
Friday Favorites | November 11, 2022


This sweet girl turned two months old on Monday! I can’t believe it’s already been two months since she’s been born. I actually just posted her birth story yesterday and it equally feels like her birth was yesterday as it does that it was so long ago.

Melanie is doing so well though. She’s starting to sleep pretty well. She will sleep most nights until 2-3ish and then wake up again around 6. There are some days still though where she won’t sleep unless we are holding her for naps and those days are quite challenging. Thankfully though, they are starting to become more spaced out and hopefully she will outgrow them soon. I still can’t figure out what is causing them though.

I actually spent $40 on pacis this week trying to find one that she will take to try to try to help her be able to self-soothe. In the past few days though she has actually started sucking her thumb! It’s quite possibly the cutest thing ever!


We started the In The Jungle ‘Gather Round Homeschool curriculum last week and it’s all about learning about animals in the rainforest. Shane has been absolutely loving learning about all of the animals. We bought this map and sticky tack so that we can hang the animals we are learning about on the map where they live.

The map has actually been something Shane has been really interested in all week. I hung it really low so that he can look at it whenever he wants. He has loved looking at the map and learning about where the countries are. It’s even teaching me a lot about where countries are located. It’s for sure been a favorite of ours this week!


We went apple picking last Friday and it was the best. The weather was unseasonably warm that day (70 degrees!) and we had so much fun enjoying the weather and picking apples. Now this week we just need to make our favorite apple pie!


We had a very eventful week for us and on Saturday we went to Tommy’s cousin’s wedding! It happened to be only 15 minutes from our house so I was able to even sneak away without the kids and spend a fun night out with Tommy. It’s always difficult when breastfeeding to get away for too long (especially because I hate pumping) but it was worth the stress of making it all happen. I even ended up really loving my dress, which was unexpected because the first time I tried it on I didn’t like it. (LOL)


As I mentioned in my last Friday Favorites, homeschooling has been going so well. I read the book Wild + Free last year and really liked how one of the beauties of homeschooling is that we can follow our kid’s lead on what they are interested in and learn more about that. During the week we ended up learning about stick bugs because we found one outside. It made me excited to see how much excitement the boys had to learn and it was fun because it was so spontaneous.

I’m linking up with Andrea and Erika today! Also some links are affiliate links. Thanks for supporting my little blog!