- Our Engagement Story
- Ceremony Pictures
- Getting Ready
- Bride + Groom
- Bridal Party
- Family Pictures
- Reception
- Decor Pictures + Details
New York City + A Mishap
Right at the end of our reception we took a limo from the venue to New York City where we would fly out right to Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic! P.S. Let’s not forget though, the pastor who officiated our wedding forgot to sign and have everyone else sign our wedding license, so we technically were not “officially” married at this point! We had to meet him, and have him bring two random “witnesses” to sign our wedding license on the way into the city!!! It was crazy and stressful and definitely not how I pictured this time, haha. But now I guess we have a fun story to tell. 😉
We finally arrived at our hotel in the city at close to midnight, but at least we made it and were now officially married! It was a gorgeous hotel room, which we actually didn’t take any pictures of because we were so overwhelmed with what had just happened and about the fact that we were now married!! This is when it actually hit me, and I still get so excited when I think back on this moment.
Up Bright and Early To Catch A Plane
The plane ride was about 3 hours and wasn’t bad at all. We still were so excited to be married that it really didn’t matter what we did at this point I don’t think, we were just so happy. We stayed at Confresi Palm Beach & Spa Resort, which was all-inclusive.
Arriving at our Resort
We arrived and got settled into our room and were just so thankful to be there. It’s actually killing me to write about this because I am so desperately craving a trip to a tropical beach right now, haha! Up above is the view right outside our hotel room.
Fun in the Sun
We spent our days by first waking up and making the most amazing coffee in our room, and drinking it our on the balcony while reading our Bibles. Then we would head to breakfast at the buffet, and go back to our rooms and change into bathing suits. We would then head to either one of the really nice pools they had or down to the beach.
On the beach in the picture above, there were wait staff where they would bring you any food or drink you wanted right to your chair. It was awesome, but a little much for Tommy and I, haha.
Our Fun Rings
We bought these rings from Qalo to use on our honeymoon because we heard of all the horror stories of people losing their rings on their honeymoons. These rings are great, and we still use them to this day if we’re doing anything were we think we could lose them.
Our Evenings
After we were done spending the day at the pool we would go back and shower and get ready for dinner. We either would head back to the buffet (where we would also eat for lunch), or go to one of the restaurants we made reservations for. Our favorite was the Italian restaurant (pictured above).
A Sick Day
We did have one day that was not the greatest. I got sick during the middle of the vacation, and ended up going to the doctors on the resort. They gave me antibiotics and I was okay the next day.
All in all though it was a great first trip to take as husband and wife. We headed back home after six nights there and it was so much fun. Now I am missing it so much and desperately want to go back! 🙁