I wanted to share this because I thought maybe that I might not be the only one who felt this pressure to be responsible for it all. I believe that if we spend too much time on social media that we start to believe this lie that everyone we follow is doing everything really well.

    I think limiting our time on social media and then stopping to realize what parts of our lives is causing us the most stress and then asking for help in those areas if possible can make all the difference.

    What about you? Can you relate? Do you put pressure on yourself to do everything well? Is there something you can ask for help with? I’d love to hear your story if this is something you have ever or are struggling with now.

  • Life

    Currently: February 2020

    L O V I N G

    I finally feel like I’m in a very structured routine with Shane. Once he became a toddler it felt so much harder to really have structure to our days. It felt like most of the day was spent trying to get him not to hurt himself or trying to keep him occupied long enough to actually get anything done. He’s finally at an age where I can trust him not to kill himself (for the most part) and he will also occupy himself for longer periods of time so I can actually do the dishes or dust and vacuum. It is a very welcomed change that’s for sure!

    E M B R A C I N G

    Our new home more and more. This past week Tommy moved our washer and dryer out of our basement and into our bedroom. We still need to build the closet for it so there isn’t a massive washer and dryer just hanging out in the corner of our room, but I’m so excited to have them upstairs! The only way to get to our basement is by going outside, so not having to do that anymore to do laundry is nothing short of amazing.

    T A S T I N G

    These magnificent cookies. Best chocolate chips cookies ever. I’m usually not a very big dessert person, although I do love me some chocolate. But when I’m pregnant I usually just can’t resist a little sweet treat after dinner. I’ve been making these often and they are just so, so good.

    W E A R I N G

    I haven’t officially worn it yet but I am planning on wearing my new maternity shirt soon. I never really bought too many maternity clothes when I was pregnant with Shane but I really need to get some this go around. Please let me know of any suggestions of any good legging or jean brands!

    P R E P A R I N G

    Our home and hearts for baby! In exactly three weeks we will know if this little babe is a boy or girl and everything is starting to finally hit me. I’m 17 weeks today and I think I’ve been feeling little movements the past week or so but last night I for sure felt him or her move and it was amazing. I can’t wait to meet whoever is growing in there in July!

    Looking forward to hearing what you’re loving, embracing, tasting, wearing, and preparing. Linking up with Anne.