• Life

    Shane’s 2nd Birthday

    Last Sunday was Shane’s second birthday and we had the best time celebrating our sweet boy. I wanted to recap the day on the blog for memories sake but also to share with you guys too. I still can’t believe we have a two year old!

    When Shane woke up I had balloons blown up and ready to dump into his crib! He loved it and we played with them for the next 30 mins or so. It was so much fun and a great start to the day!

    We then remembered that Shane loves donuts so we decided to go to the local marketplace and order some breakfast. As you can see Shaney thoroughly enjoyed his donut! And yes he ate the whole thing! I couldnt believe it lol!

    After breakfast, our big two year old requested to watch his favorite movie, Frozen. How could we turn him down?

    On his birthday it was insanely warm for New Jersey in January, it was over 60 degrees! Normal temperatures are anywhere from 0-40ish? Sixty degrees was a dream and even though we all had colds and weren’t really feeling super well, we decided to take advantage of the warm weather and went for a walk around the block! It felt really nice to be out in the sunshine.

    After Shane woke up from his nap, it was time for the thing we we’re most excited about! We took Shane to his first movie in the theaters and saw Frozen 2! He currently loves watching movies and absolutely loves Frozen. He was the absolute sweetest in the movies and loved it and the whole experience so much! Tommy and I both said watching him enjoy the movie was the most fun we’ve had in a long time. He was just so cute!

    After the movie we went back to my mom’s house and ordered pizza and had a very small party to celebrate our two year old! It was a really sweet time celebrating with everyone.

    I kind of fell off the picture train at this point. My cold started getting really bad and I felt feverish so I forgot all about taking pictures. I’m pretty bummed I didn’t get a picture of his cake. I made this one for him and put a little Olaf on top with a little “2” candle. It was simple but really cute.

    We just loved celebrating our sweet boy and it was such a fun, special day!

  • Baby

    Shane’s “Wild One” Birthday

    I thought it was time I finally get to sharing some birthday party pictures with you guys!

    But before I get into that, I wanted to thank everyone who filled out My Reader Survey! I’ve never done one before and it was super helpful! And as promised, Mary won the $10 Starbucks giveaway for participating! Congratulations!!

    Shane’s first birthday was everything I hoped it would be. It was a small family party that ended up being very low-key and relaxing.

    Shane had the best time! He had so much fun playing with his family. (And having all the attention on him! 😉)

    The Decor

    Our theme was “Wild One” and I spent so much time working on all of the decor. I took some pictures before the party started of everything we did.

    We had some appetizers, had our favorite Italian restaurant cater, and my mother-in-law made adorable cupcakes for dessert.

    I forgot to take pictures during the party but I asked some friends and family to send me theirs and have a few from when Shane was eating his smash cake.

    It was a really fun party and it was so special celebrating our one year old!

  • Baby

    Shane Thomas: Eleven Months

    I can’t believe that my baby is almost one years old! I already miss little baby Shane! Let’s take a look back really quickly to see just how little he really was…

    Omg so small and precious!

    Okay, now back to Shane’s ELEVEN month update!

    What color are your baby’s eyes now? Hazel/Brownish. If you look closely, in the light they look hazel but if you look quickly they look brown.

    What makes your baby laugh? Shane is super silly and thinks it’s funny when he or someone around him sneezes. He also still loves when we try to “get” him. He laughs every time.

    What noises does your baby make? He “talks” all day. He makes a ton of noise and sounds while he’s playing.

    In what way is your baby moving? Shane finally started crawling with his belly off of the ground. He also started walking along furniture too!


    • 7:30am- Wake up + nurse
    • 8:30am- Eat breakfast
    • 9:30am- Nurse + naptime
    • 11:00-11:15am- Wake up + nurse
    • 12:30pm- Lunch time
    • 2:00pm- Nurse + naptime
    • 3:30pm- Wakeup + Snack
    • 5:00pm- Nurse
    • 6:30pm- Dinnertime
    • 8:00pm- Nurse + Bedtime
    • 10:00-10:30pm- Dreamfeed
    • 3:00am- Dreamfeed. (I am planning on dropping this dreamfeed around Shane’s first birthday. I am trying to make sure he gets enough milk, as I am attempting to wean him off of all of his formula.)

    What teeth does your baby have? Still only his bottom two. It looks like his top four are starting to come in though.

    He loooves his puppy!

    Favorite toy or Thing to Play with: The remote or anything that is not really a toy! 😉

    How is your baby sleeping at night? We finally moved Shane to his own room this month. It was a little bit sad for me. I’m actually still getting used to it. I loved having him right next to my bed. As I mentioned in my last update though, he wasn’t sleeping well at all and I was ready to try just about anything to get more sleep. Turns out he slept way better in his room so we’ve stuck to that. 

    What new tricks can your baby do? Shane started waving when someone says hi to him. I’m pretty sure he says hi back sometimes, but I’m still unsure because he won’t ever repeat me if I ask him to say hi.

    I can’t believe the next update will be his one year update! I wish he could stay this little forever!

  • Baby

    Shane Thomas: Ten Months

    Finally getting all caught up… here we go!

    What does your baby love getting into? Shane loooves getting into everything he shouldn’t be. He loves trying to eat our dog’s food. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    Our first time eating out with Shane

    Your favorite thing about your baby’s personality:  I love how happy and playful Shane is. Everyone always mentions how happy he is.

    In what way is your baby moving? Shane is crawling all around and pulling up to stand on everything.

    What foods are your baby’s favorites? Shane’s absolute favorite food right now is yogurt. He will always eat yogurt. He also really likes bananas like his daddy.

    What new tricks can your baby do? He learned to clap and give kisses this month! I can’t even explain how adorable it is when he gives kisses. I’m sure you know very well if you have your own baby. It’s just the best!

    How is your baby sleeping at night? This has been the worst night for sleep since he was a newborn. He wakes up anywhere from 3-6 times a night! 😴

    This picture was staged but sometimes Shane and I would fall back asleep together. I miss those days!

    What noises does your baby make? Shane babbles all day. He likes to say dadada a lot.

    What does your baby dislike? Shane has started to dislike being in the car. I’m not sure if it’s because he’s bored or is uncomfortable in his car seat or what it is.

    Shane loves music just like his dad. When we play music he dances and it’s the sweetest thing.

    What is your baby’s relationship like with his cousins? How do they interact? He hasn’t noticed his baby cousin too much yet. He’s only been around him a couple of times. There was one time though where Shane did notice him and kept wanting to touch him.

    What is your baby’s relationship like with his pets? Shane loves his puppy so much. We are in the process of teaching him to do nice to her still but he loves following her around.

    Shane had his first Halloween this month. He was a hedgehog! The cutest hedgehog ever if you ask me!

  • Baby

    Shane Thomas: Eight Months

    I’m still so behind on these as Shane is now 9.5 months old (😅) but I refuse to give these up so I’m going to keep posting, even if they are super late!

    What is your baby’s favorite toy? He has a few — he loves his Nuby teether, activity cube, and his activity table.

    What new tricks can your baby do? Just a couple of days before he turned eight months he started saying dada. He has not stopped saying it since. 😉

    How is your baby sleeping at night? To maintain my milk supply, I still nurse him at 1:30. He will 95% of the time just fall right back asleep after. Then he wakes back up around 6-7 to nurse again, and only sometimes will go right back to sleep. I think Shane is a morning person!

    What noises does your baby make? Shane babbles a lot, mostly only when you are home and comfy. Sometimes he likes to yell too.

    What foods are your baby’s favorites? Shane loves pumpkin and yogurt the most.

    What size clothes is your baby wearing? He still fits in 3-6 month pants, but is in 6-9 month sleepers.

    What does your baby dislike? He does not like being held too tightly, like if you are trying to give him a hug. He loves to explore and does not like if we try to stop him.

    This was the last time he ever sat in this toy… haha

    What is your baby’s relationship like with you? I feel like mine and Shane’s relationship has grown a lot this month. When I’m close by, he will sometimes put his arms up for me to pick him up. Or if someone else is holding him he will sometimes reach for me. I feel like he looks to me for comfort and it’s the best thing.

    Blurry but so cute

    What is your baby’s relationship like with his dad? Shane’s relationship with his dad is so precious to watch. Tommy is such a good dad and is always trying (and succeeding) in making Shane laugh. They have so much fun together!

  • Baby

    Shane Thomas: Seven Months

    Okay so Shane officially turns eight months old tomorrow so uh this is a little bit late. Oops. Better late than never though I guess. I did update in his baby book and take pictures on time so at least the information is on time. 😉

    I am going to be using the information that I recorded in Shane’s baby book for this update.

    STATS: I don’t know exactly how much Shane weighs but I know he’s growing right on track still because I weigh him every once in a while and keep track of how much he’s gaining.

    Shane laughs when… when we act like we are going to “get him”. He gets slightly scared and laughs so much. He’s also quite ticklish so he laughs when we tickle him as well.

    Sleep + Schedule: His sleep and schedule is just about the same as last month. If you missed that post, you can check it out here. The only difference is that he has dropped a nap and also a bottle. He generally only naps twice a day and takes three 2 ounce bottles of formula.

    What do people point out about your baby? How happy he is, how big his eyes are, and how much he looks like his daddy.

    Us at Lake George 🙂

    New Trips We’ve Taken: We took our first family vacation to Lake George this month! Traveling with a baby is quite the experience though. Shane did great on the car rides both to and from Lake George. (It takes about 3 hours to get there.) Although it’s quite interesting taking care of him when we aren’t at home.

    Does your baby have any teeth? Nope, still nothing!

    Solids: Shane still absolutely love eating. He’s had many new foods this month although I don’t know exactly which ones because I haven’t been keeping track.

    That’s all for this month! Check back soon though because his 8 month update should be up shortly. This next month was a big one!