
Let’s Have Coffee | April 2023

It’s that time of month again, time for our monthly coffee date.. and I’m so thankful that you’re here friend.

If we met for coffee, I would start by asking how you’re doing? How was your March? Are you excited and ready for Easter? I can’t believe it’s this weekend already! I would also ask if you and your family do Easter baskets. It seems like Easter is becoming the second Christmas in our families (in the sense of all of the gifts and expectations) and I’m not sure I like it. When I grew up, my mom gave us an Easter basket (from the Easter bunny) which was filled with candy and that was all. Now our kids get gifts from aunts and uncles and their grandparents too. It’s a lot and the expectations are there for us to return the gifts of course, which I don’t necessarily mind but the financial aspect is also a lot. I just wish it were more simple I suppose especially because I don’t want the real reason for the season to be lost along the way.

If we met for coffee, the topic of weather would also likely come up as it usually does when meeting with friends who haven’t seen each other in a while. I would share how much I’m enjoying this weather and how thankful I am that we made it through another winter. I would also share how the boys have been playing outside for hours each day and it makes me so happy. I love watching them enjoy their childhoods in a way that I never got to experience. I truly am so thankful for this life that God has given to me. It’s not lost on me for a single second, even through the more trying seasons.

If we met for coffee, I would also ask how you read your Bible. I had started rereading it in May of last year and have been switching back and forth between old testament books and new and I’ve been bogged down in the old testament for a while. I’ve just gotten to 1 Chronicles and am feeling a need to switch things up a bit. Do you read the Bible in a year? Do you follow a reading plan? Or do you just read as you feel God is leading you?

If we met for coffee, I would also likely give an update on how my social media schedule is going and let you know that I fell off of the wagon when it comes to taking time off of Instagram. I am thinking it’s time again to delete it and have a longer break. I was reading a lot of books on my time off of Instagram but ever since starting my Youtube channel, I feel like I don’t have the mental energy to be reading all of the time. But maybe that’s just a lie and I need to keep pressing in to spending my time on more fulfilling things, not wasting it scrolling endlessly.

If we met for coffee, I would apologize for chatting about heavier topics this month, it just seems to be where I’m at right now. I would ask if you could relate or if you’re feeling much lighter in this season. I would thank you for spending some time we me today and say that I’m looking forward to meeting again next month.

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