
Life Lately

Hey friends. Today I wanted to share about what has been going on with our little family over the past month or so. We’ve been very busy and are in a new season of parenthood where there are a lot more commitments outside of our house. It’s been an adjustment but it also feels really good too.

Speaking of commitments outside of our home, let’s start with t-ball! This is a picture from our first game and we’ve been having a lot of fun going to t-ball. I can’t believe we have a child who’s old enough to do sports. Shane has been loving having something special to do that’s just for him and we are loving watching him learn something new.

This sweet girl is just along for the ride. She is just the most joyful, fun girl who is just growing way too fast.

She is already eight months old!! She is just growing so fast. We’ve just moved up to eating solids twice a day now. She can sit up and is working on learning to crawl. She babbles a ton and can say mama and dada (when she wants). She completely adores her big brothers who adore her just as much. She is going through a bit of some sort of sleep problem where she doesn’t want to be put down at night but honestly I know it will only last so long and I’m just enjoying the extra struggles (even if they are exhausting sometimes).

And my sweet Ri! He’s getting so big too of course. We just recently weaned him from his paci and he did so great with it! We’ve been telling him lately that he’s too big for the paci and that he didn’t need it anymore and for a while, he wasn’t convince haha. But one day he just sort of decided himself that he was done so we went with it and honestly have never looked back. I’m so proud of how well he handled it because he was very attached to his paci. His language has also just exploded and he can now speak in small sentences and he is honestly just the cutest and the most fun. He’s hilarious and so different than Shaney and we are just enjoying being able to hear his little thoughts.

Another big thing that has happened around here is that Shane has gotten a new big boy bike. The package had gotten delayed twice and he was devastated at first but really handled it so well. He loves it so much and I’m so thankful we have been able to get him a new bike. Next is learning to ride without his training wheels!

Everything is changing in our lives and our dining room is another huge thing that has changed. We have been doing our schooling in the dining room and we unexpectedly were able to do a little makeover these past few weeks. We just love it so much now and it functions so much better than before too. I actually just did a Youtube video on it, if you’re interested in seeing more.

Because of our dining room refresh, it has let me to organize and purge so many things from our home. I started in the kitchen and dining room so that we could have everything organized better because of the new furniture, but then it led me to every other room in our house basically. I’m probably going to be sharing more soon. So far I’ve also done the kid’s toys (which desperately needed to be done!) and under the bathroom sink, and of course the homeschool stuff (which is still a work in progress).

We’ve been meeting each week with two other moms who also go to our church and who homeschool, which has been just the best. We have been meeting them at the park down the road. This week though it was much warmer than it has been and we also went down to the lake after playing at the park and it completely wiped this guy out. He fell asleep like this during quiet time. So sweet!

I think I could honestly keep going but this post is getting long and I need to go feed my boys (and myself!) breakfast. It has been really fun to write this post and share a bit more about our lives and I’m excited to keep going. Thanks for being here friend!