• Faith,  Marriage

    When things are just the way you want them to be

    Hi friends! I just wanted to drop in and share with you what God is doing in my heart lately. I share in hopes that I’m not alone in this, that maybe someone reading this may either be feeling this way or have in the past. But I just want to start this post off by praising God for what He has been doing in my life. If anyone reads my blogs at all they know I’m GETTING MARRIED IN JUST TWO MONTHS. Just for that alone I need to give all the praises to God for because if you asked me three years ago if I ever thought this day would come I would have told you quite grumpily “yeah right”. But here I am about to get married to the greatest guy I know and I just can’t believe that God has allowed me to walk this path.

    As if that wasn’t all the goodness I could handle, on top of that both Tommy (my fiance) and I are starting new jobs next week. Yep you read that right – God has done something crazy amazing and had us find out that we both would be starting our new jobs on the same week and now we both are actually starting these jobs just a day apart from each other. Again if you asked me if I thought God would do something like this a few months ago when we were struggling to find out where He wanted us I would never have thought He would do this.

    So these are all amazing things and I am over the moon (is that the phrase??) excited for them both. The thing that makes me sad is that I wish these things made me want to run out and tell everyone I know about how good God is. And I guess part of me actually has, coming here and writing about it, but in my “offline” life I am way more reserved and shy and less likely to give God the glory.

    When life is awesome and going just how I want it to I start to feel like I don’t need God anymore. It’s painful to admit but it’s just what I’m realizing is the truth. When I don’t have something that I am waiting for God to show up for, I am less likely to lean in and pray earnestly to him. I am less likely to even obey His commands. Somewhere in my sinful brain I think I start to believe that when things are bad, if I just listen to Him well then everything will be alright. But honestly we all know that’s just not true – He’s a much better God then we make Him out to be and His grace doesn’t depend on our obedience.

    So today I am just going to just try to meditate on that fact alone. His goodness doesn’t depend on me and what an amazing truth that is. Even when I’m struggling to stay obedient to Him, He still loves me and is pursuing me.

  • Wedding

    Three Wedding Things Thursday


    I picked up my dress yesterday from David’s Bridal and now that it actually fits me I looove it. I wish I could post a picture but I guess you’ll just have to wait to see it until after the wedding 😉


    I’ve been doing nothing but wedding planning for the past like 24 hours. I bought soo many decorations and I’m so excited.

    Just to show you a few 🙂


    Having my dress and being able to see a lot of the decorations makes me unbelievably excited for this wedding. It finally feels like it’s getting put together and doesn’t feel like something that’s far off in the future. We’re just about two months away and I can’t believe it. May 22nd come faster.


    Welp this was barely even a post but oh well. I just haven’t felt like writing this week and I decided to give myself a break. I tend to put so much pressure on myself to show up here and I’m don’t really know why. I desire to post meaningful posts that people will want to read but I feel like if I always am forcing myself to show up then there will rarely ever be meaningful content – so here’s to posting when I really have something to share. (Like this fun wedding post ;)).

    Oh btw i am linking up with Living in Yellow today.

  • Faith,  Life,  Wedding

    The Happiest Five on Friday

    T.G.I.F! This week was a looong and hard one but definitely a productive one so I’m really happy now that I’m at the end of it. I have so much to share this week – I’m so excited.

    Five good things from my week:



    Tommy and I joined a community group through our church a little over a month ago and it’s been hard to get ourselves there every week. We are both very introverted and have a very hard time putting ourselves out there but this week was amazing. We both really opened up and really learned what true community of a group of Christians is supposed to look like and I’m so happy about it. ALSO I PRAYED OUT LOUD FOR THE FIRST TIME. I’m still in shock myself.


    Wedding update: We ordered our invitations! We seriously love them, they’re so cute. My mom’s cousin knows how to do calligraphy so she said she’ll address them for me so I’m excited about that too. We also booked our engagement session photo shoot for March 19th and I’m so excited 🙂 (and also kind of nervous).


    I have another interview on Monday for a job that would be just perfect. I’m really hoping I get it but also realizing that having a few months off of work wouldn’t be terrible either so I’m trying to be okay with either. It’s for a position that I would be doing basically what I’m doing now but making 5 more dollars an hour so that would be wonderful obvi. Prayers are definitely appreciated.



    Tommy and I have been sticking to our meal planning this week after a terrible weekend and Monday off. I was really discouraged in the beginning of the week because we hadn’t had time to meal plan or shop for food over the weekend because our engagement party was on Sunday but once Tuesday hit I was determined to get up back on track. It was definitely rocky to start, I was really tired from a full weekend but we’ve done pretty well under the circumstances. We’ve also worked out twice in a row this week and have plans to go to the gym again tonight. This might not seem like much but for us it’s huge. We normally talk about going to the gym like all the time and never follow through but since it was the start of a new month I was determined to make this month about getting into gear with working out and eating healthy since the wedding is only about 2 1/2 months away! Sorry for that ramble train I just had to get that all out haha.


    engagement party

    I almost forgot with everything else going on this week that we had our engagement party this past Sunday. I want to do a post just on that but I need to get the pictures from Tommy’s mom. It was so fun to have all our friends and family in one place celebrating with us. It’s really cool to see everyone so excited for us. Both of our mom’s threw the party and cooked, and made decorations and everything. It was awesome.

    So yeah that was my week. I don’t want it to seem overly glorified though because even though it was a great week, it didn’t come without it’s struggles as well. The beginning of the week was just HARD and getting ourselves to the community group was also very HARD but I believe God rewards those who are obedient and I’m glad we pushed through the hard and have made progress. How was your week? Was it an easy one or difficult like mine? I’d love to hear.

    Linking up with A. Liz Adventures, Bright on a Budget, & September Farm

  • Life,  Wedding

    What’s Up Wednesday: February

    I feel like lately my blogging has been basically just me writing about what is going on in my life and hasn’t been any real deep meaningful posts. I really love writing the deep and meaningful posts that could really help someone but I just can’t seem to get the words out about the things that God is teaching me lately. Hopefully sometime soon I will be able to sort through the mess in my head and give you guys a quality post 🙂 But for now here’s what I’ve been up to this past month:

    What we’re eating this week

    healthy shopping

    As I posted recently, Tommy and I have been trying to eat Paleo and have been doing way better than I thought we would do if I’m being honest. We still don’t eat this way quite as much as I wish we did but it’s also really difficult seeing as I still live at my moms and can’t exactly stock up on all the foods we need easily.

    But this picture above I’m really proud of – the past two weeks we have been meal planning and going shopping for all the ingredients on Sundays and this is the second weeks worth of food. I’m finding so much joy in meal planning and cooking these foods that I can’t wait to have my own kitchen to go even further with it.

    What I’m reminiscing about

    sunset 4.JPG

    Warmer days, friends. The weather is starting to warm up here in Jersey – which is awesome because it doesn’t normally warm up for another month. It’s not like spring warm yet but I can tell were just around the corner from it and let me tell you I am beyond ready for the warm weather! Spring means the wedding and shortly after SUMMER.

    What I’m loving

    Getting to read so many books at work seeing as there isn’t any actual work to be doing since I only have 3 more weeks here. I have really fallen in love with reading over the past two months and I’m really enjoying the time I have to just get deep into a good book. I have always read but I never realized how much I enjoyed it until recently. After I find myself a new job, I’m going to make sure it’s not something I let myself put on the back burner again.

    What we’ve been up to

    cake tasting tommycafe pierrot

    Cake tasting with this handsome guy! This turned out to be a cute little date and it was SO delicious! We chose chocolate mouse and cannoli filling for the wedding cake.

    What I’m dreading

    More interviews wah. 🙁 I’m in the process of searching for a new job because I’m being laid off in three weeks and while it’s kind of exciting, job interviews are not. I went on two and they weren’t quite as bad as I thought they would be but it’s still a little difficult for me seeing as I am definitely an introvert.Praying that I won’t have to go on too many more before I find the perfect match for me. Prays are definitely appreciated here! 🙂

    What I’m working on

    Hmm this is a tough one. I guess you could say I’m working on balancing things in my life better.  I am an all or nothing kind of girl so I tend to push myself a little too hard, get burnt out and then have to recharge and be basically non-productive for the next day or so. I am working on finding a balance though (maybe this might be a good blog post idea ;)).

    What I’m excited about

    apple picking

    The wedding being LESS THAN THREE MONTHS away! Time is flying by and I love it. I obviously am way excited to marry my best friend (I’m sure you guys have picked that up by now) but I’m also excited to see how all of our efforts and planning are going to come together. It’s way stressful so I’m super excited to see the finished product.

    PS does anyone have any advice when it comes to DJs versus making our own playlist for the wedding? Did anyone make their own playlist and if you did how did it turn out? Were people still interested in dancing or does it kill the mood? Also, who did the announcements? Help. I don’t know if I want to pay close to $1,000 for a DJ but I kind of feel like it’ll be tacky without one. Any advice?

    What I’m watching/reading

    I’m still unsure of how I did this, but I think I mentioned last What’s Up Wednesday that I convinced Tommy to watch Gossip Girl with me. We’ve been binge watching it lately and we’re at an insanely good part. I have been reading tons of books as mentioned before and I will dedicate a specific post to just those books at the end of the month so stay tuned for that if it’s something you’re interested in.

    What I’m doing this weekend

    nichole and me.JPG

    I get to see this awesome girl Friday night and I’m super excited. We made plans to meet up for dinner and it feels like a lifetime since I’ve really spent quality time with her. I feel like I keep saying that in between every time I spend time with her so maybe I should get better at making plans with friends. With the warmer weather upon us I think I’ll have more motivation.

    I’m not really sure what else I’ll do this weekend. Maybe if it’s warm enough I can do some hiking. That’d be awesome. I haven’t gone for a hike since the end of summer I think.

    What I’m looking forward to next month

    Finding a new job hopefully (fingers crossed). Being one month closer to the wedding. The weather warming up finally. Being able to be outside more often. Oh and Easter. Yes, yes, and yes.

    What else is new

    Honestly, I think that might be everything that has happened this past month. Not too much is going on besides trying to eat healthy, planning the wedding, job searching and being a homebody because of the cold.

    What’s Up with your Wednesday? Let’s be friends. 🙂

    I am linking up with Shay, Shaeffer, and Mel

  • Life,  Marriage

    In Between

    My life is so weird right now. Honestly I don’t really know how to feel about it. Some days I am elated and can’t believe how amazing it is and how much God has done lately. Other days I am overwhelmed with the changes and miss the simpler days. It’s a confusing time really.

    I feel like I’m stuck in an in between in just about every area of my life. Mine and Tommy’s dating relationship is coming to an end and the beginning of a marriage is going to be starting just around the corner. It sometimes feels like my friendships are even at an end because I’m at such a different life stage than they are right now and it makes it hard to really connect. And my job is coming to an end and I have been passionately pursuing where God wants me next.

    So you see some days I miss the simple dating days where Tommy and I were just getting to know each other and everything was fun  and new and exciting. Other days I honestly cherish and love this stage where we were at too – knowing each other so well and getting to enjoy each other’s presence in such a different way.

    Some days I miss being able to bond over boy problems or too much homework with my girl friends. Other days I’m starting to love the new people God is putting in my life.

    Some days I miss having a steady job where I knew all of the ins and outs and had a routine down. Other days I’m excited for the start of something new and excited to see what God is going to do next.

    Some days I feel guilty for being overwhelmed, that I’m not trusting God the way that I should be. There are just so many changes and I’m doing my best and in the end I think that’s all God really wants. I’m going to look back on this time and really appreciate all the changes and what I’m learning through them. But for now I’ll enjoy the good times and cherish the times that I’m leaving behind. I’m stuck in an in between but couldn’t be more excited for whats just around the corner.

  • Life,  Wedding

    Currently, February


    I am most excited to answer this one – Tommy and I are doing a Paleo diet this week (and hopefully will stick to it afterwards). We went shopping for everything we needed on Sunday which was SO FUN and have been faithfully sticking to it so far this week.

    1 banana + 2 eggs w/ onions and broccoli + water + coffee


    I’m honestly having so much fun prepping these meals, way more fun than I’ve ever had cooking before. The first picture was my breakfast on the first day and these salads and healthy snacks I prepped on Sunday night after we got back from food shopping. I’m planning on doing just a post on our Paleo journey at the end of the week so stay tuned if this is something you are interested in!


    Currently not too much. I’m still in the middle of Gossip Girl which I love but it’s starting to get very redundant honestly. Tommy and I actually started Friday Night Lights over again because that was one of our favs.


    The comfiest of comfy work clothes. Since most of the building was laid off at the end of December, there isn’t really anyone here to see what I’m wearing so I’ve been very relaxed and been dressing very comfortable.

    Also! Tommy was the sweetest thing ever and bought me a long jacket that I have been needing, wanting, and wishing for all winter (because I don’t really have any nice warm ones). He surprised me on Valentine’s Day and I absolutely love it. I can’t find the exact one but it looks a lot like this:



    Still planning the wedding obviously. I went for my first dress fitting last night! And on Saturday we get to go to the cake tasting. We also need to do some song research and finalize the guest list this month. This month has been a lot easier and laid back in terms of planning so it’s been nice.


    I’m currently reading both of these and I’m seriously loving Barefoot. It’s such an interesting but sad story. It has me hooked and I can’t wait to see what happens. Changes That Heal is really good too but it’s a hard read. It helps you realize things you are doing wrong so it’s not a book you can just plow through.


    As cheesy as it may sound, I’m just loving life right now. Life has been pretty good to me lately and I’m really trying to appreciate that. God seems to have everything under control and I’m loving seeing him lay out our next steps.