What we’re eating this week:
Funny you ask because next on my to-do list is to make a meal plan for our last week in our apartment. So honestly I’m not sure exactly what we’ll be eating but I plan to eat mostly Paleo this week because we have been eating horribly for the last month or so and it’s really effecting both my husband and I. We could really use a good reset.
What I’m reminiscing about:
Our wedding! We got married May 22, 2016 and I’ve been thinking a lot about how it’s almost May and how much that reminds me of this time last year when it was all things wedding related. I’m sad our first year of marriage is coming to a close! But I love looking back on this day – I’m so happy I got to marry my best friend.
What I’m loving:

My relationship with God feels so refreshed right now and I’m loving that so much. I’m looking forward to quiet times with God and am getting more into taking notes in my Bible too. I took notes at church for the first time and I really loved it. I never thought that I would like taking notes while listening to a sermon so it was a pleasant surprise and I can’t wait to continue with it.
I’m also feeling refreshing with my blog too. I changed my posting schedule and am starting a Bible Study in May and I’m really excited about both.
What we’ve been up to:
We took a trip to Florida a couple of weeks ago and had so much fun. My husband, mom, cousin, brother and his girlfriend spent a week with my grandparents. We had such a great time catching up with them and exploring the area. (They live about an hour from Orlando.)
What I’m dreading:

Moving out of our first apartment we shared together. 🙁 I’m slowly coming to terms with this but I am definitely not looking forward to it.
What I’m working on:
Like I mentioned before, I’m working on putting together a Bible study for my blog. We are starting in May and it’s not too late to join! If you want to join us we are reading Finding I AM – Bible Study Book: How Jesus Fully Satisfies the Cry of Your Heart (affiliate link). Check out this post if you want to learn more or join us.
I’m also working on reading more. I am making it a habit to read every night before bed instead of watching Netflix. It’s a little hard at first but I’m excited to finally start reading again.
What I’m excited about:

I haven’t mentioned this here yet but Tommy and I are going to Cozumel, Mexico! We booked a trip to celebrate our One Year Anniversary. We aren’t going until June, but it’s going to be so.much.fun.
What I’m watching/reading:
Like I mentioned above, I’m jumping back on the reading train and the first book that I’m reading is called No Fear by Tony Perkins. I’m only a chapter in but I have a feeling it’s going to be super encouraging when it comes to sharing my faith.
I’m taking a break with Netflix but I am in the middle of Gilmore Girls and I am currently watching the new season of Teen Mom OG. (Pls don’t judge me! I lovelovelove Teen Mom.)
What I’m listening to:
Just some Christian music whenever I’m doing chores. I’m trying to make it a point to turn on something to listen to more often.
Also, send all of your Podcast suggestions my way! I’m looking to get into Podcasts but I’m finding it’s really hard for me to find ones that I really like.
What I’m wearing:
All comfy clothes. Always. 😉
What I’m doing this weekend:
MOVING OUT OF OUR APARTMENT. That should take up just about all of our weekend I would think.
What I’m looking forward to next month:
Celebrating ONE YEAR OF MARRIAGE on May 22! We don’t have any plans for the day yet, but will probably go out to dinner or something since we have our big trip that I mentioned coming up on June 5th.
What else is new:
I think that covers all the bases honestly.
What’s new with you?
What have you been up to?