• Baby

    Shane Thomas: Seven Months

    Okay so Shane officially turns eight months old tomorrow so uh this is a little bit late. Oops. Better late than never though I guess. I did update in his baby book and take pictures on time so at least the information is on time. 😉

    I am going to be using the information that I recorded in Shane’s baby book for this update.

    STATS: I don’t know exactly how much Shane weighs but I know he’s growing right on track still because I weigh him every once in a while and keep track of how much he’s gaining.

    Shane laughs when… when we act like we are going to “get him”. He gets slightly scared and laughs so much. He’s also quite ticklish so he laughs when we tickle him as well.

    Sleep + Schedule: His sleep and schedule is just about the same as last month. If you missed that post, you can check it out here. The only difference is that he has dropped a nap and also a bottle. He generally only naps twice a day and takes three 2 ounce bottles of formula.

    What do people point out about your baby? How happy he is, how big his eyes are, and how much he looks like his daddy.

    Us at Lake George 🙂

    New Trips We’ve Taken: We took our first family vacation to Lake George this month! Traveling with a baby is quite the experience though. Shane did great on the car rides both to and from Lake George. (It takes about 3 hours to get there.) Although it’s quite interesting taking care of him when we aren’t at home.

    Does your baby have any teeth? Nope, still nothing!

    Solids: Shane still absolutely love eating. He’s had many new foods this month although I don’t know exactly which ones because I haven’t been keeping track.

    That’s all for this month! Check back soon though because his 8 month update should be up shortly. This next month was a big one!