• Life

    The Liebster Award!

    Happy Friday friends! Today is a very exciting day because I was nominated for The Liebster Award by Ivy from ivyneal.com! Basically what this is, is an award given from one blogger to a few others. This helps grow readership and helps you to get to know the authors behind the blog a little bit better. I am so honored to be nominated for this award! Thanks so much Ivy!

    The Rules

    1. On your blog, thank the blogger who nominated you for this award.

    2. Link back to the blogger that awarded you.

    3. Upload the award to your blog.  This can be done by writing a post about the award, and uploading the award image in your sidebar.

    4. Answer the questions you have been asked by your nominator in a blog post so we can get to know you better.

    5. Nominate 5 blogs with less than 200 followers, that you believe deserve to receive this award.

    6. Notify the owners of those 5 blogs that you’ve nominated them so they can accept their award.  Bloggers can be nominated more than once, giving their readers more chances to learn more about them.

    My Questions From Ivy

    1 | What made you start your blog?

    About two years ago I was bored at work and googling different things about getting married (I wasn’t even engaged yet) and kept coming across all of these websites that seemed to be written by girls my age or a little older. I dove head-first into reading all of their posts and loved the idea of sharing your life with a group of friends online. So I decided to do the same and in June 2015 when I started this blog. I wanted it to be a place where others were pointed towards Jesus’s love through my life so that’s why I named it Set My Heart On You.

    2 | What’s your favorite holiday, and why?

    Christmas is definitely my favorite for a few reasons. The obvious, it’s about celebrating Jesus’s birth so I obviously love that. I also love buying presents for others. I love just the feeling in the air surrounding Christmas too and I absolutely adore Christmas music. What’s not to love?!

    3 | Where do you get ideas for writing?

    Most of the time I just get them from every day life. If I’m going through something I love to write about it. Sometimes it’s from something I learned from reading my Bible or doing a devotional. Other times I like an idea that another blogger wrote about so I borrow their idea. 🙂

    4 | What’s your favorite way to relax?

    I hate that this is my answer but I love binge watching Netflix with my husband. I just love how you can just check out completely, which is super relaxing to me. What I would want my answer to be (and I do also do this to relax too) is taking a bath and reading a book. I love doing that as well, I just wouldn’t say it’s my first pick.

    5 | What inspires you to write?

    Like I mentioned a little bit in the first question, I really want to be a light for Jesus. I want other’s to learn about his love through my writing. I also just love the connections blogging forms and being able to help other girls with something that I had walked through before them.

    My Nominations!

    Leah from My Favorite Adventure

    Victoria from Victoria Strader

    Melissa from Melissa In The Making

    Blair from Blair Blogs

    Amanda from The Lady Okie

    Go say hello to these wonderful bloggers – I’m sure you will love them! (PS I don’t know how many followers they have and probably have over 200 but oh well!)

    My Questions

    1. Why did you start blogging? Is it the same reason you still blog today?
    2. What are your favorite types of posts to write/read?
    3. What would your ideal job be if you could do absolutely anything?
    4. Where did you go for your favorite vacation? Why was it your favorite?
    5. What is your best blogging tip?

    This was a little different today, but it was a lot of fun. I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about me! 🙂

  • Life

    Friday Favorites | Vol. 6

    Hi friends! I’m back again for Friday Favorites. The past two weeks have been an adjustment since we no longer have our own place until July 1st. We are currently living with my mom for a couple of months. But nevertheless there are still good things to be thankful for even during this time.

    Friday Favorites

    o n e

    We get to live with puppies again! I had a dog (Noelle, the one on the left) who I wasn’t able to bring with me when we got married because our apartment didn’t allow it. But now we get to live with her and the other dogs my mom has and it’s been so fun!

    t w o


    Tommy and I made Philly Cheese Steaks last night for dinner and they were AMAZING. I almost took a picture and then I don’t know what stopped me but let me know if you’d be interested in a recipe for them. They were so, so good!

    t h r e e

    I’m one week into our Online Bible Study and am seriously loving the study. It’s opening my eyes to just how much we need Jesus and how he really is the only thing that will satisfy our souls. If you want to learn more about what I learned, check that out here.

    f o u r

    I don’t have a picture for this one but my cousin is getting married tomorrow! I’m so excited to drive down to Maryland and watch him get married. We are staying in a hotel overnight tomorrow night too and I’m super excited for a night away with Tommy.

    f i v e

    I thought I’d share with you guys a sneak peek on my next Etsy listing! It’s the boy blanket I made, but in girl colors! Loving how these are turning out. Follow along with me on Instagram for the big launch soon!



    What have you been up to this week friends? I’d love to know. Linking up with these lovely ladies below.


  • Coffee Dates,  Life

    Let’s Have Coffee | Vol. 9

    It’s time for my favorite linkup of the month… our coffee date! This month has been filled with TONS of changes and has felt super long. Let’s jump right in.

    If we were having coffee, I would tell you that my husband and I have successfully moved out of our first apartment. It was hard and sad to say goodbye but definitely necessary. I was upset for the first week but have since gotten some closure and know it was the best decision for us.

    If we were having coffee, I would let you know that after moving into a tiny room in my mom’s house after living on my own with my husband has definitely been an adjustment. Some days I feel so couped up. It can be a good thing though because it pushed my husband and I (the biggest homebodies) out of the house for a little bit.

    If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I am going to be working furiously on getting my Etsy shop ready to launch before July. No promises but I am getting so antsy and really can’t wait to launch. I feel like I’ve been planning for it forEVER.

    If we were having coffee, I would say that I am super excited for the weather to start being consistently warmer. I cannot wait to start hiking again. It’s been too long. I’m planning on going on as many hikes this summer and fall as possible.

    If we were having coffee, I would tell you that the Bible Study a group of girls and I are doing on my blog is so refreshing to my walk with God. We are going through Finding I Am: How Jesus Fully Satisfies and I am loving it so much so far. I can’t wait to share more and learn what everyone else is learning on Wednesday for our linkup.

    If we were having coffee, I would tell you that my brother bought about $200 worth of gardening supplies and is planting the largest garden in our yard. He has everything from apples to lettuce and I am so excited for everything to start growing. YUM.

    If we were having coffee, I would tell you that coffee just hasn’t been hitting the spot like it usually does and it is so sad. I usually love coffee so much. Do you have any other suggestions of some yummy hot drinks?

    Enough about me. What have you been up to this month? I’d love to know! Today I am linking up with Erin Salmon, where we have coffee every second Monday of every month. Come join in with us, we’d love to have you!

  • Life

    Monthly Goals: May

    Hey, hi, hello! I’m writing this from my new home (at my moms!). As I’ve been saying over and over, Tommy and I moved out of our first apartment (cue all of the crying emoji’s) yesterday. We are living with my mom for a few months and then moving in to the apartment above her house in July. These next two months will be an adjustment for sure, but I am trying to be positive about it anyways.

    I’m sure nobody would notice if I didn’t mention this, but I mentioned in my last post about writing a book review on No Fear by Tony Perkins (affiliate link) today, but when I said that I had forgotten that today is the first of the month! And that means that I need to recap my goals and make new ones for May. So I will be reviewing the book on Wednesday instead. Let’s recap last months goals shall we?

    April Goals Recap

    • Have the best time in Florida with family
    • Start hosting the online book club
    • Pack up all of our things well
    • Move out! 🙁
    • Make 2 more Etsy products
    • Meal plan through the craziness of packing

    (1) Our Florida vacation was so much more fun than I really thought it was going to be honestly. We had so much family time and got to explore so much. (2) Our Bible Study is starting Wednesday and I am so excited! Don’t forget to link up with us next Wednesday (the 10th) about what you’ve been learning through the first week. (3) I am actually really proud of myself for packing everything the way I did. I did a little each day and it wasn’t overwhelming at all, which was awesome. (4) I wasn’t able to make two more products, but I did work a lot on two of them! I am getting there!

    May Goals

    • Celebrate Branden + Sarah’s wedding!
    • Meal plan well this month
    • Continue drinking plenty of water
    • Be active with Tommy
    • Spend more time in God’s Word
    • Read every night before bed
    • Celebrate our ONE year anniversary!

    This month should be a ton of fun. I’m so excited to go to my cousin’s wedding and to celebrate our one year anniversary. I’m hoping the rest of the month will serve as a kind of reset and we will end the month feeling healthy.

    What are your goals this month?
    I’m linking up with Autumn for #MonthlyGold.
    Come join us! 🙂

  • Life

    Currently, April 2017

    Hey friends! Sorry for the lack of “real post” topics lately. I’ve just been so busy with all the packing and making sure that we are on top of everything that I haven’t had much extra headspace to think about sitting down and writing a very in-depth post. But I didn’t want to not post at all so I figured a currently post would be fun. Affiliate links appear below just in case you want to check anything out for yourself!

    E n j o y i n g / The last few days in our apartment. As I keep mentioning over and over, we are moving out this weekend so I am trying my best to enjoy the last few days we have left.

    R e a d i n g / No Fear by Tony Perkins (book review coming Monday!) and The Girls by Emma Cline, which I just started. I have made it a point to read every night before bed instead of watching Netflix and it’s a nice change to my routine. I’m planning on doing book reviews once a month on whatever books I finish that month.

    W a t c h i n g / Honestly I don’t think anything for the first time in my life. I watch some of those jail shows on Netflix during the day if I’m crocheting but I’m trying to stay away from getting sucked into another series on Netflix (for now at least 😉).

    L i s t e n i n g / To Around the Table Podcast. I just started listening and then found out that they are no longer doing anymore new ones but at least there are PLENTY of old episodes to keep me busy for a while.

    P r e p p i n g / Myself to start eating super healthy next week. With all of the craziness of vacation and packing comes a ton of terrible for you take out food so I’m planning on doing Paleo next week for a nice reset.

    E n d i n g / My streak of being unhealthy! I’m also planning on jumping back on the workout train again. It definitely helps that the weather is starting to really warm up lately too.

    P i n n i n g / All sorts of things! I’m particularly loving the Bible Verse board that I made recently.

    L o v i n g / The new inspiration that I have to be creative. I’m thinking about getting a Journaling Bible and trying out DaySpring Illustrated Faith Starter Kit. I never thought that I was creative enough but after watching Leah’s flip-through of her Bible and showed that it’s not that hard to do, I’ve wanted to try it myself. I know mine won’t be anywhere near as good as hers but I think it would be so much fun to do still.

    E a t i n g / Like garbage. I literally had Wendy’s last night on my way home from my mom’s. We’ve gotten slightly better this week but still can’t wait for our reset next week for sure.

    F e e l i n g / All sorts of emotions. Sad about leaving our apartment. Happy for a new start somewhere else. Excited about this little space on the internet of mine. Refreshed from the sunny days.

    E d i t i n g / I guess just blog posts after I finish them!

    M i s s i n g / This time last year and all of the anticipation that went along with planning the wedding. It was such a fun time.

    D i s c o v e r i n g / That I don’t have to put so much pressure on myself to be all the things. I want to grow my blog and help out my husband financially, but I’m learning that I don’t have to put so much pressure to be more. Both God and my husband love and accept me as I am now so I’m trying to do the same!

    A n t i c i p a t i n g / My cousin’s wedding! He’s getting married on May 13th and I’m so excited to go down to Maryland and celebrate with him.

    T w e e t i n g / Not too much! But only because I need more friends on Twitter! I just recently decided I wanted to start using my Twitter more for my blog. Let’s be friends and tweet together! 🤗

    D r i n k i n g / Lots and lots of water. I downloaded the app Plant Nanny and it’s supposed to help you drink enough water throughout the day. Every time you take a drink, you water your plant as well. It is totally working for me! My husband laughs at how much fun I’m having watching the plant grow. Hey, whatever works, right?

    F i n i s h i n g / Reading Jeremiah in my Bible so I can start our Bible Study come Wednesday! Are you joining in with us? If not, you totally should! It’s going to be soo much fun and it’s not too late to get your book!


    What have you been up to lately friends?


  • Faith,  Life,  Marriage

    What’s Up Wednesday: April 2017

    This is my fourth What’s Up Wednesday post in a row! I haven’t missed one yet this year and I am loving that. I love looking back over the month and recapping it. It always puts where we are into perspective. Below are the questions that we answer every month:

    What we’re eating this week:

    Funny you ask because next on my to-do list is to make a meal plan for our last week in our apartment. So honestly I’m not sure exactly what we’ll be eating but I plan to eat mostly Paleo this week because we have been eating horribly for the last month or so and it’s really effecting both my husband and I. We could really use a good reset.


    What I’m reminiscing about:

    Our wedding! We got married May 22, 2016 and I’ve been thinking a lot about how it’s almost May and how much that reminds me of this time last year when it was all things wedding related. I’m sad our first year of marriage is coming to a close! But I love looking back on this day – I’m so happy I got to marry my best friend.


    What I’m loving:

    Shown first on Instagram

    My relationship with God feels so refreshed right now and I’m loving that so much. I’m looking forward to quiet times with God and am getting more into taking notes in my Bible too. I took notes at church for the first time and I really loved it. I never thought that I would like taking notes while listening to a sermon so it was a pleasant surprise and I can’t wait to continue with it.

    I’m also feeling refreshing with my blog too. I changed my posting schedule and am starting a Bible Study in May and I’m really excited about both.


    What we’ve been up to:

    We took a trip to Florida a couple of weeks ago and had so much fun. My husband, mom, cousin, brother and his girlfriend spent a week with my grandparents. We had such a great time catching up with them and exploring the area. (They live about an hour from Orlando.)


    What I’m dreading:

    What our bedroom currently looks like.

    Moving out of our first apartment we shared together. 🙁 I’m slowly coming to terms with this but I am definitely not looking forward to it.


    What I’m working on:

    Like I mentioned before, I’m working on putting together a Bible study for my blog. We are starting in May and it’s not too late to join! If you want to join us we are reading Finding I AM – Bible Study Book: How Jesus Fully Satisfies the Cry of Your Heart (affiliate link). Check out this post if you want to learn more or join us.

    I’m also working on reading more. I am making it a habit to read every night before bed instead of watching Netflix. It’s a little hard at first but I’m excited to finally start reading again.


    What I’m excited about:

    Image via Groupon

    I haven’t mentioned this here yet but Tommy and I are going to Cozumel, Mexico! We booked a trip to celebrate our One Year Anniversary. We aren’t going until June, but it’s going to be so.much.fun.


    What I’m watching/reading:

    Like I mentioned above, I’m jumping back on the reading train and the first book that I’m reading is called No Fear by Tony Perkins. I’m only a chapter in but I have a feeling it’s going to be super encouraging when it comes to sharing my faith.

    I’m taking a break with Netflix but I am in the middle of Gilmore Girls and I am currently watching the new season of Teen Mom OG. (Pls don’t judge me! I lovelovelove Teen Mom.)


    What I’m listening to:

    Just some Christian music whenever I’m doing chores. I’m trying to make it a point to turn on something to listen to more often.

    Also, send all of your Podcast suggestions my way! I’m looking to get into Podcasts but I’m finding it’s really hard for me to find ones that I really like.


    What I’m wearing:

    All comfy clothes. Always. 😉


    What I’m doing this weekend:

    MOVING OUT OF OUR APARTMENT. That should take up just about all of our weekend I would think.


    What I’m looking forward to next month:

    Celebrating ONE YEAR OF MARRIAGE on May 22! We don’t have any plans for the day yet, but will probably go out to dinner or something since we have our big trip that I mentioned coming up on June 5th.


    What else is new:

    I think that covers all the bases honestly.


    What’s new with you?
    What have you been up to?