
Life Lately

Hi friends. I just wanted to drop by and share that I am still here and still pregnant. I have completely dropped the ball on the pregnancy updates as you probably know. I have been keeping track of my symptoms in my journal as I’ve been doing most of my pregnancy but have completely stopped taking bump shots. I honestly just cannot seem to remember to take them.

Just to be completely transparent with you guys, most days I don’t get out of my pajamas. I don’t have many clothes that still fit me and since I am not working before the baby comes this seems to be okay. I have a few outfits that I wear when we go to the doctors or church, but that’s really the only places I’ve been going lately lol. When I do actually get dressed, I always forget to take a picture before changing back into my pajamas.

Anyway, now that I spent half this blog post explaining my pajama situation haha but that explains where the pregnancy updates have gone. I plan to take a bump shot tomorrow when I get dressed for my 34 week doctor’s appointment and will update you guys on how weeks 30-34 have been. (Everything is still going well so I am very thankful.)

In other news, blogging is something that I seem to think about multiple times a week but then it seems to always be pushed to the back-burner. I am in full-on baby preparation mode and it seems to be just about all I think about. (Just ask my husband! 😉 ) I think that might be part of why I haven’t had the motivation to blog much too. I feel like once I have the baby there is going to be so much to write about because I am so much better at writing about things once I’ve already gone through them. Being in the middle of such a life changing event is all-consuming and super hard to really put into words how I’m feeling about it.

I also really want to write a blog post about how the past year has been because we are creeping in on me having been a stay-at-home wife for almost one whole year. I’m just not sure if I can completely put into words how this past year has affected me. I still feel like I am somewhat in the middle of it and won’t be able to really form my opinions on it until I am not longer a stay-at-home wife and am a stay-at-home mom. I just can’t believe that everything is going to change so much so soon. I’m a little bit scared but mostly just so incredibly excited.

Welp I think that’s just about enough rambling for today. I haven’t written a completely random post like this in a while and I hope you guys don’t mind. I’ve just been thinking about this space a lot and wanted to drop in and let you guys know what’s been going on. Look for a post soon about the last month of my pregnancy if that’s something you’re interested in. I am determined to get that one up this week! Thanks for reading if you’ve made it this far!