Finally getting all caught up… here we go!

What does your baby love getting into? Shane loooves getting into everything he shouldn’t be. He loves trying to eat our dog’s food. 🤦🏻♀️

Your favorite thing about your baby’s personality: I love how happy and playful Shane is. Everyone always mentions how happy he is.

In what way is your baby moving? Shane is crawling all around and pulling up to stand on everything.

What foods are your baby’s favorites? Shane’s absolute favorite food right now is yogurt. He will always eat yogurt. He also really likes bananas like his daddy.

What new tricks can your baby do? He learned to clap and give kisses this month! I can’t even explain how adorable it is when he gives kisses. I’m sure you know very well if you have your own baby. It’s just the best!

How is your baby sleeping at night? This has been the worst night for sleep since he was a newborn. He wakes up anywhere from 3-6 times a night! 😴

What noises does your baby make? Shane babbles all day. He likes to say dadada a lot.

What does your baby dislike? Shane has started to dislike being in the car. I’m not sure if it’s because he’s bored or is uncomfortable in his car seat or what it is.
Shane loves music just like his dad. When we play music he dances and it’s the sweetest thing.

What is your baby’s relationship like with his cousins? How do they interact? He hasn’t noticed his baby cousin too much yet. He’s only been around him a couple of times. There was one time though where Shane did notice him and kept wanting to touch him.
What is your baby’s relationship like with his pets? Shane loves his puppy so much. We are in the process of teaching him to do nice to her still but he loves following her around.

Shane had his first Halloween this month. He was a hedgehog! The cutest hedgehog ever if you ask me!