January started with me being in the first trimester and feeling very exhausted and just generally not great. We had Shane’s 4th birthday party that we had been planning all the previous year. This was the year he had his “big” party where we rented a place and invited all of our extended family and friends. It was super fun even though I was still very much in the first trimester haze of exhaustion. Unfortunately after the party all four of us came down with COVID and were very sick for a week or so. (Hence the picture of Riley and I on the couch looking miserable. 😂) We were unfortunately really sick for Tommy and I’s birthdays but tried to make the best of them and celebrated the only way we were able to, with some yummy food.
February brought our first ultrasound and our first blood test when we found out we were having a baby girl! This was such a fun month sharing the news with our parents and being shocked ourselves. Other than that we spent lots of time inside trying to stay busy, including lots of reading and some indoor exercise videos.
March brought a little bit of time outside as it started to slowly warm up, a growing babe, and a trip to the zoo!
In April we celebrated a small Easter at home, our twenty week ultrasound, and had a sad sick boy. 😔
May brought lots more time outside, which was much welcomed. The boys got into a habit of spenting lots and lots of time outside as it warmed up even more. Tommy and I celebrated our six year anniversary with a couple days home with no kids. We made dinner at home together which was really nice. We also enjoyed seeing our sweet girl grow and grow!
In June we went to Ocean City, New Jersey for a week of relaxation on the beach. We had such a good time and can’t wait to go back as soon as we can!
In July we celebrated Riley’s second birthday! The boys joined me at the OBs office a few times. We ate many, many acai bowls this summer. Shane started swim lessons! And we took a week vacation to Lake George, New York with Nana and Pop and our cousins! It was a very exciting month!
In August Shane went to many more swim lessons. It was so nice to get to the little beach many times this summer even being very pregnant. 😅 (Thank God the lessons were only 30 mins, ha!) I also got my hair done for the first time in a salon just in time to celebrate our sweet girl at our baby sprinkle. I also went to many doctors appointments this month and very impatiently awaited our baby girl’s arrival.
September was the best month yet when our girl FINALLY graced us with her appearance. We were all absolutely in love with her the minute we all met her. We enjoyed many, many baby snuggles this month (after everyone got over their colds). We also got out of the house a few times and went for walks and even was able to go fishing once or twice.
October was when we officially started homeschooling! We went fishing a few more times and took a trip to go pumpkin picking!
November was really fun! We went apple picking right at the beginning, Tommy and I got to sneak out for a few hours and celebrated a wedding that was very conveniently 15 minutes down the road. We ended the month getting our Christmas tree and decorating our house for Christmas!
In December we enjoyed snuggling our sweet girl a whole bunch, baked lots and lots of Christmas cookies, and made prime rib and homemade cinnamon rolls on Christmas Day! It was a very sweet and enjoyable time of year! ❤️
I love making these posts because it reminds me just how blessed we were each year. I’m so, so thankful for everything that we were able to do in 2022 and can’t wait for what 2023 has in store for us. In case you want to see what we were up to in the past you can see some of my other year in reviews here: 2015: Part 1, 2015, 2015: Part 2, 2016, 2019.