So now that it is finally spring and will hopefully be warming up soon, I wanted to write a post about how to refresh for spring. And while I understand that probably most of my readers actually don’t live in New Jersey, you can “reset” and do these things anytime! These are great things to do if you feel like your life just needs a bit of change or refreshing. 😉
5 Ways To Refresh For Spring
1 | Deep Clean Your House
You saw this one coming right, haha. They don’t call it spring cleaning for nothing. There’s just something about when the weather starts warming up that makes you just want to clean everything. But even if you don’t feel like doing it, I highly suggest it because once everything is clean you will feel so much better. Now’s a good time to get to that big project, like cleaning out the pantry, that you’ve been meaning to get to all winter.
2 | Hop Back On The Healthy Eating Train
Now is the perfect time to clean up your diet if you’re anything like me and went a little crazy during the winter months. Since it’s getting warm again, there should be an even better selection of yummy fruits and veggies too. Maybe go so far as to challenge yourself to 30 days of clean eating to really reset how you’re feeling. (Might I even suggest Whole 30? I was thinking of maybe doing this with my husband soon.) Nothing makes me feel quite as good as eating healthy, nutritious food does!
3 | Refresh Your Wardrobe
While you’re doing your deep cleaning, make sure to go through your clothes as well. Donate clothes that you haven’t worn in over a year and make room for some new ones that will make you feel even better about yourself. Even if you only go out and buy two new tops, I’m positive this small change will help you feel good about yourself.
4 | Get Your Nails Done
I always feel more pulled together when my nails look great. Getting a manicure and pedicure are great ways to feel more confident and comfortable in your own skin. It’s perfect timing too because pretty soon you’ll be wearing flip-flops and open-toed shoes! This is actually one of my favorite self-care tips.
5 | Join a Gym or Start a Fitness Routine
I don’t know about you guys, but the cold weather makes me never want to leave the house, especially not to go to the gym! Once it starts warming up though it’s a great time to get back to those New Year’s resolutions of working out. 😉 Or if you’re not the gym type, there are so many awesome workouts on YouTube that you can do from the comfort of your own home (and they’re free!). What more could we ask for. My husband and I have been doing Yoga With Adriene’s 30 day challenge.
I’m confident that if we do all of these things (or at least a few), that we will definitely feel refreshed for spring. I am planning on doing as many as I can.
\\I’d love to know, how do you refresh for spring?