
Shane Thomas: Four Months

Hi guys! This post is so late, but better late than never right! 😉 This month has been such a busy one. We just came back from a week-long vacation to Florida to visit my grandparents and before that we were so busy just preparing for the trip. I will share all about how that went in either a vacation recap or in Shane’s 5 month update. He did so great, but traveling with a baby is exhausting – holy cow lol. Anyways, here’s his 4 month update. I can’t believe how fast time is flying by!

Size: At his four month doctor’s appointment he was exactly 13 pounds on the dot. He was 24.5 inches long and his head was 15.7 inches. He is now in 3-6 month clothes or just 6 month clothes in some brands and size 2 diapers. I can’t believe how big he is already!

Sleep: Sleep has been about the same as last month. He wakes up just once to eat around 1-2 am. He then almost always wakes up at 5 and I usually bring him to bed with me since Tommy has already left for work. I usually can get him back to sleep without feeding him, but sometimes I have to nurse him again at this time.

His naps have been wonderful the past month though. He sleeps for about 2-2.5 hours for this first 2 naps and about 40 mins for his last nap before bed around 8-9.

I always thought I was going to be one of those moms who had a very strict schedule when it came to eating and sleeping but I’m not like that at all. Normally Shane’s up for about 1.5-2 hours before going back down for a nap. I realized that it’s honestly much less stressful to not try to keep everything exactly at the same time. I realized that once he’s older it might be a lot easier to do this and more important so we will be more strict with times when I feel it’s necessary. This loose schedule works really well for us now so I don’t want to change it at all.

Loves: Shane still loves when his daddy comes home from work. You can always tell how happy he is, it’s so cute. He also loves when you sing to him. Honestly he loves most things, he is a super happy baby.

Hates: Honestly the only thing I can say that he hates is being overly tired but I’m pretty sure that’s any baby. If he gets too tired, he will literally start yelling at me to put him down for a nap. It’s actually kind of funny.

Milestones: Shane’s personality has really started to shine through this month. He’s grown so much it’s crazy. He really lets us know now when he wants or doesn’t want something.

Shane can interact a lot more now and play a lot more with his toys and it’s so much fun.

He also laughs a lot more this month and can really recognize his parents. We love him so very much!

PS. I definitely will be sharing our breastfeeding journey eventually. It has honestly been one of the most challenging and rewarding things I’ve ever done. I’ve learned so much about being a mom from going through these struggles. I haven’t been able to exactly put it into words just yet, but I think I’m getting there! 😉