• Book Reviews,  Faith

    No Fear Book Review

    As I’ve mentioned a few times now, I’m trying to make it a habit of reading before bed instead of watching Netflix. It’s actually much harder than I thought it was going to be! I just wanted to give credit where credit is due and say that I stole this format of a book review from Leah, who is the queen of reading and book reviews, haha! I am so jealous of how much reading she does. I have included an affiliate link in case you wanted to check this book out for yourself! (Just click the title!)

    No Fear by Tony Perkins
    Rating: ★★★☆☆

    “No Fear draws you inside the stories of young, ordinary believers who, despite incredible opposition, courageously stand up for God’s truth. Tony Perkins pairs each story with a biblical example and gives practical ideas for building a “no fear” perspective every day. Today, followers of Jesus Christ face more opposition to their beliefs than any generation in American history. Yet even in such a hostile cultural and political environment, it is an exciting time to stand firm in the faith. You have been chosen to live in this important hour, and reading these stories will inspire you to the same kind of courage.  So what are you waiting for?”*

    What I Liked: This book really encouraged me to reevaluate what following Jesus means to me and what God is actually expecting of me. I have always been in the camp of being super respectful of other’s opinions and their beliefs and haven’t been too open about my own in fear of giving them the wrong impression. Since this book gives extreme examples of people standing for their faith in ways that I never would, it’s helping me think again about stepping out in faith without being fearful of other’s response. Of still being respectful, but also still taking that step of faith and sharing my faith.

    What I Didn’t Like: I felt like a lot of these stories were way too extreme and weren’t loving at all. To me, sharing your faith is literally explaining the gospel to someone or sharing about how Jesus has affected your life. In this book, the author praises others for defying laws of praying out loud and saying this is an example of following God. In certain examples, this is true, but for the most part, people aren’t going to become Christians because we chose to defy the law and pray out loud. I think by going against the law, you are not honoring God, you are showing others that you care more about what you believe. I am having a really hard time accurately displaying what I didn’t like but a lot of the chapters just didn’t sit right with me.

    Favorite Quotes: “The only way to counter the fear of man is with faith in God, which provides the courage and the strength that God requires for His world-changing work.”

    “We ultimately decided to go ahead with the Bible verses on the banner, but my real hope was that people would look at what we were doing and see Christ and not people who just want their own way.”

    “If the stand we take is motivated by a need to “win” an argument or prevail over those we oppose, we may win the battle but lose in the long run.”

    To be honest with you, overall I would not recommend this book. It was not bad, and helped me question whether or not I was choosing fear over faith more times than not, but I just did not enjoy most of the stories or believe that they were what it meant to be a Christian.

    “I received this book from the Blogging for Books program in exchange for my honest review.”

    *synopsis from Amazon

    What books have you been reading lately?

  • Faith,  Marriage

    The Most Important Thing To Remember In Your Marriage

    I usually would never title a post with such a serious name. I am always skeptical when I read an all-encompassing title such as this one. I’m skeptical because well, how could another person possibly know what is the most important thing for my marriage. Whatever they’re thinking probably is the most important thing for their marriage, but certainly can’t be for every marriage. So if that’s what you’re thinking, I will encourage you to keep reading. I think you will agree with me on this one. And even if you don’t believe it’s THE most important thing to remember, I am convinced that you will at least agree that is in the top three most important things to remember when it comes to a healthy marriage, and will understand why I named it the most important thing for a marriage.

    I actually read this little bit of advice from a book, Love and Respect. (I actually did a book review on it a few years ago, so if you’re interested you can check that out here. It is definitely one of my favorite marriage books. It really opens your eyes to what a husband or wife really needs from their spouse.)

    The most important marriage advice I’ve heard is to remember that your husband (or wife) is a good-willed person, specifically when they do something that hurts you. Remind yourself that he loves you, and whatever he did to make you upset doesn’t change that. Also remember that whatever it was, he did not purposely do it just to hurt you. He might not have even known that it did hurt you.

    I think this might be better shown through an example. Let’s say you ask your husband to take out the garbage the following morning, and he forgets. And let’s also say that you guys have been going through a harder season where it feels like he seems to forget a lot of things that you ask him to do lately. I think it can be so easy to jump straight to the conclusion that he keeps forgetting to do these things because he doesn’t care about you. (I am always very quick to jump to this conclusion.) This is when it’s important to remember that your husband is a good-willed person. Remind yourself that while it may be easy to think that he did this because he doesn’t care about you, he more likely didn’t do it because he forgot, and that’s it. I think it’s also helpful to remind yourself in this moment of the last thoughtful thing your husband did for you so that you don’t jump to the conclusion that he doesn’t care. Dwell on the reason why you know he cares.

    While I’m not saying that this will just make everything better. It still might make you upset or angry, and I am not saying that those feelings are wrong or not justified. I just think it’s important not to run with those feelings. Once we start believing that our husbands do not care for us, we get into very dangerous waters. I believe if we start thinking that they don’t care, that’s when the foundation of your relationship starts breaking down and it can only get worse from there. Without trust there is no relationship. We really need to be able to trust our husbands for us to be able to work out issues or for our relationship to thrive.

    Please note that I do recognize that this may not be true for every relationship and that I am aware that there are abusive relationships where this basic truth does not apply. If you are in a relationship and you do not feel that this is true, and you do not feel that your husband genuinely cares for you or know that he does things to purposely hurt you, please think about seeking help. You do not deserve to be in a relationship that is hurtful or abusive.

  • Book Reviews

    What I Read: February

    what i read february
    I’m happy to say that I have kept up with my reading this past month. I seriously am loving all the time I have to read because it’s so refreshing to take a tiny break from real life and get lost in a book. It seems this next month too I’ll have some free time seeing as I still don’t have a job lined up. Womp. But I’m trying not to get discouraged and know that in God’s timing I’ll find one. PS. I can’t wait until I don’t have to visit Indeed.com ever again though. Okay on to the books:

    The Daylight Marriage

    the daylight marriage

    2 out of 5

    I read this in the beginning of February and I have the worst memory when it comes to books and movies so I honestly don’t remember exactly what happened but I remember not liking it. It was like taken but a lot less entertaining.

    Best Friends Forever

    best friends forever.jpg

    4 out of 5

    This one was great. It’s about two women who were best friends in high school but stopped being friends at the end of it because of a huge fight they had. One day when they’re 30 one of the women shows up on the other’s doorstep with blood on her coat saying she needs help. This book really kept me interested and it was a really great story.



    5 out of 5

    This book was my favorite this month for sure. It was about three women who are going through really difficult things – one has cancer, one found out her husband cheated on her right when she found out that they were pregnant after trying for years, and the other was fired for her job for sleeping with a student. They all are living in a summer house on the beach for the summer, and it makes you long for the summer and the warm weather.



    5 out of 5

    This book gave me all the feels. It is insanely heart wrenching and all you want to do is get to the end to know everything is going to be okay. The way Kayla Aimee writes is outstanding and she throws in humor in such a way that makes you just simply not able to put this book down. I read it in about 24 hours I believe. It’s so sad but so amazing at the same time.

    Changes That Heal

    changes that heal

    4 out of 5

    This looks like the only “faith” book I’ve read this month. I try to read both a “story” book and a “faith” book I can learn from at the same time. This book was HARD to get through. It’s hard because it’s teaching us all the things we do wrong when it comes to relating to both God and others. It was extremely helpful and eye opening but definitely a difficult read. I did a review of a few chapter here if you’re interested.

    What Alice Forgot

    what alice forgot.jpg

    4 out of 5

    This book was hard to get into. It took me about half the book to really get hooked. I read this one because I heard a lot of good things about it but I was a little disappointed. The main character Alice wakes up from hitting her head and quickly learns that she has forgotten the last 10 years. She just took so long before really getting answers about what was going on in her life and I found it maddening. If I woke up and couldn’t remember that much I would be running about frantically trying to figure out what was going on. She was very laid back at first and it took me until she started figuring everything out to really get hooked. But once I did it was GREAT. I loved the end.

    I can’t believe I read 6 books this month. That’s a record so far. I’m going to try to keep it up. I’m reading another marriage book seeing as I’m just 2 and a half months from the wedding!! It’s also on my March goals and I want to be as prepared for marriage as I can be when the time comes.

    Have any suggestions for me? Have you read any of these books – what did you think?

  • Book Reviews

    Books I’ve Read: January

    So in January I was able to read so much because I haven’t had any actual work to do at work because I am being laid off in March because my bank merged with another one. So anyways, I literally am just reading and planning my wedding during work hours because there is nothing to. It’s seriously bliss.

    So in January I was able to read 5 books, which is a lot for me. I normally don’t read all that much – I have the desire to but never seem to actually make the time to do it. Since I had so much free time though I’ve been doing a lot more reading and it has sparked my love for it again and I’m going to really try to make sure I read regularly even when I have a job that I actually have to work at haha.

    PS. Have you guys discovered Goodreads yet? I’m sure you have but if not it’s a great place to track all the books you want to read, have read and are currently reading. I always see books that I want to read and can never remember them so I started writing them in the notes section of my phone and that helped me read more and now that I have discovered this website it’s soo much easier. They even recommend books to you based off of what you have rated the ones you’ve read. It’s awesome.

    For Women Only

    for women only.jpg

    5 out of 5
    I thought this book was great. I read it because as you all know I’m engaged and I’m also interested in Psychology so I have read about how different men and women are when it comes to processing the world and I love the idea of finding out how men work. I read this to better understand my fiance and I have to say it really really helped. It opens your eyes to so much about how they’re wired. I think it’s a must read if you are in a relationship, engaged, married, or even are just planning to be married one day.

    You and Me Forever

    you and me forever

    4 out of 5
    This was another marriage book – you’ll soon learn (if you haven’t already) that marriage is one of my favorite topics so obviously I read about it a lot. This book was one of the most convicting books I’ve read. It talks about how we are called to love Jesus more than our spouse and even our children. It really helps you check yourself and make sure you’re living for the correct things (God’s glory) and not our own.

    Something Borrowed

    something borrowed.jpg

    5 out of 5
    This is the second time I read this book and I loved it this time as much as I did the first. I think I read the whole thing in about 2 days and it’s a pretty thick book. I don’t want to give too much away about it but it’s a romantic comedy (and was actually turned into a movie) but it’s really suspenseful. If you like love stories you will love this one.

    The Giver

    the giver

    3.5 out of 5
    This is also the second time I read this book. The first time was in school, maybe 8th grade. It’s a really interesting book about a boy who lives in like a community that is hyper-sensitively controlled by the government. They follow insanely strict rules and the boy Jonas was selected to receive memories and quickly learns that the world wasn’t always this way. It’s a cute, short book that keeps you pretty interested.

    One Light Still Shines

    one light still shines.jpg

    5 out of 5
    Oh my gosh, this book! It gave me all the feels. If I could rate it a 6 out of 5 I would. It’s written by the woman who was married to the man who was responsible for the Amish Schoolhouse Shootings. She is so raw and real in this book and she walks you through how her life looked at the time – not leaving out even the smallest details. She talks about how leaning on Jesus brought her through this and it shows you just how practical it is to follow Jesus and just how much he really cares about us. Such a great book.

    That would be all. I’m really proud of myself for reading this much in January and I hope to keep my reading up for the rest of this month too.

  • Book Reviews,  Marriage

    Love and Respect: A Book Review

    I really like to read but never really make as much time for it as I wish I did. Over the past few months though I have been reading more than I normally do and I love it! The most recent book that I finished is called Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerichs and it was amazing. I first got the idea to read it off of another blogger who suggested it and I’m really glad I did- it taught me soo much. If you are someone who is in a committed relationship leading towards marriage, engaged, or even married I highly suggest you read this book.

    The book is broken up into three different parts and I want to just recap each part for you guys to see if maybe this is a book you might be interested in. The three parts were called: The Crazy Cycle, The Energizing Cycle, and The Rewarding Cycle

    T H E  C R A Z Y  C Y C L E

    In what Emerson calls “The Crazy Cycle” he explains how men and women are very different in the way that they see the world and what they want from the world. He explains how God created men to desire respect above all else and for women to desire love. We see everything based off of these desires and whether or not we are receiving these desires. He also explained how when women are not receiving love the way they react comes off as disrespectful to a man, and when men are not receiving respect the reactions they have come across as unloving to a woman. Even if neither the man or woman mean for the reactions to come across as unloving or disrespectful, Emerson explains that these natural reactions are just picked up by the opposite gender as this way. So this is what he refers to “The Crazy Cycle” because when a wive senses her husband is being unloving, she reacts in a disrespectful way which causes her husband to react in an unloving way and it just becomes a cycle of messiness. Emerson writes about ways to identify what type of signal you might be giving off so that you can be aware and stop the crazy cycle.

    T H E  E N E R G I Z I N G  C Y C L E

    The Energizing Cycle is the part where Emerson breaks down the needs of a man and woman and specifically writes out how a husband or wife can meet these needs. He calls this the energizing cycle because this keeps the couple in harmony because each spouse is meeting each other’s deepest need. Obviously we are still sinful people so this never works perfectly but it is super helpful. I never really exactly understood how to show respect or what Tommy really needed from me until I read this book. It opened my eyes to a lot of ways I can love and support him better.

    T H E  R E W A R D I N G  C Y C L E

    The Rewarding Cycle is what makes all of this important. Emerson explains how none of this would really matter if we were just doing this for ourselves or to get what we want from our spouses. He isn’t even good enough to just do it to make our spouses happy. Emerson explains that this is all important because it is what God commands from a husband and wife. Ephesians 5:33 says “However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.” Emerson explains that when we obey God in this way it gives Him the ability to work in our marriages and gives Him the most glory.

    This book I thought was going to be an easy read but ended up taking much longer than I imagined but this was because it has so much information to get from it. It’s filled with knowledge that I wanted so desperately to soak up every word of it. I lent it to Tommy to read but it is definitely a book that I will probably read over and over because it was so helpful. If you are interested in how to love your significant other better and in a way that will most naturally appeal to them then I highly suggest this book!