• Life

    Friday Introductions

    I’m going to take The Lady Okie’s lead yet again and use her blog topic idea for a few reasons.

    1. I have had a really crappy week and haven’t been feeling that great so if I write about what I normally planned to (Friday Favorites), then I really wouldn’t have very exciting things to write about. I really didn’t do much this week.
    2. The doctor told me to rest today and to stay home from work, but since this is technically my work I decided to do something fun and easy today. (As if Friday Favorites weren’t easy enough.)

    Hi friends, that would be me. I’m Ashley, if you didn’t already know that. Let me tell you a few things that you may not know about me.

    • I just turned 25 in January and am married to my best friend, Tommy who is actually two years younger than me, and just turned 23 in January (the day before I turned 25).
    • We got married May 22, 2016 and are still learning what it means to be husband and wife to each other, which is why I blog a lot about this topic.
    • I went to college for Psychology and ended up working at banks for 6 years before quitting my job this past December to be a stay-at-home wife/full-time blogger.
    • I live in Northern New Jersey and my favorite place in the whole world is the beach. My husband and I have high hopes of someday owning a beach house.
    • I have one younger brother and 4 dogs! (One of which is actually mine and will soon be able to live with us!)
    • I have big dreams for this little space on the internet and plan to open an Etsy shop, where I’m planning to crochet blankets, and some clothing. I showed a sneak peek on one of the items on my blog’s Facebook, so if you’re not following there and are curious to know, you can check that out here. 🙂
    • I love to cook, especially for other people, but am very shy and am working my way into being comfortable with hosting people. Once I’m more comfortable though I think it will be one of my favorite things.
    • I love to do crafts and create things with my hands, which is why I’m loving opening up an Etsy shop!
    • I try my best to eat healthy and live a healthy life, but it is just so difficult and takes so much time. I also think there is a balance to it all, and am okay with eating “unhealthy” foods too.
    • I grew up in a small town where we walked to school with our friends because there was no buses. After school consisted of playing outside with neighbors until it got dark and everyone had to go home.

    \\What else would you like to know? What are some fun things that people don’t know about you?

  • Faith,  Life

    5 Benefits Of Not Having Cable + Why We Chose This Option

    I’ve had the idea to write about the reason why my husband and I do not have cable in my Notes app on my phone for a few months now. I had it planned in advance to write it this week and I think it’s awesome that one of my favorite bloggers, Blair just wrote her own post about this too. I’m writing this post in hopes that if you are on the fence about either getting rid of cable or deciding whether you want it at all, you will be able to see the benefits of not having it and it will help make your decision a little easier.

    Why We Chose Not To Have Cable

    My husband and I made the decision not to get cable back when we were engaged. I will be completely honest and say that a huge part of the decision was because we wanted to live very frugally. We believe that God gave us everything we have, including our money, and we wanted to be as responsible as we could with it. (We do not at all believe that those who have cable are not living frugally though. It was just a personal conviction for us.) We believed that we shouldn’t have cable because 1) We didn’t watch TV all that much and 2) We didn’t mind watching the shows that we do watch a day after they aired online. We also admittedly do not watch sports or the news so that obviously made the decision much easier as well.

    The Benefits Of Not Having Cable

    1| We save more money (obviously!)

    If we were to have cable on top of our internet bill it would be probably close to double what we pay now. Considering we do not watch that much TV, it just wasn’t worth it and we enjoy all the money we now save because of it. 😉

    2| We spend more time talking to each other.

    Don’t get me wrong, we still watch some TV. We have Netflix and spend a good deal of time bingeing out in front of our favorite shows, but there isn’t a constant distraction going on in the background like there could be if we had regular cable. The TV is only on if we intentionally put on a show to watch. It goes right off after we finish watching our shows, which means that we talk more throughout our day.

     3| It creates a much more peaceful household

    Now I realize this is very much an opinionated statement. Some people I understand love the sound of having the chatter of a TV in the background of their home while they do chores. I however think it’s very distracting and I enjoy either the quiet or music in the background as I’m cleaning or doing other chores. To me this causes our home to have a lot more peaceful feel to it.

    4| It causes us to worship more

    The reason why I say this is because not having cable gives us a lot more control over what we are hearing throughout the day. I am choosing to either enjoy the silence, which usually causes me to pray more, or I am choosing to put on music, which a lot of the time is worship music. This causes me to have a closer relationship with God than if I had a TV on in the background instead of these things.

    5| We talk more with our guests

    Not having a TV to put on in the background while we have guests over makes us be a lot more intentional about entertaining our guests. I have been to some houses where the sole entertainer was the TV, which was not to say that we didn’t talk, but the visit was more centered around sitting around a TV than around a table. (This was mostly at family’s house.) We enjoy getting to sit around our table and be intentional with our guests and spend more quality time with them because we are not distracted or using the TV as entertainment.

    What About In The Future?

    We very much enjoy not having cable now and do not miss it at all, which leads me to believe that this will stay the norm in our household. However, one of the main reasons why we did not get it in the first place was because we wanted to live more frugally, so if we are making a lot more money and can very easily afford it, this could possibly change.

    It’s hard to say now how we will feel about TV when it comes to having children, since right now we don’t have any. We may change our feelings completely when we have children, but as of right now we very much enjoy not having cable and do not see a change to this in our near future.

    How do you feel about cable? Are you a die-hard fan or are you like us and have decided not to have it in your home? I’d love to hear your opinion on this topic. I feel like a lot more people these days are choosing to forgo cable altogether.


  • Life

    A Day In The Life

    Hi friends. I hope you had a great weekend! I’ve been wanting to write a day in the life post for a while now, but I can never remember to take pictures for it. I decided to just use all of the pictures from over the course of a few days and try my best to show you what a normal day looks like for me. Although that’s tough in itself because I don’t usually do the same thing every day. But I will try my best.

    I’m also writing this post because I love reading other bloggers day in the life posts and because I want to document what my life looks like right now so I have it to look back on. I did another Day In The Life post back in September of 2015. You can check that out here, it’s so fun to look back and see how different my life is now!

    8:00-9:00 AM

    I usually wake up anywhere between 8 and 9. I’m trying to train myself to wake up earlier but it just doesn’t seem to be working right now, haha. So I wake up around then and always make myself coffee first then sit down at my desk and plan my day. On this particular day I spent 4 hours cleaning. I usually try to read or do yoga every day, but it definitely doesn’t happen that often.

    Next, I always spend time reading my bible and finish drinking my coffee. The way I’ve been doing this for the past year and half or so is just to read straight through the bible. I’m currently on Jeremiah and typically read 2 chapters a day. Sometimes I journal about what’s going on in my life, but usually only if I haven’t in a while or if something big just happened and I want to document it.

    Next, I’m trying to get into creating a habit of praying for Tommy right after I finish reading my bible. If I don’t do it right then, I usually will forget to do it. It’s been working too. I’ve prayed for Tommy the past few days because of this system. I use the prayer outline that I wrote here on the blog as a guideline. (You can find that here if you’re interested. I also have a How To Pray For Your Marriage guideline here.)

    9:00-11:00 AM

    I don’t have a picture for this part of my day but I usually will “get ready” and eat breakfast before I start working. I wrote about how important I found both of these things to be in this post. Basically every day I eat Cheerios because I actually hate breakfast, haha. I just eat it because if I don’t I feel really icky. Getting ready usually consists of me straightening up the house as well (making the bed, straightening up the living room, etc.).

    After I’m finished getting dressed and eating I will usually write a blog post. I try to stay at least one day ahead of schedule but sometimes that just doesn’t happen and I end up writing that day’s post that morning, which I’m learning to be okay with. I want to get better at this though because when I wait for the same day to write it, I feel so much more stressed. My day goes much smoother when I’m at least a day ahead of schedule.

    Oh and usually during this timeline I will also get caught up on reading other bloggers posts for that day too. This is one of my favorite parts of the morning!

    11:00 AM – 2:00 PM

    Yesterday during this time I made a grocery list and ran to the store because my cousin and her boyfriend came over for dinner. I stayed very busy and made this bread and banana bread for when they came over.

    I was listening to music the whole time I was cooking and it made it so fun. I already enjoy cooking so when I have some music to sing along to, I have so much more fun.

    2:00-5:00 PM

    Tommy came home around 2:30 and this is always the highlight of my day. I am obviously home by myself all morning so it’s a nice change of pace when he comes home. We talk and catch up on our days and usually eat lunch together.

    This day we had frozen pizza. Some days we have leftovers, and others we make breakfast. It’s really nice to be able to spend most of the day with Tommy.

    I then went back to cooking because I had to cook the actual meal for that night (since I had already made the bread and dessert).

    I was following a recipe off of my computer, which is very typical of me. For this night I was following the Beef Bourguignon that Jen Hatmaker wrote in her book For The Love. It wasn’t quite as good as she made it sound haha but it wasn’t bad. It could also have been because I didn’t have a dutch oven but oh well!

    This is what the kitchen looked like while I was cooking. We then cleaned up (Tommy did the dishes because I told him it was his turn because I had already done them 3 times that day haha and we do not own a dishwasher.) Then we relaxed for a few minutes until my cousin and her boyfriend came over.

    5:00-8:00 PM

    My cousin and her boyfriend were over. I didn’t take any pictures because I don’t like being the person to make people pose for pictures but I might have to get over that so I can better document my days. We ate dinner and dessert and just sat at the table for most of the night talking. It was really nice.

    This was what the yummy banana bread looked like. It was Cinnamon Streusel Banana Bread. I found the recipe from my all time favorite baker. You can find the recipe here if you’d like to make it. Oh and it’s also Paleo so it’s pretty healthy too!

    9:00-10:00 PM

    We had coffee and tea and then Nichole and Emil (her boyfriend) left. Tommy and I watched an episode of How To Get Away With Murder (we usually watch Netflix before bed) then headed to bed around 10ish.

    I wouldn’t say this is a typical day for us since we don’t usually have guests over for dinner, but everything besides that part of a day is a typical day so I guess it’s kind of close to what a usual day would look like. The morning was a very standard one for me and we 99% of the time end the day with some Netflix.

    What does your typical day look like? If you have a blog written like this, share the link below. I love reading about other people are up to and how similar (or different) their day is from mine.

  • Life

    Monthly Goals: March

    February turned out to be a month that was different from what I had originally planned. I don’t think I really did many of my goals at all, but I am kind of okay with it because I learned a lot about myself this month. I learned how to more efficiently work from home, and feel good about doing it, which I struggled a lot with through-out the whole month. The reason why I really didn’t focus on my goals though was because I spent a large majority of my time working on starting an Etsy shop. I think I’m still a few months away from actually doing this, but I learned so much about it and also about blogging this month too. So enough of my excuses, let’s see just how bad I did with these goals. 😉

    February Goals Recap

    • Celebrate our first married Valentines Day! I included what we did in this post if you’re interested.
    • Read two books. Nope. Not even one. 🙁
    • Clean out the pantry. This I did right in the beginning of the month and it has made my cooking experience so much better, haha!
    • Clean out our drawers. I’m loving how the organizing projects just keep getting checked off the list. This makes me feel so much better.
    • Finish crocheting the blanket I’m working on. YES. (PS. This may or may not have to do with my Etsy shop) 😉
    • Consistently blog Monday-Friday. Still going strong! 🙂
    • Pray for Tommy every day. I really want to cheat and check this off but it just did not happen. I prayed for him more than I did before, but just not every day so I will keep trying until that happens.
    • Create a cleaning schedule. I also did not do this one, I’m still debating what’s the best way to do it to be honest.
    • Create a blogging schedule for the month.
    • Workout 2-3x’s per month. LOL. I can never get this one down. We did start doing yoga this month though and I really love it, so I’m feeling hopeful for next month maybe!
    • Get used to waking up at 7 am. Nope. It’s more like 8-9 but I’ve been okay with it. I think I’ll keep trying until I get it to 7 though.

    I didn’t do quite as bad as I thought I did! I just can never get down the reading or working out goals that I want to. I guess I will keep trying though!

    March Goals

    • Consistently blog Monday-Friday
    • Read 2 books
    • Plan Florida vacation
    • Finish crocheting another blanket
    • Write 4 Lifetree posts
    • Write post for Young Wives Club
    • Workout 2-3x’s per week
    • Spend more time outside
    • Pray for Tommy every day

    I guess we’ll see how this month goes! I’m excited that the weather’s getting warmer and hopefully that will create a lot more inspiration for my goals, especially the working out one.

    What are your goals this month? I’m linking up with Autumn for #MonthlyGold. Come join us! 🙂

  • Life

    Tips For Working From Home

    It’s been about two months now since I wrote about how I was unemployed, and about a month since I announced that I was going to be blogging full-time. I am obviously still very new to this but I have learned a few things since then that I’d like to share. I may even write a part two to this post eventually if in a year or so I have more to add to this topic. But for now I have a few tips that make a huge difference on my mood and productivity of my day if I follow them so I know they will be helpful for anyone else working from home as well.

    1 | Get Dressed Every Morning

    This is kind of embarrassing to admit but I only just (like this week) figured this one out. Most days I was just staying in my pajamas all day, well because I really didn’t have a reason to change and I seriously love my pajamas, haha! It’s also because I only have mostly uncomfortable, corporate world clothes in my closet and I definitely am not going to wear those around the house. But I realized last week that not changing or “getting ready” for my day was absolutely killing my attitude most days. I felt lazy (even though I wasn’t actually being lazy), but felt that way just because I was still in pajamas. I realize this one tip really isn’t rocket science, you’re probably thinking well duh, but for me I had to learn this one the hard way.

    So I have committed to changing every morning before I start working. This is also a key to most of my tips. If I don’t do most of these things before I start working, I won’t do them at all because once I get plugged into what I’m doing, I have a really hard time pulling myself away for something as small as getting dressed. So that’s my tip for you: Get dressed before you start your day.

    2 | Eat Breakfast Early

    Yes, this is also another common sense one but it is incredible how fast the time gets away from you once you’re on a roll working on something. My tip is to also eat breakfast before you start working. It honestly changes so much about my day when I do this. On the days that I start working with the thought of taking a break and eating breakfast, this break doesn’t happen until close to 11 am and at that point I am starving and really am not feeling very well.

    Even if you’re like me and you really hate eating anything before you had your coffee, either just eat something small just to get it out-of-the-way, to make sure that you are going to be correctly fueled for the day, or have your coffee and do something small and then eat a proper meal before really diving into your work. Even if your meal is Cheerios or a yogurt. Honestly this is what I eat every morning because I really don’t like breakfast much, and it makes the world of a difference.

    OH and it is also equally important to make sure that you are drinking water throughout your day. When I was working in an office building I always, always drank so much water and tea because it was just an excuse to get up from my desk and move around but I don’t have that pressure at home or care as much so I sometimes forget to drink water throughout my day. But forgetting this will kill your mood and your productivity and sometimes you won’t even realize why! My suggestion is to keep a water cup on your desk and refill it every time it gets close to empty. It sounds silly but it is so important and so easy to forget.

    3 | Stick To A Routine

    Try your best to stick to at least a general routine. For example, try to wake up and go to sleep around the same time every day. I personally still need to create more of a routine for my day because sometimes it’s hard to get out of bed when you don’t have to. If you have a spouse or live with someone, it may be helpful to wake up when they do so that it gets you out of bed at the same time every day. For me this doesn’t work because my husband wakes up at 4 am every day and that is just not going to happen for me, even if I wanted it to haha. But I think it really helps with feeling like what you’re doing is important if you stick to a consistent schedule.

    Not only with your sleep schedule, but I also think it’s important to stick to some sort of work schedule as well. I am in the process of making myself one, where I am going to create times of the day where I write, do home chores, and take breaks. This is important for me because I am a creature of habit, and without having a schedule I feel a bit lost. If I know what is expected of me (even if I am the only one expecting these things of me), then I am more likely to get things done. I guess to put it simply, I feel more accomplished if I have a task list and check things off the list as the day goes on. It just takes the guess-work out if I have pre-made plans on what to do for the week ahead of time.

    4 | Take Breaks + Move

    In a job where you work outside of the house there are usually break times automatically scheduled into your day, but at home it’s much easier to skip over these very important break times. Some people may find it hard to stick to their work when they work from home, but I find the exact opposite. I actually have been over working myself ever since working from home. I feel lazy taking a break or think that I can do more because I’m enjoying what I’m doing, but it 100% of the time causes burnout if I don’t take breaks.

    It could be something as short and quick as playing with your dog for 15 mins, or going for a walk around the block. Or maybe taking a little break to read a book. It may be hard to pull yourself away from a task, so maybe take small breaks in between tasks. Or it may also be helpful to schedule these breaks into your day, just as they would happen if you worked outside the home. Try both and see which works best for you, but make sure you get up and move throughout the day. You’ll feel so much better I promise!

    5 | Get Out Of The House

    The amount of times you do this may change depending on your personality, but it is so important to get out of the house during the week. I’m learning that I go a bit stir crazy and can’t focus on work if I stay inside for too many days in a row. If you’re an extrovert, you may need to get out of the house at least once a day. But if you’re an introvert like me, once or twice a week may be sufficient. Play around and see what works best for you. Going for a walk outside might be enough, while other people may need more human interaction.

    Some ways to do this is to maybe go to a coffee shop and work from there if that’s possible. Running errands is a great way for me to get out of the house that really seems to break up the week. It’s also helpful for me that my husband comes home for the day around lunch time, so I really am not alone for most of the day. But I could see how if he worked until 5 or 6 at night, I would probably need to get out and talk to people a lot more often.

    6 | Keep Your Home Tidy

    Keeping my home clean makes all the difference in the world for my mood throughout the day. I feel stressed and like I have so much more to do if I had left the dinner dishes from the night before in the sink. I think it’s also important to keep a tidy home because if you think about it, a work environment outside of the home is usually very clean, so it only makes sense that you will feel more comfortable in a neat, clean environment. There’s a quote that says, “Outer clutter creates mental clutter”, and I believe that is so, so true. If we keep our spaces clean, especially the spaces where we are working, it will create a much more peaceful and creative environment to work in.

    All of these tips don’t sound like much but they are important things that are quickly forgotten about when you don’t immediately have to do them. But they are things that make all the difference in the world when it comes to your mood and your productivity for the day. Do you work from home? Are these things that you struggle with? What other tips do you have that are helpful? I’d love to hear from you!

  • Life,  Recipes

    Recipe Roundup: Quick + Easy Dinners | February 2017

    It is currently 70+ degrees right now in New Jersey in FEBRUARY so you better believe I’m writing this post outside on my patio. I also just went for a nice walk around our apartment buildings because I feel like I haven’t been able to really get out and move in months. But anyway, that really doesn’t have anything to do with what I’m writing about, I just had to let you guys know. 🙂

    What I actually wanted to write about, that I mentioned in my last post, Friday Favorites, was a recipe roundup of all the yummy dinners that we’ve been eating over the past few months. I’m always looking for new dinner recipes so I figured there more than likely is others too so hopefully this will be helpful. (PS. Black is not a good color to wear when sitting out in the sun!!) Also, there aren’t quite as many recipes included as I originally wanted, but I plan to better document our dinners going forward and plan to have more in my next post. I get a lot of these recipes off of Pinterest and have a few Recipe boards, so if you like these and are interested you can follow me on Pinterest here. 🙂

    O N E

    Creamy Tomato Tortellini Soup

    This soup was perfect. It was delicious and super easy to make. It also only took about 30-45 mins. It has cheese tortellini and sun-dried tomatoes in it. I also made some garlic bread, which was absolutely perfect to dip into the soup. Definitely one of my favorites soups I’ve found.

    Source: https://www.keyingredient.com/recipes/171098794/creamy-tomato-tortellini-soup/

    T W O

    Teriyaki Chicken

    This was another super easy recipe to make that took no time at all. Usually when recipes that say 30 mins to make, it usually takes me anywhere from 45-60 mins (maybe I’m a slow cooker, I don’t know haha) but this one truly only takes 30 mins to make. My husband actually made it both times and it comes out so, so yummy.

    Source: http://www.crunchycreamysweet.com/quick-teriyaki-chicken-rice-bowls-recipe-card/

    T H R E E

    Creamy Tuscan Garlic Chicken

    We used whole grain linguini to make this recipe just a little bit healthier. I also sent this recipe to my cousin about a month ago and her and her family loved it as well. This recipe also uses sun-dried tomatoes so it’s helpful to make this one within the same week or two as the soup so that you can get your money’s worth for those expensive tomatoes! (That’s what I did at least 😉 ). Oh and I also doubled the sauce because I just really like extra sauce on everything.

    Source: http://yummlydishes.com/creamy-tuscan-garlic-chicken/

    F O U R

    Cheeseburgers with Sautéed Onions + Cheesy Steak Fries + Asparagus

      1. To cook the burger, I used a skillet to cook them and added onion powder, garlic powder, and Emeril’s Bam! Burger Seasoning (affiliate link) on both sides.
      2. To cook the onions, I sliced them and sautéed in olive oil + salt and pepper. Then when they’re almost done I add about 1-2 tbsp of Marsala Cooking Wine (also an affiliate link).
      3. To cook the fries, I sliced them into wedges then lined a cooking sheet with foil and placed them on the sheet. Then I drizzled olive oil over them, and added salt, pepper, onion powder, and garlic powder to both sides of the potatoes. I cooked them for about 30 mins. About 1-2 mins before they were done (or when they are just turning brown), I added some mozzarella and cheddar cheese on top. They were a bit of a splurge but so worth it!
      4. To cook the asparagus, I followed this recipe.

    These were all recipes that we liked so much that we have made more than once. I hope they give you some ideas and are helpful for those nights where you just need something super quick but also super yummy! 😉 All of these recipes make quite a bit of food or are easily able to be doubled so are good for leftover days too! Let me know if you try any and what you think!