• Life

    Friday Favorites | Vol. 9

    I haven’t done a Friday Favorites since August 18, 2017!!! But I want to start doing them more consistently. I think it’ll be a fun way to incorporate a little bit of our day-to-day into the blog every week!

    o n e

    FEELING LIKE A HUMAN AGAIN! I intended to start this post last Friday but we all came down with the stomach bug last week!! It was horrible! But I’m so thankful for all of us to be feeling better again and to get back into our regular routine. You really don’t realize how thankful you are for the mundane life until you get sick or something not so great happens!

    t w o

    Packing away baby things! While part of me is sad that Shane is getting further and further from the baby stage, part of me is excited to move on. I had a pretty hard first year as a mom (as I’ve mentioned before), and it’s been really fun to get my footing a little more and move past the hard times.

    Anyways, I’m looking for a better way to store these bottles. Does anyone have any ideas? I’m thinking of buying a plastic storage container with a lid. I feel like maybe that’s the best way to do it.

    t h r e e


    Outings with my boy! 🙂 We are in the transition from switching from two to one nap so I’ve been trying to get out of the house more otherwise I run out of things to do with him by 10 am. 😅

    It’s been so much fun getting out and just running errands with Shane. It’s great for him too. He’s in this adorable phase where he’s pointing at everything and saying “dat” so we will tell him what it is. You should have heard him in Target!

    f o u r

    Get Chicken Quesadillas Recipe from Food Network
    picture via

    I am probably so late to the game on this but we’ve just recently been really enjoying quesadillas. I feel like this is probably a staple in many people’s houses and it’s definitely become one in ours! We’ve used this recipe and they come out great every time! What are some staples in your houses? I’m always looking for some easy but delicious meals to make!

    f i v e

    We have been loving Little Blue Truck lately. Shane just loves to read and particularly loves this one. We started out with Little Blue Truck’s Halloween and I meant to pick up the Christmas one but never did. Then I saw the classic one in the store a few weeks ago and just had to get it for him. And now it’s all he wants to read! 😂

    I’m always looking for new books for him too because we are slowly building his collection. What books are your kids favorites?

  • Life

    Currently | March 2019

    Scheming //

    According to google, the definition of scheming is: “given to or involved in making secret and underhanded plans.” So according to this definition I suppose I’ve been sort of scheming new ways to grow our Etsy shop.

    We’ve been working with other bloggers and have a few collabs set up for over the next month or so. I’m super excited to see how this affects our shop’s growth. We’ve been getting roughly one sale a week for a while now so I’m interested to see if there is any growth after our collabs. 😊

    Reading //

    I honestly haven’t been reading anything the past month or so. I really like reading but I have a little bit of an obsessive personality so when I start a book all I do is just read all the time. I have a hard time focusing on other things because all I want is to find out what happens in the book!

    Hopefully I can learn a little bit of self-control and can start reading here and there and also do other things as well so I can read a bit more consistently.

    Buying //

    I had to check my recent Amazon orders to answer this. So in short, not much!

    But I did order a couple practical things for our home. Sponge holders?? I bought this little basket for our kitchen sink and these hooks for the shower. And while they are small and may seem insignificant, those types of things give me joy. 🤣 I love when everything has it’s own place!

    Making //

    I’m hoping to make some yummy muffins this week. I would like to make a healthy, filling muffin to give to both my very picky one year old and my husband to take to work. Let me know if you have any good suggestions!!

    I used to make these a bunch and am thinking about making them again soon.

    Accomplishing //

    I’ve already touched on this a bit but accomplishing growing our Etsy shop. I’ve been adding a few new items and it’s been really fun and fulfilling to have a little side thing in addition to being a stay-at-home mom. I’m so thankful to have a place to work and make just a little bit of extra money for our family!

    What about you? Do you have a “side hustle”? I honestly hate that phrase but I’m not sure what else to call it haha. If you don’t, do you want one? I know not everyone even has the desire (or time!) to have one.

    Linking up with Anne today.

  • Etsy,  Life

    What’s Up Wednesday / Feb 2019

    It’s been quite a while since I’ve done a What’s Up Wednesday but it is still one of my favorite linkups — especially to look back on years later!

    What We Are Eating This Week:

    Crock Pot Sausage and Peppers are perfect for game day, a cozy supper at home, or any night you're craving an Italian feast! Serve over pasta, or with provolone and crusty rolls. | iowagirleats.com
    Image + recipe
    • I am planning on making this recipe of Sausage and Peppers tonight except serve it on long rolls instead. I have made it soo many times. It’s honestly so delicious!
    • I also think I’m going to making these quesadillas this week as well. I just found this recipe and starting making quesadillas a few weeks ago and OMG. So good!

    What I’m Reminiscing About:

    Our first year married! 3 years ago! I can’t even believe it’s been that long. As I mentioned in my 2019 goals, my plans have been to organize all.the.things. So that’s what I’ve been doing and while deleted emails (from 2016) I came across all of the ones from when we were getting married. All of the wedding preparations and moving into our first apartment (which I still miss so very much). It was so fun to look back on.

    What I’m Loving:

    Honestly, just having so much more of a consistent routine with Shane. I feel so much more back to my “old self” as a second year mom than I did his first year. The first year was so hard for me especially since struggling so much with breastfeeding and I’m just so happy to finally feel settled into being a mom. And to be able to focus on others things along with being a mom.

    What We’ve Been Up To:

    Purging + Etsy mostly. Oh and I mentioned this yesterday but we are also doing a 30 day social media detox. It’s been so great and also a little bit hard. I will definitely share more when it’s over in a few weeks.

    What I’m Dreading:

    Shane’s one year blood work. 😢 I still need to call and make the appointment but am definitely not looking forward to having to take him for that!

    What I’m Working On:

    Fruit + Veggie Organizer

    Lots and lots and lots of Etsy. I’ve been having so much fun creating new products for our Etsy shop. We also have four (!!!) collabs set up with other bloggers within the next month or so! I can’t wait!

    What I’m Excited About:

    The weather to finally start warming up! Especially since Shane will be walking soon and we can start going outside more and playing! I have a feeling it’s going to be a really fun summer.

    What I’m Watching/Reading:

    • We’ve been watching The Good Doctor, This Is Us, and How To Get Away With Murder.
    • I recently read All The Little Lights and it was pretty good!

    What I’m Listening To:


    I’ve been listening to Risen Motherhood quite a bit lately. Some episodes are better than others in my opinion but it’s awesome to have a place to go to listen to Godly wisdom when it comes to motherhood.

    What I’m Wearing:

    These pajamas pants!! I finally broke down and stopped wearing my ratty sweatpants from high school 😅 to sleep in and bought a pair of these and omg they are amazing. So much more comfortable than those old sweatpants and so much cuter!

    What I’m Doing This Weekend:

    Hmm I’m not sure we have any set plans this weekend. We definitely will be working on those Etsy collabs though!

    What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month:

    I kind of mentioned this earlier but honestly just for winter to finally be over. March is my least favorite month because there’s nothing exciting going on and it’s the last month before warn weather is back.

    I think that’s about it for this month. I’m linking up with Shay + Shaeffer today. Come join us. 🙂

  • Coffee Dates,  Etsy,  Life

    Let’s Have Coffee | Vol. 15

    If we were having coffee, I’d probably be drinking this kind because I’ve been obsessed with Starbucks lately. I used to really like the Veranda blend but I find that it’s not strong enough for me anymore.

    If we were having coffee, I’d share that working on my Etsy shop with my husband has been so much fun and super rewarding. We are slowly adding products and even have a few collabs set up with other bloggers, which I am super excited about!

    If we were having coffee, I’d let you know that I am still waking up before my son (on most days) and it is still really awesome. I’ve been going through the She Reads Truth bible studies ever since their advent study last year and I’ve been really enjoying them. Have you ever done a She Reads Truth study?

    If we were having coffee, I’d give you an update on how some of my goals are coming along. This past month I’ve been doing a 30 day social media detox and it has been super life-giving. I will probably try to get a post up about that after it ends on March 6th. I’d also share that I have been slowly purging and organizing our house. I went through all of our clothes and gave away SO many. I now have next to nothing, which I actually really enjoy. It makes getting dressed much easier!

    If we were having coffee, I’d share that I am contemplating continuing on with Shane’s monthly updates. I know I want to continue taking his picture every month until he’s two. They are so fun to look back on and see how much he’s grown. I just also never really want to write those posts (although I would love to have them to look back on too) because it’s so hard for me to remember haha. What do you think? Keep going or maybe change to every three months?

    If we were having coffee, I’d ask what you were reading lately. I’ve been reading a bit more than normal but I have a hard time getting into a book. It’s always a lot easier when someone tells me it’s a great book before I start. 😉 I recently read All the Little Lights. I’d give it 4 out of 5 stars.

    And lastly, if we were having coffee, I’d of course want to know what is going on with you. What have you been up to??

  • Faith,  Life

    Currently, January 2019

    c h o o s i n g

    To let God fill in the gaps. I am such a level 10 perfectionist and hate relying on others so I try to do everything myself and I try to do it all perfectly. God’s really showing me how much I can’t do on my own or perfectly and how I need to trust that he will take care of what I can’t.

    t i d y i n g

    All of the things. Honestly though. I have been purging all of the things from our house. It was completely unplanned too. One day when I was dusting I just started throwing everything out. Our house feels so much better because of it too. I can’t wait to finish the rest of the house I haven’t gotten to yet.

    e x p l o r i n g

    Currently exploring all of the party isles of all of the stores. Shane’s first birthday and party is on Saturday (!!!) and I am currently in preparation mode, buying all of the party supplies.

    r e s o l v i n g

    To waking up before my son each morning. I did it this morning and it is so life giving. There’s just something about waking up and collecting yourself before tending to the needs of a baby. I’m going to be trying to do this every day.

    r e f r e s h i n g

    Our home. While I was tidying up and purging I also moved some furniture around and our house feels so refreshed because of it. I love moving things around every little while. It makes it feel like you’re living in a whole new space.

  • Faith,  Life,  Self Care

    2019 Goals: Family + Personal

    I remember this time last year so well. I was two days away from my due date and my thoughts were very obviously consumed with this precious baby who was about to make me a mama. I had no room left to focus on goals or anything I wanted to accomplish in the new year. My only goal was to bring my baby into the world and to be the best mama I could be to him.

    Last year was a year of growth in so many ways. I did reached those goals, even though being the best mama I could be looked way different than I had ever dreamed. But that’s a story for another day.

    This year I feel much more ready to set some goals for the new year. I finally feel more settled into being a mama now that I’m a year into my new role. This year Tommy and I sat down and came up with some family goals to try to make sure we stay on the right path this year. We want to not waste the year and use the gifts that God has given us to serve him and others.

    I thought today would be a good day to sit down and share what we came up with. You know, to hold us accountable or something. 😉

    Our Family Goals

    • Read our Bibles/spend time with Jesus daily
    • Save money (for house + vacation)
    • Tommy pass the weld test by May
    • Start an Instagram teaching about God’s view of family
    • Be healthy (by eating + working out)
    • Grow our Etsy shop
    • Minister to our families by having monthly dinners at our home

    I also set a few personal goals that I’d like to focus on this year as well.

    My Personal Goals

    • Organize our house + get rid of unused/unneeded items
    • Have intentional time with Shane
    • Go on more dates with Tommy
    • Read more
    • Have one social media free weekend a month
    • Set social media limits
    • Read my Bible every day
    • Keep journaling
    • Keep praying for Shane using this book
    • Be more active

    Did you set 2019 goals or resolutions? I’d love to hear them if you did!