This is my last pregnancy update and will be sharing my birth story soon!

Size of the baby: At 36 weeks, baby was the size of a papaya – 18.7 inches and 5.8 pounds and at 39 weeks, baby was the size of a pumpkin – 20 inches and 7.3 pounds
Total weight gain: 34 pounds – exactly the same as my first pregnancy! lol

Sleep: Not so great towards the end of the month, needing to pee a lot and having contractions.
Best moment this month: Seeing the baby on ultrasound!

36 weeks: feeling super super tired. Taking a lot of naps and waking up a ton at night just from being uncomfortable and needing to pee or having the occasional contraction. Feeling very big still some days. Acid reflux a little bit on some days. Had an ultrasound at my appointment at 36.6 days and baby was oblique. He is head down but off to my right hip. Doctor seems confident that he will move but I am nervous he won’t and I will need a c section. Have been bouncing on a yoga ball since to try to get him to move.
37 weeks: Very emotional. A lot going on with baby not being in position, just anticipation of labor, and dealing with covid. Trying to handle it as best I can. Trying to trust God through it all. It feels like a lot. Physically I feel alright as long as I don’t do anything too intense. Got a lot done this past week though. Still having braxton hicks contractions but nothing too crazy.
38 weeks: The day I turned 38 weeks I had an appointment and baby is in the right position now!!! I am 1 cm dilated and had some spotting and contractions after my appointment. 38w5d: pelvis is very sore. feeling like i have to pee all the time from the pressure. At 39w6d I had another appointment and was 2 cm dilated. Doctor stripped my membranes.
39 weeks: Feeling very crampy at 39w2d. Feeling like labor is coming. The last few nights I had some painful contractions that woke me up but nothing progressed. Spoiler alert, I went into labor at 39w3d.