• Baby,  Life

    Currently, September 2020

    appreciating: this season of life so much. Transitioning from 1-2 babies has been a million times easier than our transition of 0-1 and I am just so thankful for that. If you don’t know our story, after having Shaney I struggled immensely with breastfeeding which just completely shaped the first year of becoming a mom. I can look back now and realize I definitely had a touch of PPD because of it. We prayed so much for things to be different this time around and God showed up big time. I can’t wait to share Riley’s birth story soon. I seriously could not have asked for a better birth or postpartum experience this time so I am just appreciating this season to the best of my ability!

    anticipating: our first vacation as a family of four! We are headed to the beach next week and we are all just so excited!

    collecting: new (health-ish) recipes. I’m excited to try this one this week. During pregnancy I really didn’t care too much about eating health so now that I’m not pregnant anymore I’d like to at least start to change that ha! If you have any good ones, please send them my way. 🙂

    starting: to think about taking the (very scary) leap of organizing my photos. Emily from Em for Marvelous just posted a three part series of how to organize your photos and I think I’m ready to attempt this. I have 4800 photos on my phone all the way back from 2012 to now and there really is no organization to them. I’d love to pick my favorite ones and have them printed into photo books. (This may take many years!)

    finishing: not much in this season of nursing a newborn and having a very active two year old 🤣 but that’s okay! It’s all about appreciating the season I’m in right?!

    linking up with anne. come join us.

  • Life

    Currently: June 2020

    Hi friends! Long time, no talk! Let’s catch up shall we?

    We’ve been so busy preparing for baby and trying to stay caught up with Etsy orders, there has been no time at all to blog! I’m so thankful for those blessings though! But now that I feel like I can breathe for a minute, I want to catch up my little blog.

    I’m planning on writing a few updates on my pregnancy sometime in the near future. But let’s start out with something easy, a currently post.

    feeling: so beyond excited that in the next 6(ish) weeks we will be meeting our second baby boy! Giving birth during a pandemic is still a little scary but I’m trusting that God will get us through.

    wearing: comfy clothes. I bought these really comfy, technically pajama shorts from Target a few weeks ago. They are seriously the most comfortable shorts I’ve ever owned and super cute to wear around the house too.

    buying: new furniture to prepare for the baby! We bought a dresser for the boys’ eventual shared room (Shane’s room currently) and a glider for our room this week! I’m so excited to get them and start breaking out the baby stuff from the attic so soon!

    craving: oh boy. basically anything that’s not healthy lol. I’ve been particularly loving strombolis as of right now though. YUM.

    discussing: how black lives matter. Tommy and I have been reading, learning, and discussing how we have not been aware or paying attention enough in the past and are committing to doing our part in changing the state of things in this country. We have a lot to learn and do but it starts with us.

    linking up with anne. come join us.

  • Life

    Currently | March 2019

    Scheming //

    According to google, the definition of scheming is: “given to or involved in making secret and underhanded plans.” So according to this definition I suppose I’ve been sort of scheming new ways to grow our Etsy shop.

    We’ve been working with other bloggers and have a few collabs set up for over the next month or so. I’m super excited to see how this affects our shop’s growth. We’ve been getting roughly one sale a week for a while now so I’m interested to see if there is any growth after our collabs. 😊

    Reading //

    I honestly haven’t been reading anything the past month or so. I really like reading but I have a little bit of an obsessive personality so when I start a book all I do is just read all the time. I have a hard time focusing on other things because all I want is to find out what happens in the book!

    Hopefully I can learn a little bit of self-control and can start reading here and there and also do other things as well so I can read a bit more consistently.

    Buying //

    I had to check my recent Amazon orders to answer this. So in short, not much!

    But I did order a couple practical things for our home. Sponge holders?? I bought this little basket for our kitchen sink and these hooks for the shower. And while they are small and may seem insignificant, those types of things give me joy. 🤣 I love when everything has it’s own place!

    Making //

    I’m hoping to make some yummy muffins this week. I would like to make a healthy, filling muffin to give to both my very picky one year old and my husband to take to work. Let me know if you have any good suggestions!!

    I used to make these a bunch and am thinking about making them again soon.

    Accomplishing //

    I’ve already touched on this a bit but accomplishing growing our Etsy shop. I’ve been adding a few new items and it’s been really fun and fulfilling to have a little side thing in addition to being a stay-at-home mom. I’m so thankful to have a place to work and make just a little bit of extra money for our family!

    What about you? Do you have a “side hustle”? I honestly hate that phrase but I’m not sure what else to call it haha. If you don’t, do you want one? I know not everyone even has the desire (or time!) to have one.

    Linking up with Anne today.

  • Faith,  Life

    Currently, January 2019

    c h o o s i n g

    To let God fill in the gaps. I am such a level 10 perfectionist and hate relying on others so I try to do everything myself and I try to do it all perfectly. God’s really showing me how much I can’t do on my own or perfectly and how I need to trust that he will take care of what I can’t.

    t i d y i n g

    All of the things. Honestly though. I have been purging all of the things from our house. It was completely unplanned too. One day when I was dusting I just started throwing everything out. Our house feels so much better because of it too. I can’t wait to finish the rest of the house I haven’t gotten to yet.

    e x p l o r i n g

    Currently exploring all of the party isles of all of the stores. Shane’s first birthday and party is on Saturday (!!!) and I am currently in preparation mode, buying all of the party supplies.

    r e s o l v i n g

    To waking up before my son each morning. I did it this morning and it is so life giving. There’s just something about waking up and collecting yourself before tending to the needs of a baby. I’m going to be trying to do this every day.

    r e f r e s h i n g

    Our home. While I was tidying up and purging I also moved some furniture around and our house feels so refreshed because of it. I love moving things around every little while. It makes it feel like you’re living in a whole new space.

  • Baby,  Life

    Currently, October 2017

    Hey friends, I decided to skip over my bumpdate for this week and combine the last two weeks again because there’s not much to update as of right now! I haven’t done a “currently” post since April of this year and SO much has changed since then. (Moving out of our first apartment, finding out I’m pregnant, moving into our new apartment.) If you’re interested in what life was like back then, check that post out here.

    E n j o y i n g / The last few months of it just being my husband and I. I’m so excited to have our little guy join our family in just three short months (😱), but I’m also a bit sad that my time with just Tommy is coming to an end. Going to soak up all the time we have together now!

    R e a d i n g / Honestly, nothing much. I fell off the reading train and can’t seem to get back on. I usually prefer to watch YouTube videos during my free time. Hopefully sometime soon I can prioritize that again.

    W a t c h i n g / Tommy and I have been re-watching How I Met Your Mother at night before bed. This is one of our absolute favorite shows to watch together. I want to stick to light-hearted, funny shows right now while being pregnant because I don’t think my emotions can handle any real drama haha.

    L i s t e n i n g / Jefferson and Alyssa Bethke just re-launched their Podcast, Love That Lasts, and I’ve been listening to that every week. I’m really loving it. One week they talk about just their life and answer questions from listeners and the next week is like a documentary series about marriage. It’s super interesting.

    P r e p p i n g / For baby of course! We have finished painting the nursery, bought and assembled the rocking chair, dresser, and crib! I can’t wait to show you guys in my next bumpdate.

    P i n n i n g / I haven’t been pinning much lately – just some dinner recipes that I want to try.

    L o v i n g / The start to the fall season! I just recently (within the past few years) have fallen in love with fall. We went apple picking this past weekend and it was so much fun.

    E a t i n g / Lots of cinnamon oatmeal in the mornings. I figured out how to make really yummy homemade oatmeal (let me know if you’d be interested in the recipe) and I’ve been eating it a lot lately. It’s so yummy and fall themed. 🙂

    F e e l i n g / Pretty emotional lately. I feel like my hormones are starting to amp back up now that I’m approaching my third trimester. I just feel like I’m starting to feel everything a lot more intensely recently. It’s probably from all of the changes happening as well.

    M i s s i n g / Our old apartment 😔. Reading my April currently post reminded me of how sad I was to move out of that apartment. While I am grateful to have two bedrooms in this one, I still really miss that space.

    D i s c o v e r i n g / New YouTube channels. I never really used to be into watching YouTube until I got pregnant. Now I love to watch mommy vloggers and things like that. If you have any suggestions, please comment them below!

    A n t i c i p a t i n g / The birth of our baby boy, duh! 😉

    D r i n k i n g / Pour-over coffee. I’m not sure if that’s its official name but I have started using our pour-over coffee maker instead of K-cups (because we ran out) and it’s been so yummy I haven’t wanted to switch back.

    F i n i s h i n g / My baby registry! My baby shower should be in about a month and I’m so excited to keep preparing for baby.

    What have you guys been up to? Comment below, I’d love to know. 🙂

  • Life

    Currently, April 2017

    Hey friends! Sorry for the lack of “real post” topics lately. I’ve just been so busy with all the packing and making sure that we are on top of everything that I haven’t had much extra headspace to think about sitting down and writing a very in-depth post. But I didn’t want to not post at all so I figured a currently post would be fun. Affiliate links appear below just in case you want to check anything out for yourself!

    E n j o y i n g / The last few days in our apartment. As I keep mentioning over and over, we are moving out this weekend so I am trying my best to enjoy the last few days we have left.

    R e a d i n g / No Fear by Tony Perkins (book review coming Monday!) and The Girls by Emma Cline, which I just started. I have made it a point to read every night before bed instead of watching Netflix and it’s a nice change to my routine. I’m planning on doing book reviews once a month on whatever books I finish that month.

    W a t c h i n g / Honestly I don’t think anything for the first time in my life. I watch some of those jail shows on Netflix during the day if I’m crocheting but I’m trying to stay away from getting sucked into another series on Netflix (for now at least 😉).

    L i s t e n i n g / To Around the Table Podcast. I just started listening and then found out that they are no longer doing anymore new ones but at least there are PLENTY of old episodes to keep me busy for a while.

    P r e p p i n g / Myself to start eating super healthy next week. With all of the craziness of vacation and packing comes a ton of terrible for you take out food so I’m planning on doing Paleo next week for a nice reset.

    E n d i n g / My streak of being unhealthy! I’m also planning on jumping back on the workout train again. It definitely helps that the weather is starting to really warm up lately too.

    P i n n i n g / All sorts of things! I’m particularly loving the Bible Verse board that I made recently.

    L o v i n g / The new inspiration that I have to be creative. I’m thinking about getting a Journaling Bible and trying out DaySpring Illustrated Faith Starter Kit. I never thought that I was creative enough but after watching Leah’s flip-through of her Bible and showed that it’s not that hard to do, I’ve wanted to try it myself. I know mine won’t be anywhere near as good as hers but I think it would be so much fun to do still.

    E a t i n g / Like garbage. I literally had Wendy’s last night on my way home from my mom’s. We’ve gotten slightly better this week but still can’t wait for our reset next week for sure.

    F e e l i n g / All sorts of emotions. Sad about leaving our apartment. Happy for a new start somewhere else. Excited about this little space on the internet of mine. Refreshed from the sunny days.

    E d i t i n g / I guess just blog posts after I finish them!

    M i s s i n g / This time last year and all of the anticipation that went along with planning the wedding. It was such a fun time.

    D i s c o v e r i n g / That I don’t have to put so much pressure on myself to be all the things. I want to grow my blog and help out my husband financially, but I’m learning that I don’t have to put so much pressure to be more. Both God and my husband love and accept me as I am now so I’m trying to do the same!

    A n t i c i p a t i n g / My cousin’s wedding! He’s getting married on May 13th and I’m so excited to go down to Maryland and celebrate with him.

    T w e e t i n g / Not too much! But only because I need more friends on Twitter! I just recently decided I wanted to start using my Twitter more for my blog. Let’s be friends and tweet together! 🤗

    D r i n k i n g / Lots and lots of water. I downloaded the app Plant Nanny and it’s supposed to help you drink enough water throughout the day. Every time you take a drink, you water your plant as well. It is totally working for me! My husband laughs at how much fun I’m having watching the plant grow. Hey, whatever works, right?

    F i n i s h i n g / Reading Jeremiah in my Bible so I can start our Bible Study come Wednesday! Are you joining in with us? If not, you totally should! It’s going to be soo much fun and it’s not too late to get your book!


    What have you been up to lately friends?