• Wedding

    Wedding Wednesday: Tommy’s Ring

    Hi friends, just wanted to drop in today and share about the details of Tommy’s wedding ring. I actually found it on Pinterest and loved the idea. I ended up showing Tommy and he loved it even more.

    So the place we ordered it from is called Spexton. They custom make each ring, which to me is perfect because it makes it so special. The rings aren’t mass produced somewhere, making the chances of Tommy having the same ring as someone else very high.

    The customer service is really awesome too. They strongly advice you to order test rings before placing your order for the final ring because they want it to fit perfectly. They send you 3 test rings and help you find the correct fit and once you have that you can place the final order knowing that your ring will fit perfectly.

    Right now Tungsten is super popular for men’s wedding rings and while Tommy’s is black it’s made of Black Zirconium. The video explains why Black Zirconium is better to use than Tungsten because Tungsten isn’t originally black – it’s painted black which means that the paint and chip or be scratched off. Black Zirconium is just heated up which alters the nature of the metal and it changes to black, which will not scratch off. So to me that makes this a really quality ring.

    The ring from above is Tommy’s exact ring and I think it’s awesome and so unique. Tommy’s actually interested in metals because he is in training to become a welder and he thinks knowing the process of how his ring was made is really cool, which makes this all so much greater.

    So yeah, that’s the many details of Tommy’s ring (and no they didn’t pay me to post this I just love it that much). The only downfall is that it takes a month to come in once you place the final order but that’s okay because we still have 104 days until the wedding haha!

  • Life,  Wedding

    February Goals

    I haven’t posted goals since November and to be honest and real I didn’t actually work on the goals I posted in November really either, but I want to be more diligent about bettering myself and I want to commit to write goals each month and post them to keep myself accountable.


    • start working out 2-3x’s per week
    • continue making healthy lunches
    • find more healthy recipes
    • drink lots of water


    • Research songs for wedding
    • book the baker
    • continue premarital counseling
    • read another marriage book


    • post at least 2x’s per week
    • comment on other blogs
    • write a guest post


    • make a budget for February
    • save at least 350$


    So there yah have it. I want to work more on my health because I can be super lazy when it comes to working out and eating healthy. I want to continue working on planning the wedding obviously. We decided we liked the idea of doing an ipod playlist rather than a DJ because then we get to pick the songs and save so much money too. Does anyone have any suggestions or tips when it comes to this? I also want to make sure I’m not just preparing for the wedding but for our marriage too. I usually set pretty unrealistic goals for myself and get really discouraged when I don’t meet them but I think I did a good job at setting realistic goals this month and I’m really excited to tackle them.

  • Life,  Wedding

    Wedding Wednesday?

    I know, I know it’s Thursday but whatev. After my sad but real post yesterday I thought I d come here and write about something much happier – the wedding! I think I’ve mentioned before I was not one of those girls that had been planning my day for as long as I can remember or anything like that. To be honest, the last wedding I’ve been to I was the flower girl and I was seven. So to say I didn’t even know how to plan a wedding would have been an understatement. I didn’t even know exactly what happened at a wedding!

    Thank God I found this awesome wedding planning checklist which saved me so much research and stress. I printed it out and made a cute little binder and it’s been really helping me know what to do next. So I just thought I’d drop by and share a little bit about what I’ve been planning, the general theme (rustic) of the wedding and what we’ve done vs what we’ve still yet to do.

    To start I thought it’d be a good idea to share a “mood board” I believe they’re called.

    The more I plan, the more excited I get. Those are actually the bridesmaid dresses that I chose, they’re going to alternate colors and I just love that idea. I’m just so excited for the day to be here and all the planning to be done. So far I’ve gotten probably not as much done as I should.

    Bridesmaid Dresses
    Groom’s Suit
    Groomsman Suits

    To see a lot of the BIG things like the venue, photographer, and my dresses crossed off makes me feel better but there’s still so much to do! We basically have found a caterer, we just need to finalize it and I have done a lot of research for the cake, flowers, and centerpieces so I’m happy about that. I can’t wait to be able to check off some more things for sure though. It’s going to be here before we know it. 4 months and 1 day!

    This post was actually a lot more fun than I thought it would be to write. I think I may just do it again sometime soon 😉

  • Marriage

    Engagement Confessions

    I’ve been thinking since I got engaged that I typically have done a lot of things that wouldn’t be considered “normal” things so I figured why not write a post and confess them all? Sounds like fun to me haha so here it goes:

    1. I was more nervous than excited to tell everyone. Tommy and I are relatively young. (I’m about to be 24 and he’s about to be 22.) I was nervous that some people might think we were too young and wouldn’t hold back expressing that. I also recognize that when you aren’t a Christian, the rest of the world seems to be putting off marriage until they are completely sure that their boyfriend or girlfriend is “the one”. I don’t necessarily believe in this concept but that’s a post for another day.  I was insanely overwhelmed with how much support we received though and we actually didn’t get anyone expressing their disapproval and I enjoyed telling everyone way more than I thought I would have. It was actually the best weekend of my life.
    2. I got my nails done for months before Tommy actually proposed. I started getting them done right when we first started talking about it and thought it could actually happen haha.
    3. I wasn’t excited about having a wedding. I’m more excited now but I was a little overwhelmed with being the one responsibly for planning a wedding especially considering I haven’t been to once since I was 7 so I wasn’t even sure HOW to plan one lol but now that I’ve researched like crazy I think I know what to expect and plan for. Tommy’s also been so great with it because he is super involved and has done everything with me rather than just leaving it to me. I’m also nervous about a wedding because I hate being the center of attention but I don’t think I’ll mind so much for this occasion. 😉
    4. I had times of being really impatient. There came a time where Tommy and I had the conversation where we knew that we both wanted to marry each other and felt that was where God was leading us and in my head that meant we were ready to get married like then. I expected things to move faster and admittedly on my own terms, which led to me being discontent with where God had me and Tommy and I fought a lot because of it. In the end though everything worked out well and I know that God’s timing is perfect. I can see that more than ever now.

    I hope you enjoyed reading these. They were fun to write. I also wanted to start a little mini series about how my life has changed when our relationship started getting serious. Things changed that I had no idea would and that brought so confusion so I thought it might be helpful to share these things/ know I’m not alone in them.

  • Marriage

    6 Reasons Why I Said Yes to Marrying My Fiance/Characteristics a Godly Husband Should Have

    I’m sorry to temporarily turn this blog into a marriage blog but I’m just so excited about the idea of marrying my best friend I can’t help but keep writing about it. Although I’m sure there will be many marriage posts to come, I want to assure you there will be others that do not involve marriage as well. Marriage just happens to be one of my favorite topics.

    I was reading an article before on what to look for in a husband (found here if you’re interested) and I can’t get over how much I hit the (future) husband jackpot. I wanted to share the list and also include how I see theses traits in Tommy – well for one to brag a little about how awesome my man is because I really do not let him know how awesome I think he is enough and also to encourage those of you who might be still looking for your husband. I’ve shared how I have compromised on this list before and it really did end badly and I want to encourage single girls that there really are men out there who do meet these standards and they are more than worth the wait.

    6 things not to settle on when looking for a husband followed by reasons why I love my fiancé 😉

    • Don’t marry a man with no ambition or courage: Tommy is one of the most ambitious guys I know. He works full time at a car dealership and then later comes home and lovingly serves me and a few times a week works with his dad to learn how to weld at night. He is smart with his money and makes responsible decisions that benefit our relationship.
    • Don’t marry a man who is not morally pure and morally strong, or a man who is inconsistent in his character, or a man who lacks spiritual, intellectual, or ethical depth: Tommy is a man who will not compromise his morals even when it is hard. He never pressures me into doing something that is against what God would want us to. Also, his love is sure even when I doubt him. He constantly assures me of his love for me which points me to God’s love that never changes.
    • Don’t marry a man who doesn’t have a life-plan that makes sense: Tommy has a few life plans that I seriously love. His short term plan right now is to become a welder and I am so excited to watch him grow in his plans with this because I just know he’s going to do so well. He also has a few long terms goals that I would love to see brought to fruition and am so lucky that he chose me to help him and be apart of them.
    • Don’t marry a man who is looking for a mommy: This one is kind of funny but I know that Tommy loves me for me and isn’t just looking for someone to have a family with. I know he respects me as a woman and really encourages me to use my strengths well.
    • Only marry a man who will love you sacrificially, will provide for you adequately, will grant you refuge consistently, and can be trusted explicitly: I touched on this before but Tommy really does love me sacrificially and is always observant as to how I am feeling. He constantly puts my needs before his own and he truly is a place of refuge for me. He is my safe place that I run to when things are rocky and just being near him makes me feel safe because of his unwavering love for me.
    • Only marry a man who has demonstrated in deep and passionate ways that he loves Christ, and wants to be a godly husband: This is the most important one. If Tommy didn’t love Jesus and wasn’t pursuing his relationship with Him first then he would never be able to do all these things well because Jesus gives us the ability to do things that He asks of us well when we are putting Him first in our lives. I know that Tommy loves Jesus because the choices that he makes shows me this. I also know that he wants to be a godly husband because he has already started showing me how he will be one by putting my needs before his own.

    If you’re struggling to believe that you could ever find a guy who would have these characteristics please know that I have been there too. I went through a really dark time, believing that God didn’t really care about what I wanted because He was making me wait but trust me when I say that the waiting process is so important and He will give you the desires of your heart if you honor Him first.

    When all you have is Jesus you learn Jesus is all you need.

  • Life,  Marriage


    Just dropping in to share the most exciting news of my life! I’M ENGAGED! I can’t wait to share how it happened but for now I just wanted to share about how excited I am.

    I am so completely overwhelmed in the best kind of way. We have received such an amazing amount  of love and support from all our friends and family that it just makes everything so much more amazing. I can’t get over just how great God has been to both Tommy and me. This is all just making me so excited for the wedding.

    Speaking of the wedding, no we don’t have a set date yet but we are shooting for June of next year if everything goes as planned.

    So yeah, that’s my amazing news. So happy to share with whoever might be following along with my little blog. I am beyond amazed at just what God can do when we allow Him to work in our lives. <3
